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Topics - The64Watcher

General Discussion / ANGREE
November 05, 2024, 03:36:16 AM
i just watched tomato watchers lemming 1 mashup, and it remined me of my tiny small dumb piano, and then i teared up

Forum Games / no corrupt a wish?
November 02, 2024, 07:55:39 PM
can we just post in corrupt a wish more guys, after season 2 started, not even a single post was made, so uhh, yeah check it out.
Non-Lemmings Gaming / CBF Memery
September 17, 2024, 07:30:04 PM
Click Between frames in not allowed for use in lemmings, or the unofficial forum. please turn it off to continue.
Lemmings Main / CHANGE?!?!?!
September 15, 2024, 01:24:53 AM
im back bois, also everything is so new what happened (lem os has left hiatus... ish)
Other Projects / LemOS
August 10, 2024, 07:03:38 PM
so recently ive been working on this turbowarp project, one day i was watching inkbox make an os for the nes, then i said "i wonder if i can do that too!" so i acutally accidently followed namida's advice and i got some progress for it! currently im working small, but i am planning to make
1. a word processor
2. a graphic creation software
3. a app creation software
if you have more ideas, let me know, but i will try to flesh this out the most i can, stay tuned.

PS. here is how its going (attachment)
Forum Games / 11 Lemmings
July 30, 2024, 02:17:24 AM
This is actually a simple game, there are 11 lemmings, and there are enviormental hazards that the lemmings will face remember, some look like fortunes, but think and say "hmmmm..." and the goal is to write what you see is wrong how you would save all 11 lemmings in a list, then, if there a player above you, explain how their system is wrong.

1 - 1 is trapped under a shipwreck cargo reach burying him, the high pressure forces the cargo chocalate bits down his mouth, but crunched just enough the chocolate bits to not cause choking, but big enough what the internal volume is hollow, allowing air to get in.
2 - 2 has decided to crunch on the pebbles on a railway. with moving trains.
3 - 3 is in a flood
4 - 4 is on a random raft on neptune, yes, with out air, just chillin on neptune.
5 - 5 is stuck on an island away from any shore
6 - 6 is trapped in a dunk tank
7 - 7 is uhh, near an active volcano (im running out of ideas
8 - 8 is in a fire
9 - 9 has made the fatal mistake of trying to sigh read dash, then wanted juice, but blind, detected a light and pause, its a car.
10 - 10 is falling from the empire state building
11 - 11 is next to a boom boom orb
Lemmings Main / Goodbye Prob Lem...
July 29, 2024, 09:43:25 PM
you were the best, not only you made the best shop ever, but the fabric you made was suberb, you havent been seen since 2016, and i know you will probally never read this, but you were our favorite Lem ever. :'( to our favorite user :'(
everyone, this is your topic to remember him, leave something you would have told him back them during his 2 years on LF, a joke, a suggestion, anything.
Fan Corner / lemming anatomy topic
July 26, 2024, 11:40:24 PM
what do lemmings eat, what if a lemming ate 2x or 3x its normal daily intake?

WHAT GOOEY INNARDS THAT CONNECT TO KEEP LIFE FLOWING IN THEM :crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh::crylaugh:
Recently, i read a png post by namida, so we need a standard for all systems, loap, lemmini, neo and super lemmix, all of them, i currently feel tired so you can add a rule what is a fan game and or engine is a true lemmings engine or fangame in a reply, type away, lets see how long until an argument sparks and burns down this flammable city.
im making a new game called Mechanical terror, this one will acutally come out, i will release betas, leaks, and even block characters, i will release this on my page, also blocks have 10 characters each.
Lemmings Forum Box, unlocked by default.

  • Lemmy
  • T.S.O.M.M.
  • Rex
  • Spectre
  • Jimmy Mc Lemming
  • Totally S. Wimp
  • King DJ. Plutio
  • Zon
  • Lixia
  • Safety Unit No.9
Lemmings Main / Lemcraft [Please read]
July 06, 2024, 11:08:19 PM
so im making a project called Lemcraft, its like minecraf, but with lemmings, down below is some things im changing, i need help coding the game, if you have skills about how to made a 3d unity zip, and how to make a world generator, tell me, i will credit you.

