Author Topic: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]  (Read 8789 times)

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Offline Turrican

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Here is the second version of my pack. The pack contains 36 levels. 17 levels from the first version , plus 19 new levels.

About the ranks : The original pack had 3 ranks ( Wild , Wicked , and Bonus ) .  The new pack has 3 main rank , and one bonus rank. The main ranks , use name of stars now ( Sun , Pollux , And Rigel ) . The reasons for this change is because , it will allow me on the future to add more ranks ( if i make more levels ) , without the need to release another pack , and also it allows the difficulty to be reset ( as it happens here , between the second and the third rank ) .

The first rank contains 8 levels , the second rank contains 7 levels , and the third rank contais 12 levels and the Bonus rank which contains 9 levels. The 26 levels in the three main ranks , and six levels in the bonus rank are made by me , and the other three levels from the Bonus rank are "Lemmix to Neolemmix" level conversions , that I have done in the past.

The three converted levels are: "All that a Basher can Do" by Dodochacalo , "Is There a Pilot in the Rocket ?" by Dodochacalo , and "Bubble Bath" by Gronkling.

You will find the pack , as an attachment in the bottom of this post. I have attached also , the replays of the solutions of the levels.

About the styles : Some levels require the "turrican special" tileset , in order to work. I have attached it to this post.

Also one of the level needs , one of the Festival Millas 2002 tilesets ( plom_stnebula ) . Because that tileset is relatively new , if you haven't it already , you can find it on the Festival Millas 2002 release thread. Here a link for that thread :

About the music :  The soundtrack of the pack , contains several new tracks ( plus the tracks that were contained on the original pack ) .

Here is the link for my Dropbox , where you can download the music tracks for the levels of the pack:

It contains a folder , called "Turrican projects". You need to put that folder , inside the music folder.

Special thanks to :

Jkapp76 , for creating and providing , the logo for the pack.

Nessy and Namida , for putting some of their levels in the "Bits of levels you can finish" thread , so I could use them as basis for four of the levels , contained in the pack.

IchoTolot ,  for giving me permission to put his solution for "FC Lems screwed by the refs" , in the replay collection.

Armani , for giving me permission , to use his lemmings-like shapes for one of the levels.

Armani , IchoTolot , Kaywhyn , and Mobius , for sending me solutions for several levels , that are contained in the pack .


I have uploaded, the version 1.01 of the pack, which is based on solutions , and feedback by Kaywhyn.

First of all , Rigel 10 (Cyberlems 2555) , has now become Rigel 11 , and it is called now "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 2". The new Rigel 10 , is a level called
"Cyberlems 2555 - Part 1" , and it's a level that will help you research, most of the key skill assignments, that you will need in order to solve Part 2.

Both levels contain, several visual hints on their terrain, that will help you to properly find, the correct skill assigments, that you will need , in order to solve both levels.

Here are some instructions, of how to use these properly markers:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Rigel 11 also, contains , several other changes on it,s terrain , that make it a bit easier, compared to the  original version.

The updated version of the pack also contains backroute fixes for two levels. More precicely, it contains the version 1.03 of Rigel 1 - "Chocolate Rush" (it has now , a time limit), and the version 1.01 of Rigel 7 - "A Place Lost In the Aether" (it contains a small terrain change).

I have uploaded also , the updated replay collection for the pack.

NEW EDIT: I have uploaded, the version 1.11 of the pack. It contains a new level. That level is : Rigel 9 - ''Space Program 10.000 B.C.' .

In order to play it , you will need also , one of the Festival Millas 2002 tilesets ( plom_stnebula ) . Because that tileset is relatively new , if you haven't it already , you can find it on the Festival Millas 2002 release thread. Here a link for that thread :

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in this post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here are some pictures from some of the new levels:

                                                                                          "The Moon on Vacation"

                                                               ''Underwater Caverns''

« Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 02:57:44 AM by Turrican »
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :

Online kaywhyn

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2023, 10:54:32 PM »
Onto my to-play list this goes! :thumbsup: Only 10 levels to play here, all in the Rigel rank, since the rest of it is just from Mike's Lemmings. Looking forward to when I get to this! :) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline Turrican

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2023, 03:32:38 PM »
Onto my to-play list this goes! :thumbsup: Only 10 levels to play here, all in the Rigel rank, since the rest of it is just from Mike's Lemmings. Looking forward to when I get to this! :)

Looking forward to your playthrough ! :thumbsup:
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :

Offline Turrican

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2023, 09:51:21 PM »
I have uploaded, the version 1.01 of the pack, which is based on solutions , and feedback by Kaywhyn.

