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Topics - Tsyu

Lix Main / Regarding the batch script in oldterr.txt
December 09, 2014, 06:20:40 AM
In oldterr.txt, there is a batch script that's supposed to set up an L2 folder containing Lemmings 2 styles that Lix can use:

Code: [Select]
copy -r Styles L2
for %%b in (Classic Beach Circus Egyptian
Highland Medieval Outdoor Polar Shadow Space Sports) do (
   md L2\%%b
   lem2zip-0.2.0.exe -d L2\%%b.dat
   move L2\%%b.dat L2\%%b\%%b.dat
md L2\Cavelems
move L2\Caveman.dat L2\Cavelems\Cavelems.dat

However, this script does not work. The culprit is this line:

Code: [Select]
copy -r Styles L2
This line appears to assume that the Windows "copy" command works the same way as the "cp" command in Linux, which is not true. This command does not recognize -r as a flag, so the command is apparently trying to copy the contents of the folder "-r" to a folder called "Styles", which of course fails. This line should be changed to use xcopy with the /I flag, like this:

Code: [Select]
xcopy /I Styles L2
At least that works for me.
I noticed a while ago that the Insanity rips of the Lemmings 2/3 music on Mindless's site (<a href="" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">here</a>) weren't accurate to the originals: Volume commands weren't converted from decimal to hex, slide effects weren't adjusted, some of the notes were assigned the wrong octave, and some other minor inaccuracies.

This got me to try converting the music myself. Since I couldn't find a good MED converter, I decided to made my own. It took a while, mainly because of the way that slide effects work in MED (the specs mention "ST/NT/PT compatible sliding," which made me think of the Atari computers; I didn't figure out until several days ago that it was referring to SoundTracker, NoiseTracker, and ProTracker!). Also, because MED supports tempos much higher that what MOD can handle (and many of the Lemmings 2 tracks take advantage of this), I still had to manually edit the resulting MOD files, which took a while in some cases.

Anyway, here are the files that I was able to produce. They should sound almost exactly the same as the originals, with none of the problems present in the Insanity rips.

Lemmings 2:
Lemmings 3:
Lemmini / SuperLemmini 0.104a
May 25, 2014, 06:20:08 AM
It's finally out! Superlemmini is a modification of Lemmini that I've been working on for some time. Here are some of the features that have been added:

  • Lots of bugs fixed
  • Game mechanics more faithful to the Amiga version while preserving Lemmini's smooth motion
  • Automatic mod support: Level packs can apply added and changed assets when loaded
  • Support for WAV, AIFF, AU, OGG, XM, S3M, MOD, and MIDI music
  • PNG and GIF graphics
  • Support for importing LVL files from DAT files
  • Support for multilayer animated backgrounds
  • Vertical level scrolling
  • 324 levels included (sort of; extraction from Windows version is still necessary):

    • 120 levels from original Amiga Lemmings
    • 4 levels from "Free with Commodore Promotion Pack" version
    • 2 levels from "Book Club" version
    • Apple level (see here)
    • "Going Their Separate Ways" from Mac version
    • "One Way to Freedom" from Amiga Format demo
    • 100 OMNL levels
    • 2 Xmas '91 levels
    • 4 Xmas '92 levels
    • 32 Holiday '93 levels from Amiga version
    • "Vacation in Gemland" from DOS version of Holiday '93
    • 32 Holiday '94 levels
    • 8 levels from COVOX Lemmings
    • 16 levels from Lemmings Companion

Download it here (Java 8 required):
(Source code:

Here's a package containing an enhanced version of the Lemmings soundtrack, containing music from certain DOS CD versions and Mac Holiday Lemmings. To install it, first complete the SuperLemmini resource extraction, then place this file where you saved the resources.

Here are the levels from the Genesis/Mega Drive version. Install it in the same manner as the music pack above.

Newer versions of the NeoLemmix editor do not support SuperLemmini. For more information, see this thread:
Site Discussion / E-mail notifications not working?
October 17, 2013, 01:05:11 AM
I use the e-mail notification feature on this forum so that I know whether anyone has posted in any topics that I'm monitoring. However, this feature hasn't been working at all for me lately. (Yes, I'm also checking my spam folder.) Can an admin verify whether this feature really is broken?
Tech & Research / Genesis trigger areas
October 16, 2013, 07:56:43 PM
Does anyone know where the object trigger areas are located in the Genesis Lemmings ROM? I want to know so that I can add the correct trigger areas to my Genesis level pack for Lemmini.
Lemmini / I'm modifying Lemmini - any suggestions?
July 08, 2013, 02:32:02 AM
I have been modifying Lemmini for the past year or so and made lots of bug fixes and feature additions. Here are some feature highlights:
  • Game mechanics more faithful to the Amiga version while preserving Lemmini's smooth motion
  • Automatic mod support: Level packs can apply added and changed assets when loaded
  • Support for WAV, AIFF, AU, OGG, XM, S3M, MOD, and MIDI music (sorry, no MP3 support; the only SPI plug-in that I could find broke MIDI)
  • PNG and GIF graphics
  • Level background support
  • 323 levels included (sort of; extraction from Windows version is still necessary):
    • 120 levels from original Amiga Lemmings
    • 4 levels from "Free with Commodore Promotion Pack" version
    • 2 levels from "Book Club" version
    • Apple level (" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">see here)
    • "Going Their Separate Ways" from Mac version
    • 100 OMNL levels
    • 2 Xmas '91 levels
    • 4 Xmas '92 levels
    • 32 Xmas '93 levels from Amiga version
    • "Vacation in Gemland" from DOS version of Xmas '93
    • 32 Xmas '94 levels
    • 8 levels from COVOX Lemmings
    • 16 levels from Lemmings Companion
That's not a full list; there are other new features too.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, let me know.
Lemmings Main / Special Lemmings demo for Amiga
November 21, 2012, 07:28:07 AM
Apparently, there is a rare demo version of Lemmings that has levels built around various Commodore logos. According to the Software Preservation Society (on" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">this page):
This was a promotional version of the game with levels dedicated to Commodore. There were 4 or 5 levels and were all based around Commodore logos. C= "Chicken Head", "Commodore", and the Amiga 'A'.

(This demo is also mentioned" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">here.)

I have not been able to find anything else about this version, not even a screenshot. If anyone knows more about version, please post about it here.
Lemmings Main / Holiday Lemmings for Windows?
October 02, 2012, 11:28:12 PM
I have seen what looks like a Windows version of Holiday Lemmings in a few places, such as" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">here and" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">here. Do these products actually include an updated Windows version or the DOS version, or is it something else entirely?
Can anyone rip the music from these two games? No matter how hard I search, I can only find" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">tune 1 and" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">tune 5 from ONML.