Lemmings Boards > Tech & Research

graphics from the PSP and Vita Lemmings?

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The PS3 applies shaders over the level with different dynamic lights for this reason you are ok when say the level was darker,
that's the original level without any post-processing shader.

The levels on the PS3 are this way and a copy of the same level in n-map, then apply effects to both.

They are in 128x128 blocks on the GPU, then you have to save one by one, normal and normal map blocks,
and make the big one image, it's a lot of work.

That's good, if this is all of them, Show them to The Spriters resource. They'd probably appreciate it :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: again, thank you so much!

All we need are just PSP exits (I still only have one) and PS3 rips

Hate to bump this thread but uh there are like a few things I would request

-Voice Clips from all of the Sony Lemmings titles (PSP, PS3, and Touch)
-Graphic Rips from the PS3 Lemmings
-And music from Lemmings Touch since coverage on touch is EXTREMELY sparce. Like only one song rip is on YouTube and that's a damn shame


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