Author Topic: Family Feud (Round 15)  (Read 49858 times)

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Re: Family Feud – ROUND 8 RESULTS
« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2012, 08:39:19 AM »
Dingdingding! Round 8 is over! Once again there were 11 entries.

1. Name a word ending with the letters 'ough'.

tough: 3
though: 2
through: 2
enough: 1
cough: 1
rough: 1
dinosaur: 1

A tough one (:P) given the number of choices. Fun fact: the most commonly used in actual writing is 'through', according to this page.

2. LET'S LOSE FRIENDS BY BATTLE PLAYING! Which one of the five rules of 2P Lemmings battle-play do you break?

(e) Killing the other player's lemmings instead of saving your own: 4
(a) Digging out of the screen: 2
(b) Blocking in obnoxious locations: 2
(d) Not cooperating on the cooperation levels: 2
(c) Pausing in the middle of a battle: 1

This pretty well matches the overall effectiveness (some may say 'cheapness') of these actions in the game :)

3. The new year approaches, time to get a calendar!
Which of the adorable guinea pig pictures in this calendar is the cutest?

#1: 3
#6: 3
#11: 2
#2: 1
#4: 1
#5: 1

Pretty flowers win the day here. Awww :3

4. It's Christmas time! Yes, already. Well, whether it is or not is up to you! Choose any day from now (November 15) until Christmas Day (December 25) to put up your Christmas tree. That's 41 dates to choose from. Having a tree up gives you Christmas cheer, so for each day your tree is up you gain 0.1 points (including the day you put it up, and up to and including Christmas Day). However, every person who puts their tree up later than you berates you for starting too soon, causing you to lose 0.4 points. You can't get a negative score though, however badly your Christmas gets ruined.

 Date     Cheers  Complaints Score

19 Nov      37        10      0
21 Nov      35         9      0
24 Nov      32         8      0
 4 Dec      22         7      0
 8 Dec      18         6      0
11 Dec      15         5      0
16 Dec      10         4      0
18 Dec       8         3      0
21 Dec (x2)  5         2      0.1
25 Dec       1         0      0.1

Well, this was a miserable Christmas for all involved – including the Quizmaster whose scoring system didn't take into account the number of players. It is marginally better though to just enjoy Christmas when it comes, and not get caught up in the hype early on.

5. There is another soup kitchen across town from geoo's, open 24 hours, but this one operates differently. The student volunteer chef makes soup at a constant rate of 0.3 litres per hour (0.005 per minute). She chooses this rate to make the maths work out nicely, not to help the starving people (seriously how many bums can you expect to feed at that rate). When you visit, you take however much soup there is at the time and leave. Because it's across town and you bums lack a decent means of transport, you can only visit once between 00:00 and 24:00. Choose a time of day, to the minute, to collect your soup. If multiple bums arrive at the same time, each gets an equal share of the offering. You score 1 point * the amount (in litres) of soup you get.

Remarkably, one time got picked twice, out of 1441 possible choices.

Time       Score

01:20      0.4
01:28      0.04
06:37      1.545
06:56      0.095
08:44      0.54
10:57(x2)  0.3325
11:59      0.31
12:00      0.005
13:02      0.31
16:03      0.905

A couple of good scores here, but the real winner is the student volunteer who gets to keep almost a third of the soup for herself! (I knew she wasn't doing it to help the poor! :D)

6. You all enter a dark and scary cave in search of treasure. There isn't any really, but you're not to know that yet :P. The cave is laid out like this:
Whatever path you take, you come across 5 junctions, and at each junction you can turn left or right. What sequence of turns do you take? Because there's no treasure, your only consolation is the shared sense of adventure with your fellow treasure-hunters. After each turn, you gain 0.2 points if you still have company and aren't left on your own, cold and lonely in the deep dark cave.

Let's check out the map and see where everyone ended up:

In case you can't see/interpret the picture:
LLLLL: 5, 1 point
RRRRR: 2, 1 point
RLRLR: 2, 1 point
LLLRL: 1, 0.6 points
LRRRL: 1, 0.2 points

Okay, so most people picked the simplest sequences available. Maybe worth revisiting sometime with different wording (if that's even possible).

7. This question refers to itself. How many players (including yourself) will choose the same number as you for this question? You score 1 point if correct, 1/2 if off by 1, 1/3 if off by 2, etc. Answer must be a positive whole number.

