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Topics - Ste Woz Ere

Level Design / More than 4 trapdoors
November 18, 2024, 10:16:07 PM
We've got levels with more than 100 lemmings (the standard max), but what about levels with more than 4 trapdoors? (the standard max)


I experimented with the idea myself, as the last level in each tribe of my Lemmings 2 pack has 10 trapdoors...the idea being about rescuing many small pockets of lemmings instead of a big crowd going from A to B.

Pros include: a different approach to solving, many clever ways to rescue each group (made easier with the extra skills of L2, but I'm pleased with how the Classic one turned out too) and the logistical challenge and the flow of the level can be quite fascinating.

Cons include: much longer levels with more complexity, more skills required, more moving parts (to go wrong), and player aids are pretty much required.


Has anyone else tried something like this? How did it turn out?
Lemmings Main / Lemmings 2 novella
March 22, 2023, 10:15:55 PM
I believe it came with the Amiga version, and I do recall reading this when my cousin got the game back in the day. I remember each chapter (after the intro) being about a different tribe (clockwise from Highland), and that is why I've always seen that as the natural order of the tribes. But I don't really remember much else about it, and the wiki has no mention of it...can anyone else remember it?
This almost seems like deja vu, but having done my own full L2 game, I am also going to post my thoughts on the skills. No rankings here though - instead I'm going to group them and discuss generally without any specific criteria, though still from a designer's point of view:

Major Mobility

This is the biggest category, so I shall begin here, with ascent:

Climber - it still does it's thing well, but I did struggle to use them in Polar due to the natural terrain discouraging the use of vertical walls (and I often went with another way of ascending that didn't require that). Many of the other lemming-separator skills are easier to set up, but you can still do a fair bit with this. (and containing them afterwards is still a puzzle in itself)
Rock Climber - pretty much fully supersedes it's ancestor and also has two of the best combos in the game (Shimmier and Parachuter), albeit at the cost of being harder to contain and prone to losing it's dangle animation if too many sprites are being used on a level. It also has a weird quirk, as it won't use the crawling glitch or climb over vertical arrows. (whereas a regular climber will)
Magno Boots - these are great to have, but very difficult to plan they cannot be stopped by ANYTHING except another skill use (which made one level a bit more fiddly than it should've been). Combos nicely with the other signature Space skills, though.

Onto the plethora of flying skills:

Superlem - nothing is mightier in the air until you realise that it's a bit too powerful and can lead to backroutes galore (which made me remove it from 2 levels). Fun to use though, and bonus points for not using the fan.
Icarus Wings - I was pleasantly surprised by this, as it proved to be highly flexible but also more controllable due to the low speed (no faster than a walker). It does suffer from being over-sensitive though, as do many fan skills.
Ballooner - another favourite of mine, particularly in Outdoor with another strong Parachuter combo. The height of the thing makes you tread carefully, and it's not too bad with the fan either.
Magic Carpet - unusual in several ways, particularly by being quite hard to stop...which led to some interesting designs. Not very flexible due to the fixed direction and fan trickery needed to operate it, and it's a bit unpredictable against vertical walls, too. (sometimes you can get it up a stomper tunnel, other times it'll glide down a wall and come off at a slight touch)
Hang Glider - awkward due to the generally slow fan response (especially when launching) and yet when the fan is blowing at full pelt it will shoot off upwards real quick. Like the carpet, the execution and fixed direction make it inflexible and less useful than the other fliers, though there are at least a couple of good puzzles to be made with it.
Jetpack - good and bad for the astronauts. Very difficult to control and especially to gain height with, though the fixed facing direction is useful here (unlike the carpet/glider). But what saves it from being the worst flying skill is the fact that it works very nicely for other non-flying purposes.

Coming down from the sky, we have the fall-breakers:

Parachuter - this is amazing, lots of puzzle potential here...especially when paired with the Rock Climber or Ballooner. It can even trigger off explosions, which leads to chaos (if bumping into walls weren't enough). Bit over-sensitive to the fan, but a minor flaw in this case. One of my favourite skills for designing and operating.
Slider - this also has lots of puzzling to go with the safe landings, in fact the awesome Shimmier combo and constant changing of direction by the lemming leads to a large amount of options. Another great skill for designing with. (just don't try to dangle off a builder bridge, as it needs 2+ pixels to do so)
Floater - the super-cali-brolly is left behind, as you can't do anything else with it except for the old Cascade trick from L1 (and even that isn't fully reliable, as it's possible for a lemming to go splat while you assign the skill). Especially problematic with the fixed 80x20 size limit in Classic, but even in a 20x80 Beach level there's no puzzle to be had.