First of all , Rigel 10 (Cyberlems 2555) , has now become Rigel 11 , and it is called now "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 2". The new Rigel 10 , is a level called
"Cyberlems 2555 - Part 1" , and it's a level that will help you research, most of the key skill assignments, that you will need in order to solve Part 2.

Both levels contain, several visual hints on their terrain, that will help you to properly find, the correct skill assigments, that you will need , in order to solve both levels.

Here are some instructions, of how to use these properly markers:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Rigel 11 also, contains , several other changes on it,s terrain , that make it a bit easier, compared to the  original version.

The updated version of the pack also contains backroute fixes for two levels. More precicely, it contains the version 1.03 of Rigel 1 - "Chocolate Rush" (it has now , a time limit), and the version 1.01 of Rigel 7 - "A Place Lost In the Aether" (it contains a small terrain change).

I have uploaded also , the updated replay collection for the pack.

Here is how "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 1" looks:

« Last Edit: December 31, 2023, 11:02:59 AM by Turrican »
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :

Offline jkapp76

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2023, 10:46:08 PM »
Here's a Logo file I made for this pack. I've made logos for every pack in my computer that was missing them. (That's how serious my life is lately)
...Jeremy Kapp

Offline Turrican

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2023, 10:58:26 PM »
Here's a Logo file I made for this pack. I've made logos for every pack in my computer that was missing them. (That's how serious my life is lately)

Thank you for the logo! :thumbsup: Most probably next week , I will release an update, where I will reposition two of the levels , on the Rigel rank , and I will also include your logo!
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :

Offline Turrican

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2023, 10:17:34 PM »
I have uploaded, the version 1.02 of the pack.

The pack has now it's own logo! Many thanks to Jkapp76 , for creating and providing , the logo for the pack! :thumbsup:
Also , the level Rigel 3 - "Subspace" , has now become Rigel 5 , and the level Rigel 5 - "Underwater Caverns" , has now become Rigel 7.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :

Online kaywhyn

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2023, 07:22:45 PM »
Hi Turrican,

I have solved all of the new Rigel rank, including the original Rigel 10. My entire replay collection is attached. This is feedback for the initial release version, not v1.02. Also, I did an LP of the rank: Here, you want to start at the first video after part 8 of Mike's Lemmings. Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

Mike's Lemmings Version 2 can be thought of more as an expansion to the original Mike's Lemmings, which I've completed from a while back. The Wild and Wicked ranks from Mike's Lemmings are called Sun and Pollux, respectively, here in Mike's Lemmings Version 2. Mike's Lemmings Version 2 adds a new rank called Rigel, between the Pollux and Bonus ranks. However, instead of having 7 levels, the new Rigel rank has 10 levels (11 in v1.02).

I must say, the new Rigel rank is quite tough but I really enjoyed some of the challenges in it! Think of the Rigel rank as the equivalent of Havoc from ONML. Since it comes right after both Wild and Wicked, it therefore makes sense the Rigel rank is very hard! In particular, I found Rigel 3 and Rigel 5 too tough for the first half of the rank. Turrican has accordingly moved them to later in the rank in v.102. They are now Rigel 5 and Rigel 7, respectively, and I think they are now much better positioned as a result. I always tell authors to be very wary of early roadblocks, as this increases the chances of players rage quitting a pack, which is never good for a pack IMO. Now, I don't have any experience with making a pack whatsoever, but I'm sure this is a general consensus.

Rigel Rank Feedback (initial release)

As I am the first player to properly play through the rank, I therefore was first to give Turrican feedback, and he found it super valuable and helpful. I'm glad, because I simply want future players to enjoy his levels/pack rather than go through the same frustrating experience as me. In particular, promise me, you DO NOT want to see the original Rigel 10! After first attempting the level on video, I almost went on a full blown-out rage privately to Turrican about the level. He felt bad about that, as I later did myself, but in turn he has released updates to the level. I have taken a look at them in the final video of my LP that I recorded several hours ago, and I absolutely agree that they are much better than the original version! :thumbsup: The only thing is that I didn't give Turrican feedback about them before he released an update to this pack, but I think it was for the better, as he would had waited for a long time on me otherwise to get back to him on them. I think it was for the best that I got away from the level for as long as I could, and I think that really helped. Let's just say last night I was very determined to get the original Rigel 10 level solved once and for all, as I had a couple of hours to spare. Yes, there was still some frustration during the process, but I really think the shower I took beforehand really helped there! I also played under the condition of a breeze of cold air blowing on me from playing in not so sweaty apparel which helped there too. Being sweaty while playing was quite distracting for me. I'm also one of those to not leave things unfinished on the table. Eventually, I always go back and finish what I started! ;)