1: picked once, 1 point 8)
2: picked 2 times, 1 point 8)
3: picked once, 1/3 point
4: picked 6 times, 1/3 point
5: picked once, 1/5 point

8. This question also refers to itself. How many players will choose a different number to you for this question? Scoring as in the previous question. Answer must be a positive whole number.

3: picked once, 1/8 point
6: picked once, 1/5 point
7: picked 3 times, 1/2 point
8: picked 4 times, 1/2 point
9: picked once, 1/2 point
13: picked once, 1/4 point

No one got a 8) here, but most (8/11) were only one off.

And now for the rankings! (Scores to 2dp)

1st: Ramon 5.81
2nd: LemSteven 5.74
3rd: möbius 5.31
4th: Rubix 4.63
5th: geoo 4.5
=6th: Clam, Insane Steve 4.31 (exactly equal: 3.64 + 2/3 :o)
8th: Simon 3.98
9th: Gronkling 3.21
10th: ccexplore 2.95
11th: Akseli 2.88

It's been a round of remarkable ties (okay, the tree one isn't remarkable at all if you're familiar with probability) and suboptimal scoring mechanisms. Fun times!

Finally, some loose ends:
1) Thanks to Gronkling for sending in this lovely drawing!

2) I (Clam) scored this round with a spreadsheet:
With this you can:
- See who gave what answers (which, as you've likely noticed, I've left out of this post)
- Check my scoring
- Score your own Feuds by reusing the template :)

See you next time, when there will be a brand new Quizmaster!

Offline chaos_defrost

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #46 on: November 18, 2012, 08:52:31 AM »
Wait why didn't I get any soup  ???

I think I put 8:something which doesn't get me a ton of soup but should bump me up to 4th iirc rabblerabblerabble

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #47 on: November 18, 2012, 08:59:56 AM »
That's what happens when you enter after I've mostly typed up the post ;) Your soup is included in the final score already, you can see this in the spreadsheet.

Offline chaos_defrost

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2012, 09:02:14 AM »
Ah, cool. Doesn't help that I don't have an .xls reader on the netbook here so I can't read the scoresheet until tomorrow. Makes the tie even more awesome  :P

Good round overall  :thumbsup:

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

Offline ccexplore

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #49 on: November 18, 2012, 10:14:40 AM »
Yikes, I was so completely off-base on some of the questions. :XD:

#6: originally picked LLLLL, then changed it to LRRRL because Rubix mentioned that exact sequence in IRC when asking Clam about answer format.  Of course Rubix ended up using another sequence for his answer, so changing my answer totally backfired and made me score lowest on that one (even Rubix's answer scored higher :XD:).

#5: indeed the student volunteer is the real winner here--judging by some of the answers given, I wonder how many people understood that question at all!  I was actually counting on my answer (10:57) to be amongst the earliest ones, and was expecting the answers to cluster more around the later parts of the day, not the early parts.  Even if people picked in early part of the day to avoid a predicted later-part clustering (like I did), I wouldn't expect answers like 1:20 which seems rather absurdly early.

Hell of a coincidence that geoo picked the exact same time as I did :o, good thing this question at least lets you split the spoils evenly in that case.

#4: ok, I have to say my brain probably farted a little on that one.  I was expecting at least one or two people to pick November 15 and thought I could at least beat them.  Should've been more conservative and account for the possibility that my answer may be the earliest (which turned out to be the case), and just pick November 15 to at least make it more likely to get a nonzero score.

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Re: Family Feud ROUND 9
« Reply #50 on: November 18, 2012, 07:55:19 PM »
Come on down!

It’s time to play the Faaamilyyyyy-Fued! The contestants who participate in this round have a chance to win a fabulous prize, tell them what they can win Dave.

Dave: Well Bob, today we have a great prize for everybody. It is… a brand… new… television set! (television set not included with this prize) Back to you Bob.

Thank you Dave.