Finally, we go splash:

Swimmer - water skills are not good for puzzles, but this is quite it's a permanent skill that gives you some options (being able to go across water multiple times is very handy). It's also quite novel to see lemmings constantly in the water and not drowning. (even allowed me to do a naughty thing in one level)
Surfer - this can be cool due to the fact you can turn it around and play with it (just don't leave him stationary for more than 2-3 secs), but not much else.
Kayaker - a one-trick pony...also annoying because there has to be a decent gap between multiple lemmings that need to paddle. (it's prone to failing if not, though it might depend on what stage of animation the kayak is at)
Skater - also a one-trick pony...except it's a permanent skill that only works in Polar. It does have one powerful use though, which is escaping the "Ice Timer" - a temporary containment area that takes advantage of the ice physics.*

* Basically, the lemmings will slip & slide their way very slowly across the ice (1 pixel at a time) - so smaller patches can be used to contain them for a while (very useful for race levels). Anything longer than 3-4 grid blocks and they'll take too long, which makes it back into a trap as normal.

Minor Mobility

This includes skills that provide a small effect. First we have propulsion:

Runner - it does have a nice amount going for it...speed, the little hop and the jumping combo - but I used up all the ideas I had for it in a single tribe, so that's where it stayed. (shame really, as it's a skill I use quite a bit IRL)
Jumper - the most-used skill in the original game (78/120 levels) and is always handy as a generic skill for speeding and cancelling other skills etc. but it's really just there for convenience.
Shimmier - does everything the Jumper does (including the Runner boost) but also crossing low ceilings, and has two of the best combos in the game (Rock Climber and Slider). Lots of puzzling and lots of convenience...without a doubt, one of the most important skills.
Hopper - total rubbish. If you're not using it for it's intended purpose (those obvious stepping stones), it's pretty much a Jumper with terrible range that keeps on going.

And now we have to deal with the useless skills:

Pole Vaulter - a complete gimmick with exactly 2 uses...vaulting up on top of a wall that needs a massive run-up area (which always says "this is the only place to vault a pole"), and cancelling other skills.
Roller - my favourite useless skill, as it's quite fun to play with. It has some subtle uses (including skill prevention) and I made some nice combos with it, although it's sometimes hard to click another skill on due to it's high speed. It does appear to be inconsistent when launching off something, but it actually depends on where the lemming is when you click it. (notably on builder bridges)
Skier - similar, but much more controllable due to it being slower...and I was surprised by how much I used it for various things. The infamous unreliability comes from trying to do ski jumps - on the flat or downhill it works fine.
Diver - everyone else's favourite useless skill. Doing the flop is quite funny, even on the flat it can go through traps, it's great for cancelling other skills and I did manage a few puzzles with it. (finding uses for useless skills is great)


Not much to go through here:

Blocker - only works in Classic and is awkward because of the difficulty in releasing them...which appears to be even harder when facing left instead of right. (most apparent on builder bridges)
Attractor - a neat idea for easy containment...but unreliable to the random delay of it taking effect, and the difficulty of releasing it when too close to the dancers. It's nice for grouping up lemmings to do certain puzzles, or holding a lemming in place for later use.

Major Construction

And now for the 3 most-used skills, plus one more:

Platformer - of the two bridging skills, I found myself using this more for just seemed to combo better with a lot of skills. It also covers a greater distance, so less time is lost and less are needed. Only snag is the lack of height gain (unless you spam them like I did in one level) so I often had to rely on terrain, on-level extras or other construction skills to rise up.
Builder - still one of the most important and versatile skills in the game, but it does take a lot of them to get anywhere (which sadly is discouraged due to the general dislike of builderfests in L1). There are some lovely combos to be had, though. Both skills were used in 5 tribes, but the Platformer edged it by 1 single level. (44 to 43)
Roper - this is powerful but can also be a bit unreliable. It's range seems to be a square rather than a circle, and while it's easily the best skill for going upwards it's also quite difficult to plan around (and ofc there's the infamous roper glitch on natural terrain). The limited range can be used to control it and create puzzles though, it combos very well with the Scooper in particular, and overall it was worthy of being used in 4 tribes (the only such skill).
Glue Pourer - bit awkward to use due to being entirely dependent on terrain unless you have a Builder around (hello space glue), but that can also lead to some interesting designs and puzzles. It also has another important use, too.

