What Lemmings games do you own?

Started by Anatol, August 31, 2004, 12:29:16 AM

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All New World of Lemmings is also called Lemmings Chronicles. In America and Europe they had different names.


Now, I have all classical Lemmings games (special demos included: SaveLem and LemmComp)! Like I said, I have also Lemmings 2 and 3, but they doesn't work. I got Lemmings 3D! The only games are missing in my Lemmings collection are:

- Lemmings Paintball full version
- Lemmings Revolution full version

That's all!
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


I think my favorite Lemmings games would be Lemmings 1 and it's mini-sequel "Oh No! More Lemmings".


My favourite has to be the Tribes closely followed by the original Lemmings. It's such a shame that there isn't an editor for the Tribes, i'd really like to make my own levels for it  :-/


There IS an editor. But only for... MAC? I forgot.


I dont have a ...MAC
I have a ...PC
That runs on ...XP


My favorite was, and always will be, Tribes.


all i have are paintball, lemmings, onml, and revolution.


Original, ONML(both on WinLemm),Xmas '93, Paintball and Lemmings 3D. Once it and I had sorted out our differences, Lemmings 3D became my favourite.


I've only got Lemmings (Mac and Genesis) and ONML (Mac). Favourite: definitely the original. But then, I always prefer the original; Civilization II is the only exception so far.


Civ II, now there's a classic. Are you aware that Civ IV is on its way?


I wasn't, no. I haven't even tried III yet, though from what I've heard of it I don't think I want to.


Quote from: Andi  link=1093912156/15#19 date=1099657893There IS an editor. But only for... MAC? I forgot.
There's a L2 level editor for AMIGA!


The only lemmings game I've ever owned was ONML. It was on a 5 1/4" floppy (which I lost), but I could never get it to work... :(

Edit: Found the 3 1/2" disk that I copied the files to... to bad it only has the tga executables... I think I'm missing some (hidden?) files that I forgot to copy... :(


Quote from: Mindless  link=1093912156/15#27 date=1119636413There's a L2 level editor for AMIGA!
I know, but how do you get it to work? Can I run it in an Amiga emulator?


Quote from: Isu  link=1093912156/15#28 date=1119637170
I know, but how do you get it to work? Can I run it in an Amiga emulator?
You need:
Amiga Workbench (don't know what version, try 2.1)
Kickstart (2.05 (V37) or higher)
Lem2HD patch from AMINET
Lemmings 2 disks (get them from my site)

Basicly you load up Workbench, copy the files off of all 3 Lemmings 2 disks to your hard drive (make a directory, and add it to the list of hard drives in the emulator), extract the patch in the same directory.  Then extract the level editor into a directory in the hard drive directory. Next install the editor.

I haven't had time to do this myself, but with a bit of work it should run.

Edit: Refined instructions. I'm still not sure how to install the editor, but I got L2 to work under Workbench 2.05.