A few rules first.
-This game will be open for entry for a total of three days, and that's firm. It will not change. Unless the Quizmaster decides differently.
- You hereby swear that all the questions you answer are truthful to the best of your knowledge, before God.
-You may ask the quizmaster questions. He may answer them if he sees fit.
-There is no challenging the quizmaster. If you anger the quizmaster you may lose points.
-The quizmaster can give additional points to those contestants who show extra creativity and awesomeness.
- Mr Green, in the Kitchen, with the Knife

Part One: (In questions 1-5 pick the most popular answer)

1. Who ya gonna call?

2. Whose avatar on this forum is the best?

3. You’re hunting in the forest just to keep your family fed, and you only have 1 bullet left in your gun. So which of the following animals do you shoot and take home for dinner?

a) Capybara
b) Porcupine
c) Guinea pig
d) Beaver

4. Pirates or Vikings?

5. “As the students know, we always ask this question:”
What’s your favorite swear word?

IMPORTANT: The forum automatically censors swear words, so you can censor it yourself if you like. Either way please make sure the quizmaster can understand what the word is. Try using it in a sentence; that will help, and if you’re lucky the sentence may appear on the results for all to see and you may even get an extra point for creativity.

scoring for popular questions:
Your answer was picked x times. The most popular answer was picked y times. Your score is x/y (rounded to the nearest tenth, hundredth etc. if necessary)

Part Two:
Now it’s time to kick it up a notch!

--Trust-- [questions 6,7 and 8 are linked]
6. All the contestants are sent to Compton, California (a notoriously dangerous city). You all must tour the city in pairs, so choose a partner. You must pick (3) players of the last game or ones you think will join this game. You cannot pick yourself. Put your most desirable partner as first on the list. If this player doesn’t participate, your second will get chosen, etc.
This question has no score.

7. (Based on question 6) Imagine you are in the city, with your partner [that you chose in question 6]. Sometime during your tour you need to use a restroom or water closet. But you’re not allowed to take your wallet, purse, or European handbag into the restroom or water closet. You can either

a) Attempt to hide your wallet, purse, or European handbag while doing your business, upon which you get caught and punished. You get 0 points.
b) Entrust your wallet, purse, or European handbag with your partner. You either get 1 point or -1 point with this option depending on the outcome of the next question.

8. (Based on question 6) Now imagine you are in the city, this time assume you were chosen as somebody’s partner. Your partner needs to use the restroom or water closet. Assume they choose to leave their wallet, purse, or European handbag with you. You have two options:

a) STAY and keep their belongings for them.
b) RUN off with all their money and pictures of their children.

Scoring explanation for both 7 and 8:
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. The quizmaster doesn’t like to repeat himself.

-If you chose option (b) in question 7 and the partner you chose chooses to STAY in question 8: you’ll get 1 point.
-If you chose option (b) in question 7 and the partner you chose chooses to RUN in question 8: you’ll get -1 point.

[remember: if you chose option (a) in question 7, you’ll get 0 points for question 7 regardless of the outcome of question 8]

-If you are picked as somebody’s partner and you chose to STAY in question 8 (and they entrusted their money to you): you get 0 points. Kindness isn’t rewarded here.
-If you are picked as somebody’s partner and you chose to RUN in question 8 (and they entrusted their money to you): you get 1 point. You get to run off with money, yay!
-If you’re picked as somebody’s partner, you choose to STAY but they didn’t give you their
wallet, purse or European handbag, you’ll get 1 points.
-If you’re picked as somebody’s partner, you choose to RUN but they didn’t give you their wallet, purse or European handbag, you’ll get 0 points.
-If you are NOT picked as anybody’s partner and you chose to STAY in question 8: you get 1 point for being a good person. Kindness is rewarded here.
-If you are NOT picked as anybody’s partner and you chose to RUN in question 8: you get 0 points (for running away with nothing in your hands).
-If you are picked as partners to multiple people, you’re a popular guy and you’ll get scored for each partner.
-If all three people on your list in question 6 have not participated, you are very unlucky and get -1 point for both 7 and 8.

9.  Dinner Time
All the contestants are at a dinner party, sitting around a large table and there is a plate of food in front of you. However, you are not going to eat the plate in front of you. Rather you must pick from someone else’s plate. You’re picking another contestant again. Pick (3) players other than yourself. You cannot pick your own plate. As in question 6 your first player will be chosen unless they don't participate.

-If all the people on your list do not participate; you’ll get 0 points. (and go away very hungry)
-If you pick a plate that nobody else has picked you’ll get 1 point and yummy food.
-If more than one person pick the same plate, that plate will be divided up evenly, accordingly. (example: if three people pick 1 plate, they all will get 1/3 a point.)
-In addition; if your plate remains untouched you’ll get an extra point. (and more yummy food!)