Minor Construction

These are the ones that just add a small bit of terrain or play a lesser role:

We'll start with trajectory-based stuff:

Thrower - only really used in that 1 Highland level in the original game, hence it's appearance in Highland here too. There's not a huge amount you can do with it, but the shape/size of the rock means that there are some puzzles to be had. (though sometimes you need quite a few of them)
Spearer - similar type of thing, but the spears are too thin for chaining them together...although this combined with the long length means that you never need loads of them (easier to execute). Overall it's a bit more limited than the Thrower, but I did manage to use it a surprising number of times.
Archer - this is one of my favourite skills in the entire game. Some will argue about the execution requirement...but if you can finish the notorious final level of Sports in the original game, then you've learned the skills to reliably place a vertical arrow. In general it can occasionally mess up like the Roper (though mostly reliable), but only gets difficult if you aim for a spot that's too high and too far away. I found so many uses for arrows across the 2 tribes it was in, definitely one of the most versatile in my book.

Moving onto the ground next:

Planter - this thing only got used once in the original game, and while it is definitely flawed (the facing direction matters a LOT), it does have some neat uses and combos. (in fact you can do a number of different things with it)
Sand Pourer - it doesn't look like much, but it is actually quite effective once you get used to designing with it. There are some great combos and puzzles to get with this, even though you sometimes need quite a lot of them. (having it in tribes without upwards construction really does make minor skills like this and the Archer shine)
Filler - the weakest of the pots. You can only really fill in pits and block up traps (which almost feels like a meme in Shadow), but I did manage some neat puzzles with it. (despite the fact it can take a lot of them to be effective)
Stacker - a good solid skill to have, enough to elevate it into 3 tribes (and the top 10 most-used in ToS, which also happens to be the 3-tribe club). Not just for containment, there are some good combos too...particularly with some of the worst skills and the on-level extras.

Major Destruction

This is the other big category, which covers all the tunnelling skills:

Basher - a staple skill that does well as it always does. Can't really say much else (because I'm not an expert on advanced tricks/glitches), but there's always room for a tunneller like this. (also did some nice combos in Egyptian)
Fencer - does the same thing but with a slight upwards angle (which does have puzzle potential) and is less sensitive to stopping due to lack of terrain (which means you can also start it with less terrain in front of you). The first bit of the tunnel is instant (nice for getting rid of small blocks/stacks) and it combos nicely with the Miner in particular.
Club Basher - not much more than a basher that just carves out a bigger tunnel more slowly, but the massive swing can have a massive effect on puzzles. It's decision-making is a bit wonky for deciding when to stop, but this also depends on the wonkiness of the terrain.

Miner - always one of the most important skills due to it's slope (thankfully there wasn't an L2 for Win95 to replace it with steps) although tbh I did struggle to do much in the way of complicated tasks with it. Maybe because I'm not that classic-minded (there's only so many times you can send a lemming round the level to mine down through a big block), but I found myself using the Scooper more for big tunnelling tasks and the Miner more for small precision tasks. Doesn't take away from the usefulness or versatility of the skill though.
Scooper - not a huge fan due to the tunnel being steps instead of a slope, but it got into 3 tribes due to theming (soil, sand, snow) and it also creates a wider opening which allows it to go through floors much better than a miner. Doesn't play well with classic skills, but with the Roper it's rather good - combined with the steeper angle (which is the main thing to like) it takes up a lot less room than a miner, massively increasing the different types/sizes of areas it was usable in.

Digger - vertical tunnelling is a bit less useful in L2, but this is still a solid pick...particularly when climbers are around. It's still possible to do some nice puzzles with it, though it's traditional containment niche is gone without directional selection.
Stomper - identical except for being twice as fast and more prone to stopping due to lack of terrain...sometimes you want the speed, but most of the time you want the precision of a digger. In other words it's not worth bothering with unless you're trying to use every skill. (you can exploit the fact that it does 2 pixels at a time instead of 1, though)

Twister - the Marmite of all L2 skills. I personally quite like it, simply because the tunnel-anywhere-you-want nature of it leads to some good puzzles and combos. It's just a shame it's so hard to control, to the point where everyone gives up in the best I could do was give out plenty of spares and plenty of room. (except in the odd case where having spares would break the level)

Minor Destruction

This section covers limited-range skills:

Laser Blaster - technically a tunnelling skill, but it has a limited range and can't really be used like the others so it gets classed as a minor. It is possible to go up the tunnel with certain skills (I used it this way in both it's tribes) and I was particularly pleased with one Circus level that used it in a more complex way, but most of the time it's just for freeing the crowd from underneath.
Flamethrower - a decent short-range blaster, and is unique because it's instant (this can be good or bad). It sometimes requires a bit of precision when linking it up with bridges or other tunnels (due to the cone-like shape of the hole it makes) but on the whole it blows all hot and no cold.

Finally, we reach the explosions:

Bomber - I was quite surprised by is incredibly versatile. You can use it to tunnel across, down and anywhere in between...and without the knockback of the other explosion skills (instead he gets flung up and lands facing the same way). You do need a lot of them to tunnel like this (certainly when I used it this way in Shadow) but low skill counts were not a limitation I wanted to use.
Bazooka - this is limited to going only across and slightly up (apart from two novelty levels I made), so it's only standout feature is blowing holes in walls from far away...which is nice for avoiding the knockback and creating a step for containment.
Mortar - this is a bit better as you can go diagonally upwards, rescue from below and there's also some sneaky less obvious puzzle uses.
Exploder - this is the worst by far. You can't use it to fall-bomb in Classic (it's bugged) and ofc it kills a lemming. I did manage to use it in a couple of interesting ways, but it's no surprise that it's the least-used skill in ToS. (only 5 levels)


Finally, we come to the interactive features on the levels themselves. These exist purely as gimmicks in the original game, but I went out of my way to create actual puzzles with them. As a result, I counted them as extra skills and imposed the same conditions on usage. Starting with the launchers:

Cannon - the best of the launchers for creating puzzles IMO, due to the decent trajectory. Fire rate is a bit slow, which often led me to use multiple trapdoors. (in order to reduce the number of lemmings using it)
Catapult - a bit unwieldy and has an even slower fire rate, but they do fling a hell of a long way. (which formed the main principle for the final Medieval level)
Dinosaur - has a much faster fire rate but a much lower trajectory...consequently I wasn't able to get as much puzzle out of them compared to the bigger launchers. Facing direction is also retained (unlike the above), which adds another problem to solve.
Flicker - aka that thing that looks like a green snail but isn't (consequently I didn't discover it until I had much of Outdoor completed, which led to me shoehorning it into a couple of levels). Same fire rate and trajectory as the dino, but with the added problem of having to drop the lemmings onto it from above (or bridge onto it from the side) in order to fire it...although this does avoid the dino's problem with facing direction.

And then the rest:

Steam Jet - I found these to be the most interesting extras, despite that godawful first Sports level in the original game doing it's best to put everyone off (by being stupid and chaining them). Not only is there a choice of all 4 directions, you also have the option of valves to turn them on/off...which is a great way to stop backroutes (at the expense of saying "this is the correct route") and you can even make puzzles with them.
Trampoline - they're a bit tricky sometimes (the part of the trampoline you land on determines the bounce) but it's a good way to force the lemmings to spread out, along with fall-breaking and some limited puzzles. (I'm particularly proud of 2 levels where I did something weird with them)
Teleporter - does as you'd expect, and there's some good puzzles to be had on the facing direction when going in. Not to mention they can take you anywhere, including places that nothing else can reach.

Chain swingers are completely useless, so I took the piss and gave them a scenery.
(they are actually solid objects, but using them as platforms in the playable area can cause confusion)

So there we have it. I really enjoyed making this pack, and getting the most out of each skill. It's great that the pack turned out so differently to QFK2 despite the main concept being the same (which I still feel a little bit bad about), and I hope to see more packs in the future. (along with L2Player hopefully doing what NL did for L1)
Lemmings Main / Secret exits (Amiga)
January 06, 2022, 06:54:30 PM
Anyone remember these? There were 3 in total IIRC:

Mayhem 28 - between two of the small pillars along the bottom section. (L1)
Wicked 2 - in the big pit at the end. (ONML)
Multiplayer 5 - partway along the bottom (starting) section, on the blue side. (ONML)

My memory is a bit fuzzy on the exact location of the first two, but I definitely remember my friend showing them all to me.
Tech & Research / Editing Lemmings 2 Sounds?
September 14, 2021, 03:37:10 PM
My copy of it has the Amiga sounds (it came that way), but I have seen a video using the original DOS I was wondering if that version was edited somehow? I can't see anything obvious in the files/folders (aside from a .voc file that won't play in anything), so I was wondering if there was a way to edit the sounds?
The summer solstice has recently passed, and the sun shines down upon you L2 fans...for I can now reveal my level pack in progress - Tribes of Steel!

Apparently someone discovered a prophecy that foretells the death of all lemkind, so the 12 tribes were all told to assemble at their base camps (prefabs erected just in case something like this would happen) with their talisman piece and embark on a journey to the centre of the island in order to escape certain doom.

Note: Current version info can be found at the bottom of this post, as that's where the download link will be.

The Background

A few months ago, I played Quest from Kieran 2 and was enthralled by it - so much so, that I still had thoughts about it long after I'd finished...and recently they persuaded me to have a go at L2 editing myself. One concept level and a bit of learning time on the editors later, and I think it's Thunder-Lemmings are Go!

Based on the same concept as QFK2* with some concepts of my own too, this is a full 120-level replacement. While I'm no stranger to level design (I made concept-based Doom/Heretic/Hexen level packs for 10-15 years), I doubt I'll be able to hit the puzzling heights of QFK2. I will try though, and the new level+skill combos are already bearing fruit. Besides, I've got plenty of ideas up my sleeve to ensure it looks, feels and plays differently (and it's showing already in the levels I've done so far). I'm hoping it'll end up somewhere between QFK2 and the original game on the quality scale (preferably closer to QFK2 ofc), but as long as it plays differently I don't mind.

And just in case you are worried about the execution side and the engine's quirks...there's always DOSBox with savestates. Not quite as sophisticated as NL, but it does the trick. (and given what happened when I played QFK3, there won't be any ridiculous manoeuvres requiring savestate abuse)

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, as I'm no expert. If you manage to break a level, please let me know what you did (I'm bound to miss things, esp. given that you guys have played a lot more than me). I don't really know much about glitches either, so there's bound to be a few somewhere.

The Concepts

Each tribe has it's own fixed set of themed skills - like QFK2*, but with many changes. (nearly all tribes have at least 2 differing skills)
The first level of each tribe is exactly the same - but with different skills each time. (some are easy, some are hard)
The last level of each tribe has 10 (!) trapdoors - ensuring an epic finale. (having groups of 6 lemmings will open up a new set of solutions and a different approach to solving)
Each tribe requires the full 60 lemmings to reach the end. Classic requires 50, and level names will end in a number to show the death count.

* it partly feels like I'm ripping off the idea, so I apologise for that. But it is how I would've made the original L2 if it was me. Together with my own concepts and challenges, I'm confident it will play differently to QFK2.

The Tribes

It wouldn't be complete without a sneak preview, so here it is. Click on the spoiler for details.

The ancient clans used to bombard each other until the mighty Angus McLem brokered a peace treaty, and battles became sporting contests. Now they must put aside their differences and head south, using their regimental skills with their love of outdoor pursuits and ancestral song+dance habits to traverse the foreboding mountains.

Skills: Rock Climber, Parachuter, Hopper, Attractor, Thrower, Roper, Mortar, Twister

Level 4: Lemfidditch Distillery

Roll up, roll up, it's the Greatest Show on Earth! (well, this little patch of it) Music, bright lights and balloons, spectacular jumps and cannonballs, all topped off with the amazing Superlem! But someone should tell them to stop clowning around and start travelling again. (preferably not using a car that falls to bits)

Skills: Ballooner, Superlem, Jumper, Attractor, Platformer, Club Basher, Twister, Laser Blaster
Extras: Cannon, Trampoline

Level 7: RGB Nightclub

What is there to say about these guys? While their methods have been tried, tested and proven effective all throughout history, they still subscribe to the old beliefs that lemmings like walking off cliffs and going pop in the night. Let's hope that at least half of them manage to make it with their gold talisman piece.