I still have the original Rigel 10 for anyone who wants to try it, but I'm almost 100% certain you don't want to play it. It will cause a lot of rage and frustration! So really, you can thank me for sparing you the pain and agony of having to play it. You will like the newer versions of Rigel 10 far more! :thumbsup: Yes, there's still a lot of precision, but Turrican has eased a lot of it considerably. I still think the level asks and demands too much of it from the player, but naturally the level design makes it all work out when you finally get the solution to work!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Once again, thanks so much to Turrican to Version 2 of Mike's Lemmings. I absolutely enjoyed the new Rigel rank, and I can definitely recommend players to give it a go, but be warned: These levels are considerably more difficult than either the Wild/Wicked ranks of Mike's Lemmings! Again, the high difficulty completely makes sense if you think of the Rigel rank as the equivalent of the Havoc rank from ONML, which comes after both Wild and Wicked from that game. Also thanks to Turrican for watching my LP and the very nice comments! :thumbsup: - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline Turrican

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2023, 11:10:05 PM »
Hi Turrican,

I have solved all of the new Rigel rank, including the original Rigel 10. My entire replay collection is attached.

Thank you for playing the pack, and congratulations on solving it! :thumbsup:
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :

Online kaywhyn

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2023, 10:52:41 PM »

When you do go through this pack, please let me know when you have completed Rigel 9. At that point, I'm going to ask you to take a look at the original Rigel 10, which you should still have if you downloaded the original version of the pack, as downloading the most current pack version will not overwrite since the level pack folder is differently named with v1.02 appended at the end. If not, I will send the level file to you. My advice to you here is don't bother with the level any further if you can't get it solved after an hour and instead take a look at the new v1.02 updates to the level ;) You'll just be wasting your time otherwise. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline Turrican

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2023, 10:59:01 PM »

When you do go through this pack, please let me know when you have completed Rigel 9. At that point, I'm going to ask you to take a look at the original Rigel 10, which you should still have if you downloaded the original version of the pack, as downloading the most current pack version will not overwrite since the level pack folder is differently named with v1.02 appended at the end. If not, I will send the level file to you. My advice to you here is don't bother with the level any further if you can't get it solved after an hour and instead take a look at the new v1.02 updates to the level ;) You'll just be wasting your time otherwise.

What the original Rigel 10 , has to do with the pack now?
That level is not part of the pack anymore, it has replaced with the two new levels , so it's not required to be completed anymore!
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :

Online kaywhyn

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2023, 12:05:05 AM »
What the original Rigel 10 , has to do with the pack now?
That level is not part of the pack anymore, it has replaced with the two new levels , so it's not required to be completed anymore!

Yes, I'm well aware of that. Just comparing experiences is all :P - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline Turrican

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2023, 04:33:44 PM »
I have uploaded, the version 1.03 of the pack. It contains a new level. That level is : Bonus 4 - "The House With the Thin Foundations" . That level contains AI art .

In order to play it , you will need an updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in the first post.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks :

« Last Edit: July 29, 2023, 12:21:51 PM by Turrican »
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :

Offline Turrican

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2023, 05:43:01 PM »
I have uploaded, the version 1.04 of the pack. It contains a new level. That level is : Bonus 5 -"The Astral Monolith" . That level contains AI art .

In order to play it , you will need an updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in the first post.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :

Offline Turrican

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Re: [Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2023, 10:35:05 PM »
 I have uploaded the version 1.05 of the pack. It contains a "Lemmix to Neolemmix" level conversion of "All that a Basher can Do" by Dodochacalo. The level is placed on the Bonus rank ( second level of the rank ) .

 This is a level that I had modified from the Lemmix version of Revenge of the Lemmings v1 , some years ago , and also , I had made a version of that , for Superlemmini .  The level was in the beta version , of the Lemmix version of RotL , but It was about to be replaced , because in order to be solved , it required a Lemmini-only glitch.

My modifications here , are to make the level possible to be solved , without the use of that Lemmini-only glitch. It is a non-glitch level now , but also it's intended solution is close to the original one.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also , I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks  (for the ones , that haven't seen the previous versions of the level) :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :