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Topics - Forestidia86

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Lix Main / MacOS second monitor mouse bug (issue #419)
« on: April 02, 2021, 05:18:43 PM »
Since I don't want to create a github account, some suggestions here to the (probably Allegro) bug (#419)

1) Filing an issue to Allegro, they should know best to find a fix if viable
2) Playing around with the values in the example, e.g. divide through 4, multiply with negative values etc.
3) Looking what values are shown if the cursor is within the window (maybe even create a video for that)
4) Using debug libraries to create log, which can be maybe helpful for issue at Allegro
5) Offering the workaround to switch off the mouse warping, maybe it's viable for Dominator

Lix Main / Which screen mode do you start Lix with?
« on: March 20, 2021, 07:17:55 PM »
Out of interest how Lix is started by others.

Lix Main / Editor, zoom isn't kept when changing topology (#234)
« on: March 08, 2021, 09:46:44 PM »
This issue (#234) can really get grating when tailoring the map (zoomed out) to the wished size. It can take mutiple tries to get the proper map size and because of this issue one has to zoom out every time again to see if it fits.
The zoomed in map actually tells you very few about the full size of the map.

(I can see the use of automatically readjusting zoom when it is the default zoom.)

Lix Main / How to get a level from a replay file
« on: February 09, 2021, 07:32:50 AM »
(Lix 0.9.x)
Replay files that are saved by or within the game contain the full level information. These replay files itself can be even used as level files, although that could lead to confusion.

To create a proper level file you can either delete the replay information above the level information or open the file in the ingame editor and save, which cuts away the replay information. The replay is then lost though, it should be therfore copied if there is interest in keeping it.
(The level information begins with the line "$BUILT...")
The file should then be renamed to a/the level file name since it has still the replay file name. You could as well save as within the game editor to the proper file name.

Other than in single player the replay file names of multiplayer sessions unfortunately do not entail the level file name so that it is harder to find the desired level. The information provided in the file name then is the amount of players and the date/time of playing which can narrow it down. (Though there is something to it that the game doesn't nose out files on other computers.)
To find the level name you can either open the replay UI within the game and click through the replays which shows the level names on the right side. Or have a program that can search for words in multiple files or go manually through the files and look/search there for the level name (line "$ENGLISH...").

I can see why Little Miner Puzzle (Part 2) is ranked higher than Part 1 since it's more complex. But I can see as well that Part 1 is for some more difficult since it's in a certain sense more precise, so for beginners it could feel harder.

That's why I'm interested how others perceived it and have found it themselves.

Lix Main / oldwish.txt
« on: September 26, 2020, 09:12:50 PM »
In ...\lix\doc there is a file with the name 'oldwish.txt'. This file includes old feature wishes of C++-Lix. Some seem to be fulfilled, some not.
I would suggest looking through the file and file issues for all wishes that still seem sensible and not fulfilled. The question is further if then the file can get disposed of or is kept for historical reasons or nostalgia.

Lix Main / Additions to build instructions
« on: September 18, 2020, 09:48:21 PM »
There is an overview of command lines/switches for dub.

Dmd as well as Ldc seem to try to build the 64bit build on Windows by default. The switch to affect that is '--arch=...', for 32bit build '...' is 'x86' ('x86_64' for 64bit build).

For the choice of compiler you can use the switch '--compiler=...', if you want sth different from what is used by default. Lix supports 'dmd' and 'ldc2' for '...' . (At least on Windows only 64bit is supported with ldc2 and 32bit with dmd, 64bit with dmd is supported with some tweaks).

If you look closely it tells you for what architecture which compiler is building, at the beginning there is e.g. the line 'Performing "debug" build using C:\D\ldc2\bin\ldc2.exe for x86_64'.

Lix Levels / General Hints for solving levels
« on: August 21, 2020, 02:23:02 PM »
I'm far from the best solver and the advice is tailored to my way of thinking but following some general hints/ways of thinking that helped me solve tricky levels:

Hint 1 (Problem focusing) (click to show/hide)
Hint 2 (Openness) (click to show/hide)
Hint 3 (Rethinking) (click to show/hide)
Hint 5 (Skill management) (click to show/hide)

Your mileage may vary on any of these ones but I thought it can be helpful to share them and bring them to discussion if there is inclination to.

Lix Main / Progress to next level without getting back to menu
« on: May 20, 2020, 05:24:41 PM »
I think I've seen two players that had the feature wish to progress to the next level without getting back to the menu for a better flow.

Problem is that this could introduce again level end dialog menu. Probable solution would be to always progress unless escape or other button is pressed but that could annoy players that only want to play single levels. A solution to that could be to give the option to play all levels (in a folder).

Lix Main / Write LastGameStats in preview window
« on: May 13, 2020, 10:41:45 AM »
Due to lack of space on smaller resolutions level information or stats get overwritten by the stats for the current game (LastGameStats), see issue #395, issue #324.

My suggestion to solve that is to write the current stats on the space of the preview window. The window has quite some space and you don't need the preview shortly after you've played the level. Furthermore there the recent stats could catch more attention I think though unsure.

Lix Main / Allow rotation and mirroring of gadgets like traps
« on: May 09, 2020, 11:25:54 PM »
Currently traps can't be (visually) mirrored or rotated. Hatches can be mirrored for different orientation.
There can be a usecase for such operations on traps, especially if they are not symmetrical. Furthermore it can probably avoid special cases for these objects.

As a sidenote there is an issue (#273) that mirroring of gadgets can lead to them moving if they have certain meassures.

Lix Main / Trigger area of frog trap too small? (Spoiler heavy)
« on: December 14, 2019, 07:06:55 PM »
I don't know if it is intended or if it is an intended part of a solution to an official level. But somehow the mechanic bugs me and doesn't seem intentional to me. It seems rather that the trigger area of the frog is too small, at least downwards.
I will accept if it is deemed ok, but wanted to bring it up since it happens when the frog is placed graphically perfect on the ground.

Replay to demonstrate attached.

Lix Main / Upwards checkerboarding
« on: November 06, 2019, 10:00:41 PM »
Does it make sense that the Lix get past what is shown in the attachment (cube, from left to right)?

Lix Main / Sort tilesets by alphabetical order
« on: October 30, 2019, 06:50:58 PM »
The ordering of the tilesets is still dependant on the name of the author although in the editor only the name of the tileset is shown. For me ordering the tilesets alphabetically by their name would help to find tilesets.
But I don't know if anyone else is used to the current ordering.

Site Discussion / Function/Button to report users
« on: October 17, 2019, 05:24:41 PM »
Is there a function/button to report users? Sometimes spam bots don't post anything but have links on their profile that are clearly spam and there seems to be no means to report that with forum functions.

But I can see that an easy ability to report users could be abused.

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