Skills: Climber, Floater, Exploder, Blocker, Builder, Basher, Miner, Digger

Level 3: A Race of Halves

The Kingdom of Lemmand has built many fine castles all over the land, along with weapons and siege engines to cope with centuries of the knights (and outlaws) must march to glory. These skills are surely going to be put to the test in their noble quest to meet the rest.

Skills: Climber, Roller, Archer, Builder, Platformer, Stacker, Fencer, Miner
Extras: Catapult

Level 5: Acrobatic Outlaw

Ancient Gods, and lots of them. Lots of tombs to explore, lots of pots to fill up, lots of work to do. If only their Magic Carpets could carry it all to the underworld, but they're too unstable - and in any case it's a logistical nightmare, moreso than building pyramids without modern technology.

Skills: Magic Carpet, Shimmier, Slider, Filler, Sand Pourer, Glue Pourer, Basher, Stomper

Level 9: The Plunger's Tomb

"I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok!" But this lot aren't, as they don't cut down trees. Instead they take to the skies, the land, the water and ofc the veggie patch. Armed to the teeth with shovels and old WW2 ordnance they dug up previously, it's a long hard trek across the wilderness.

Skills: Ballooner, Parachuter, Kayaker, Planter, Platformer, Roper, Scooper, Bomber
Extras: Flicker

Level 6: Not Mushroom Out There

The sun's out and it's party time - if only we'd booked a DJ, man! Just as well really, as the tide's coming in like really fast and we need to scramble, dude! Grab what you can...I'm sure those gliders, surfboards and parasols will be useful somewhere along the way. And don't forget the bucket and spade!

Skills: Hang Glider, Floater, Diver, Surfer, Sand Pourer, Platformer, Flamethrower, Scooper

Level 3: Fall & Rise of Reg Lemmy

The Modern Lemathlon is a regional obsession. Comprised of running, fencing, archery, pole vault and obstacle racing, it's a tough all-round challenge that demands a lot of training and dedication. Surely then, Team GL will be the most adept at dashing to the centre of the island with their piece of the World Trophy? Not if that notorious green landscape has anything to do with it...

Skills: Rock Climber, Shimmier, Runner, Pole Vaulter, Archer, Platformer, Fencer, Miner
Extras: Steam Jet, Trampoline

Level 8: Switcheroo

Ninjas. Now you see them, now you don't. Swords and shuriken are out, as they replaced the old ways with modern methods. If they're not monkeying around the city, they're setting off explosions from up close and afar. Which does kinda defeat the point of sneaking around. Let's hope they can navigate the streets and reach the centre hideout before the time runs out and the baddie wins. (this message will now self-destruct in 5 seconds)

Skills: Rock Climber, Shimmier, Slider, Filler, Builder, Roper, Bazooka, Bomber

Level 2: Urban Gymnastics

Thousands of years ago, lemmings first appeared on the island and somehow survived all the evolution since then. But after passing out of all knowledge for so long, their talisman piece has been found and they now must take it deep into the central mountain and cast it into the fire (or so they think). And to make things worse, they can't use the Icarus to fly all the way there because it would fill a plot hole or something.

Skills: Icarus Wings, Jumper, Swimmer, Spearer, Builder, Stacker, Club Basher, Stomper
Extras: Dinosaur

Level 5: Lem of the Dump

These pioneers of technology have managed to establish a moon base right here on this very island. They could teleport straight to the ark, except that they lost their talisman piece during a wormhole experiment some time ago. So they must go boldly where no lemming has gone before, and retrieve it using their futuristic tools (including their new invention of space glue!) accompanied by the sound of retro synth music.

Skills: Jetpack, Magno Boots, Attractor, Builder, Glue Pourer, Bazooka, Mortar, Laser Blaster
Extras: Teleporter

Level 7: Laser Quest

Brrr, it's cold up north! But the Lem's Watch are well used to it, and have become quite adept at reaching high places. They're also good tunnellers, by virtue of having to constantly clear snow away. With all this and their traditional winter pastimes, can they cross the frozen North while avoiding zombies (they carry fire, just in case) and escape the prophecy?

Skills: Climber, Skier, Skater, Roper, Stacker, Flamethrower, Scooper, Digger

Level 5: Eskimo Beat

How to Install

Back up your current /LEVELS/ folder within Lemmings 2, then extract the contents of the zip into there, overwriting the existing files.