10. Time Paradox
Who will get first place or the highest score in this game? You’re trying to get the CORRECT answer here.
Pick a member. Whoever picks first place gets 1 point, whoever picks next to first gets 0.9 points, then 0.8, etc. If you pick someone who has entered at least two earlier rounds who does not enter, you will get 0.5 points. This question will be scored last, and will be based on the scores before this question is scored, in order to increase time paradoxification.

Offline ccexplore

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #51 on: November 19, 2012, 12:59:50 AM »
To clarify on question 9, does it mean you only score 0 only if all 3 people you specified in the list all do not participate?

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #52 on: November 19, 2012, 02:46:50 AM »
Yes. ccexplore is very wise. (the quizmaster re-worded the post)

It has also come to the attention of the quizmaster that there is a flaw in question 8. As of now, ignore it and participate as usual until the league of awesomeness can fix this catastrophe.

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #53 on: November 19, 2012, 05:00:48 AM »
For clarity, the flaw is the point distribution in this case:
- Let A denote the set of players that choose player B as their partner.
- A is not empty.
- All players from A smuggle the wallet into the restroom.
- Player B runs.

Point distribution is ambiguous because there are merely statements for "B is not chosen by anyone and runs away with nothing" and "B is chosen and runs away with money".

Actually, möbius sent me the questions beforehand to check for any holes like this, I'm a bit afraid that this has slipped through. >_> This multi-question is actually one of the most complex we've had so far.

-- Simon

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #54 on: November 19, 2012, 05:03:50 AM »
The Birthday Paradox

works out the chance of two people picking the same answer from a fixed number of options, if everyone chooses at random. (Okay, we don't really answer at random, but this way you can at least calculate something :P)

11 people entered Round 8, so the chances of a match are:
Q4 (Xmas trees, 41 options): 77%. It's actually unlikely that everyone picks differently!
Q5 (soup time, 1441 options): 3.8%, actually quite unlikely.

Offline ccexplore

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #55 on: November 19, 2012, 09:11:57 AM »
For clarity, the flaw is the point distribution in this case:
- Let A denote the set of players that choose player B as their partner.
- A is not empty.
- All players from A smuggle the wallet into the restroom.
- Player B runs.

Point distribution is ambiguous because there are merely statements for "B is not chosen by anyone and runs away with nothing" and "B is chosen and runs away with money".

Actually, möbius sent me the questions beforehand to check for any holes like this, I'm a bit afraid that this has slipped through. >_> This multi-question is actually one of the most complex we've had so far.

Good catch.  Based on the scoring description so far, I'm guessing the intend is that B only scores 1 pt in the "steal your wallet" case for each player that chose B as partner and entrust B with wallet, otherwise 0.  In other words, 1 pt for each wallet he actually successfully steals, and the above scenario would therefore yield 0 points for B.

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #56 on: November 19, 2012, 08:08:37 PM »
The following changes (additions only) have been appended to question 8:

-If you’re picked as somebody’s partner, you choose to STAY but they didn’t give you their
wallet, purse or European handbag, you’ll get 1 points.

-If you’re picked as somebody’s partner, you choose to RUN but they didn’t give you their wallet, purse or European handbag, you’ll get 0 points.

Not a major change in the rules, only covering a plot hole in the storyline which wouldn't have made much sense in the results. Never-the-less if you would like to review the rules and change your answer feel free.

Two days remain to enter your entries!!! :scared:

Offline ccexplore

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #57 on: November 20, 2012, 03:03:17 AM »
It may be a small addition to the rules, but I'd have to imagine some people needing to really reconsider their answers now, since holding on to one's wallet can now benefit your chosen partner over yourself score-wise.  This in turn may change a participant's expectation how question 7 would be answered by potential partners, and thus changing how the participant would answer 8.

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2012, 08:02:55 PM »
Just a reminder that there's not much time left to enter!  :scared: :scared: :scared:
[Technically the time is up but I'll wait for the stragglers]

also, the quizmaster wishes you a happy thanksgiving :)

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Re: Family Feud ROUND 9 RESULTS
« Reply #59 on: November 22, 2012, 02:55:38 AM »

round nine is now closed!

