NeoLemmix > Engine Bugs / Suggestions

[BUG][PLAYER] Skill shadow ignores death from out-of-bounds

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NL 12.5.5 12.12.5.

Have a lemming near the top of the level, almost at the ceiling. Have space in front of the lemming. Select jumper in the panel. Hover over the lemming.

Game draws an arc that goes out of bounds (where nothing is drawn, and this is correct), then returns downwards from the ceiling. But if we assign jumper, the jumper does not follow this arc. Instead, the jumper dies beyond the ceiling and never returns. The arc and the path do not match even though there is no interaction with other lemmings.

Expected: The arc comes back from the ceiling if and only if the jumper survives.

-- Simon

Silken Healer:
What title bar are you using?

It's a screenshot of VLC playing the attached video. It's not a direct screenshot of NL.

-- Simon

Silken Healer:
I know I'm just curious what title bar it is for VLC

It's a title bar in the Curve theme from Xfce 4 on Linux. No particular settings for VLC.

Dekstop stuff must be reasonably dark, moderately small, completely static (buttons or scrollbars shall not roll in and out) and overall nonintrusive.

-- Simon


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