Players can drink from bodies of water
players need water
if players eat/drink too much, they will get bloated
bed respawning will be kept the same
multiplayer will be added in both survival and creative at the same time
computing stuff and redstonite

reply if you have something you want to say/have a demo
Fan Corner / Help with song
July 02, 2024, 10:47:26 PM
So i wanted to make a Parody of Dumb ways to die, here is what i will need

  • a singer
  • someone who knows how to make amiga style music (for a remix of the original song)
  • an animator (me :D)[li/]
here are the lyrics

Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1 Verse 1Poke your eye with a pin
Metal poisoning from Metal tin
Get smashed into a goopy loopy midge
take a really long walk on a really short bridge


Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb ways to die
Lemming ways to die-ie-ie
so many dumb ways to die

Verse 2
Try to surf in a blender
on an ENIAC you try to render
go off path on a tour
go surfing on four


Verse 3
Jump onto a rock
Eat the quartz in a clock
stay awake for to many days
be to close to sting rays
Site Discussion / Forums too slow
June 29, 2024, 11:22:06 PM
i feel like the forums should be more active :lix-unsure: , im always used to fast paced scratch forum, and i feel like its just empty, like its a slow drone, so lets get more people in here :lix-blush:
Contests / T.L.o.P 2024 0
June 24, 2024, 11:14:40 PM
Make the most atrocius level, and post your level, then i will make a poll. the maker with the funnest level loses, rinse and repeat till we have a winner, anyone can join! signups and on july 10th.
Lemmings Main / random ascii art idk
June 22, 2024, 08:54:29 PM
just make ascii lemmings art :)
what im saying is try to teach your pet how to play lemmings, press the buttons, and all the skills and how to play the game, and even some modding up a setup for easier conveiniece! :lemcat::8:()[::8:()[::8:()[::8:()[::lemcat:

My pet is named [PET NAME]
And [PET NAME]'s species is [PET SPECIES]
My pet uses the setup by [IN DEPTH EXPLANATION OF SETUP]
My Run Link is [YOUTUBE URL]

:tal-bronze:: Your Pet is able to Assign skills and beat at least 10-20 levels
:tal-silver:: Your pet can beat the first half of lemmings (including pressing the next level button
:tal-gold:: Your Pet can beat THE ENTIRETY OF LEMMINGS including going to the next level by their self, fast forward, nuke on fail, and complete the game without any help.
If you get gold: Your pet can join in Hall Battles, polls of the best pets!
:tal-platnium:(if they had one): your pet can stream neolemmiix and level packs LIVE.
(same benefits as gold
Other Projects / Lemmings for Scratch 2
June 21, 2024, 06:41:03 PM
So if your reading this Lemmings For Scratch 2 is coming out, namida or any other mod, if you can see this, you dont need to but i would like a board :)
a qna and features list will be shown below.

1Q. is the game free?
1A. you must be from somewhere else in the world, of course its free, im actually giving away a creeperlem avatar to the ones who want to mod it.

2Q. Can i make mods?/What Programming Language is it?
2A. yup, just like in 1A i actually promote modding, you need a scratch account to mod and publish your work, and as a standalone app, you must 1. go to file and save it to your computer 2. go to pengiun mod 3. use the packager. and oh yeah, its scratch ok.

3Q. how long will it take?
3A. not very much, it will release this month.

All normal skills for lemmings 1
jumps (its ok no fan, j2me/tribes style
eyetoy thingy (sorry tomato watcher)
have fun and :lemming: on!
Tech & Research / WE NEED YOUR HELP!
June 21, 2024, 02:33:00 PM
so my friend tomato watcher said in a video that lemmings 3 would have an exspansion pack for all other tribes, sadly also as he said, the game was made just to :lemming::lemming::lemming: away from contracts, leaving all the other 9 tibes in the dust, so come on and help us, and lets make lemmings chronicles super tribed.
if you want to join the team, reply the smiley :lem4ever:

i just added the poll, oops.