Round 9 Results are in! A bit of a startling lack of participants this time; made for some interesting scores.

1. Who ya gonna call?
Ghost busters: picked 5 times, 1 point.
girlfriend: picked 1 time, 0.2 points
Chris Hansen: picked 1 time, 0.2 points

perhaps xxxx’s girlfriend is a ghost buster? Mobius chose Chris Hansen because Chris Hansen can get anybody to do anything and isn’t afraid of no ghost.

2. Whose avatar on this forum is the best?
Clam_Spammer: picked 3 times, 1 point
ccexplore: picked 3 times, 1 point
Gronkling: picked once, 0.33 points

It looks like we have a tie between Clam and ccexplore. Gronkling also gets a worthy mention. Perhaps animated avatars are the new trend?

3. You’re hunting in the forest just to keep your family fed, and you only have 1 bullet left in your gun. So which of the following animals do you shoot and take home for dinner?
Capybara: 6 times, 1 point
Beaver: 1 time, 0.167

Well, the capybaras may become endangered. On the other hand, the porcupine and guinea pig both made it out of the forest alive today.

4. Pirates or Vikings?
Pirates: 5 times, 1 point
Vikings: 2 times, 0.4 points

When I was in high school Vikings would have won hands down. Perhaps ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ brought Pirates back. Or maybe I really did learn nothing in high school.

5. What’s your favorite swear word?
f%ck: 4 times, 1 point
sh%t: once, 0.25 points
fan: once 0.25 points
f%cknuggets: once 0.25

this forum has quite the pottymouth. For example, like this:
“because I am a big fan of the lemmings-style gameplay that the Lix has to offer"

The scores resolved so far marked here are:

Clam Spammer - 5
Simon – 4.4
ccexplore – 3.45
RubiX - 5
geoo - 5
LemSteven – 3.417
mobius – 2.15


The second part:

6. List of players and the partners they chose:

(player-------------partner chosen)
Clam Spammer----ccexplore
Simon ---------------Rubix
ccexplore -----------Rubix
RubiX ---------------LemSteven
geoo -----------------LemSteven
LemSteven  -------mobius
mobius   -------------?

[Only 1 player (mobius) was unlucky enough to have all 3 of his choices not enter]

This question has no score

7. (Based on question 6) Imagine you are in the city, with your partner [that you chose in question 6]. Sometime during your tour you need to use a restroom or water closet. But you’re not allowed to take your wallet, purse, or European handbag into the restroom or water closet. You can either

a) Attempt to hide your wallet, purse, or European handbag while doing your business, upon which you get caught and punished. You get 0 points.
b) Entrust your wallet, purse, or European handbag with your partner. You either get 1 point or -1 point with this option depending on the outcome of the next question.

Clam Spammer—--trusted his partner (B), got -1 point, ccexplore ran off with his money!
Simon ---------------trusted his partner (B), and got 1 point, Rubix is trustworthy
ccexplore ----------doesn’t trust his partner, he chose to be safe and take 0 points (A)
RubiX ---------------doesn’t trust his partner, he chose to be safe and take 0 points (A)
geoo -----------------trusted his partner (B), got -1 point; LemSteven ran off with his money!
LemSteven  -------doesn’t trust his partner, he chose to be safe and take 0 points (A)
mobius   ------------trusted his partner (B), but since he has no partner, -1 and sad face :( .

-Only 1 person is trustworthy!

8. (Based on question 6) Now imagine you are in the city, this time assume you were chosen as somebody’s partner. Your partner needs to use the restroom or water closet. Assume they choose to leave their wallet, purse, or European handbag with you. You have two options:

a) STAY and keep their belongings for them.
b) RUN off with all their money and pictures of their children.

Clam Spammer---wasn’t picked as anybody’s partner and ran away with nothing, 0 points.
Simon -------------wasn’t picked as anybody’s partner and chose to Stay, 1 point for kindness.
ccexplore ---------ran off with Clam’s money! 1 point.
RubiX --------------stayed to keep both ccexplore and Simon’s money. Simon trusted him, 0 pt. ccexplore didn’t trust him however and gives Rubix 1 point for attempted kindness.
geoo --------------- wasn’t picked as anybody’s partner and chose to Stay, 1 point for kindness.
LemSteven  ------runs off with geoo’s money! 1 point, but Rubix didn’t trust him so 0 there.
mobius   -----------tried to run off with LemSteven’s money but LemSteven didn’t trust him, 0 points. 