How to run Lemmings 2 in DOSBox

If you wish to play with the Amiga music instead, grab them from this thread and play externally. (with the PC music turned off)

How to Play

You have to manually save the game from the main menu, in between levels.

Keyboard shortcuts:

ESC: Quick Restart
F1 - F8: Skills 1-8 (sadly not as usable as L1, particularly on levels not using all 8 skills)
SPACE: Fan (required for several skills)
P: Pause (you can also unpause by pressing Space, if you want the fan ready when you do)
ENTER: Fast Forward (you can also cancel this by pressing Space, if you want the fan ready when you do)


These are highly recommended, as a primitive but still effective player aid. While I've tried to avoid high-precision puzzles (similar to QFK2), the levels are somewhat bigger with more skills (especially the epic finale of each tribe), therefore it will be helpful to use them. There are two options:

If using DOSBox with savestates, you have these controls:

ALT+F5: Save state
ALT+F9: Load state
ALT+F6: Previous slot
ALT+F7: Next slot

(10 save slots in total, with wraparound when selecting)

If using DOSBox-X, you have these controls:

F11+S: Save state
F11+L: Load state
F11+(comma): Previous slot
F11+(dot): Next slot

(100 save slots in total, more than enough!)

I still recommend saving your game manually too.

Current Version - 13.12
  (download link at the bottom of the post)

All 12 tribes complete.  The final release will come after testing/tweaking, along with a video playthrough.

(so far)

geoo - for creating both L2Suite (excellent editor/organiser) and PCL2Ed. (which is required occasionally)
GuyPerfect - for creating lgl2. (the main level editor)
kieranmillar - for creating QFK2. (the amazing level pack that inspired me to follow in it's footsteps)

Feedback credits will be added later.


This is a new journey for me (and an unexpected one too), but the ideas are coming thick and fast. I hope to complete it by the time the winter solstice has recently passed, but will probably end up in next year. Either way, only the 3rd full Lemmings 2 game in 30 years will be something to look forward to!
Lemmings Main / Another old fan comes along
January 17, 2021, 08:50:45 PM
Yep, it's another one.

First started in 1991/92 (not sure which) on my cousin's Amiga, followed by my friend's Amiga (both with the budget version) during which time I completed the original and Oh No, while worshipping the 2-player game. (me and my friend were VERY competitive on it, sadly my cousin wasn't as good)
Back home I got the Speccy version, followed by the DOS version (when I got my first PC) and Lemmings 2...where I got stuck on the final Sports level and didn't try again until 7 years later. (when I finished it and was rewarded with a 14th tune)
I did get Winlemm and the Christmas pack at some point (not sure when...2001 maybe) and likewise with 3D, although I never got round to playing the latter.

Fast-forward to 2020 and a nostalgia binge on the first PC games I ever played led me to want Lemmings again...which led to a quandary - how does one bring back the days of friend/cousin Amiga? I didn't want to replay the PC versions, as they are vastly inferior (removing all of the liquid and extra detail, nerfing 2 Mayhem levels, removing 4 Tame levels, and having much worse music). I also wanted to play the budget version because that's what I started on, and I didn't like the special levels for being far too easy while not fitting the game at all. (I was surprised to encounter them in DOS, and even more surprised to find that they were the original levels and the other ones were put in to make a 1-disk Amiga version)

I tried a few options and failed, then discovered this forum and it's modern ports. After trying both NeoLemmix and SuperLemmini, I went for SL because it seemed to be faithful to the Amiga, while also having the basic player-aid from Win95 just in case (NL looks impressive too, but aims at custom rather than original). And when I discovered the Amiga level packs for SL, it was trivial to sort out - and while I was shocked to see instant bombers (and moreso the debate*) I still had a great time with it. Seeing screenshots like this made my day, along with hearing the original music. Not remembering a lot of the levels also helped (it was nearly 20 years ago) along with trying for 100% wherever I could. (I do miss the secret exits in the floor though)

*personally I think the old bombers should be available on the original levels (as an option), while custom levels can have anything.

After this I grabbed an SVN version of Dosbox with savestates, and used it for Lemmings 2 while playing the Amiga music manually from the outside (never really heard it).  And I've recently done the same thing with Lemmings 3, which I really enjoyed despite the weird feel to it. (and the Amiga music here is superb)

Might move onto 3D at some point, and maybe try some custom packs too, but my original objective has been achieved - thanks guys :)