Only 2 people got to run off with somebody’s wallet. Only one person gained a point in question 7.
Three people are either untrusting or don’t like to gamble. The majority chose to run in question 8, looks like we have some untrustworthy people here. The lesson learned here today is obvious; next time you need to use a restroom in the city: hold it.
At least nobody got a negative score

9.  Dinner Time
All the contestants are at a dinner party, sitting around a large table and there is a plate of food in front of you. However, you are not going to eat the plate in front of you. Rather you must pick from someone else’s plate. You’re picking another contestant again. Pick (3) players other than yourself. You cannot pick your own plate. As in question 6 your first player will be chosen unless they don't participate.

-If all the people on your list do not participate; you’ll get 0 points. (and go away very hungry)
-If you pick a plate that nobody else has picked you’ll get 1 point and yummy food.
-If more than one person pick the same plate, that plate will be divided up evenly, accordingly. (example: if three people pick 1 plate, they all will get 1/3 a point.)
-In addition; if your plate remains untouched you’ll get an extra point. (and more yummy food!)

Clam Spammer-----plate was eaten by ccexplore; ccexplore gets 1 point.
Simon ---------------remains untouched, Simon gets 1 point.
ccexplore ----------plate was eaten by Simon and geoo. Simon and geoo each get 0.5 point.
RubiX ---------------plate was eaten by Mobius, mobius gets 1 point.
geoo ----------------remains untouched, geoo gets 1 point.
LemSteven  -------plate was eaten by Clam, Clam gets 1 point.
mobius   ------------plate was eaten by Rubix and LemSteven, Rubix and LemSteven each get 0.5 points.

-Rubix was the last person on Mobius’ list, so Mobius was the unluckiest player this round.
-the most picked partner and plate was Akseli, he’s a popular guy.
-the second part really hurt Clam and took him down from first place in the first section.

The scores for the entire quiz thus far:

Simon – 7.9
RubiX - 6.5
geoo – 6.5
ccexplore – 5.45
Clam Spammer - 5
LemSteven – 4.917
mobius – 2.15


10. Time Paradox
Who will get first place or the highest score in this game? You’re trying to get the CORRECT answer here.
Pick a member. Whoever picks first place gets 1 point, whoever picks next to first gets 0.9 points, then 0.8, etc. If you pick someone who has entered at least two earlier rounds who does not enter, you will get 0.5 points. This question will be scored last, and will be based on the scores before this question is scored, in order to increase time paradoxification.

Clam Spammer - Clam Spammer -  0.6
Simon – Gronkling – 0.5 (did not enter)
ccexplore – mobius – 0.5
Rubix – ccexplore – 0.8
geoo- geoo – 0.9
LemSteven – Simon – 1
mobius – ccexplore -  0.8


Making the scores after number 10………………

Simon – 8.4
geoo – 7.4
Rubix – 7.3
ccexplore – 5.95
LemSteven – 5.917
Clam Spammer – 5.6
mobius – 2.95

-no time paradox :(  However, some people moved up in position.
-1 Person guessed first place correctly.

----Points for awesomeness---
Clam Spammer gets an extra point for spotting that the Clue accusation in the description changed.
Simon gets an extra point for making a sentence in question 5: “I'll rather watch f***ing Arielle than the f***ing sports channel all day”
ccexplore gets an extra point for providing some interesting information on eating Guinea Pigs. (not for his sentence I was expecting that ;P )
LemSteven gets an extra point for providing pretty pictures:

geoo loses a point for insulting the quizmaster….. (jk  ;P )

making the final scores::::::::::::

Simon – 9.4
geoo – 7.4
Rubix – 7.3
ccexplore – 6.95
LemSteven – 6.917
Clam Spammer – 6.6
mobius – 2.95
aaaaaaaand nobody changed position..

Making the winner of this game …………

They say when Superman’s in trouble; he comes to the rescue.
…and that he’s run around the entire world seventeen times.
all we know is…

he’s called Simon. :thumbsup:

the Quizmaster would like to thank Clam Spammer for providing a scoring spreadsheet for the game. It is attached to this post for future Quizmasters and the Quizmasters after them.