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Messages - Paiy

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Lemmings Main / Re: How to play Lemmings (1991) on a modern PC
« on: June 10, 2024, 12:54:42 pm »
would just like to add to the amiga emulator section, there is a FOSS amiga emulator called fs-uae its avaliable on pretty much any OS and comes with free remakes of the kickstart roms but if you have the original roms you can add them too.

Forum Games / Re: Count to 1000
« on: June 09, 2024, 04:58:54 pm »

asteroid 253 Mathilde

i can see a TX4 with 13 skills, i'll test it some time

Challenges / Re: Least amount of time needed to beat levels
« on: June 03, 2024, 05:39:37 am »
i just saw that M12 on dos is just 10S could i get a replay or video of that becausee i have no idea how that would be done

if you have more levels that could potentially have a improvment even if tas only, please let me know, im not working much on any other lemmings stuff atm so im free to do some max point tasing

Challenges / Re: [NeoLemmix] Fastest Time Records
« on: June 02, 2024, 04:24:15 pm »
got a 44.53 with a compleatly dirrent strat

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collection
« on: June 02, 2024, 10:03:56 am »
i have 3 lemmings plushies but i kinda forgot where one of them is, the game on the left is Lemmings Level which is a fangame from 1994, that floppy disk of it is the only i have ever seen. the game on the right is Lemmings 30 year aniversary edition which is a new case and new old stock amiga floppies and manual

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collection
« on: June 01, 2024, 03:56:06 pm »
thats a amazing colection :thumbsup:

i sadly dont have much lemmings stuff but there is more coming eventually

i dont mean to sound like i think you are bad at lemmings, you are really good at it but this was ridiculously easy, the strat is the exact same as 19S just with a changed up RR at the start to make it work, here is the vid:

i also attached the input file, you can view it with BizHawk

i managed to do the one group so i'll do some testing with that soon, but i also wanna give a detailed explenatin of why the 19 skill zip worked and why the 18 skill one didnt.

To do the zip you use a 3px ledge, this means that the max width of the lemming group is 1px however in certain circumstances you can do it with a 2px group width. to do this the update order within a Q must match up corectly, the builder (B) and first pixel of the lemming group (GP1) and second pixel of the lemming group (GP2) must be in a percise update order within the Q's. this is what has to happen within the 2Q's of the wallzip, Q1: B will go into the position 1Q before placeing the brick down, GP1 starts to jump, Q2: GP2 starts jumping, B places brick, GP1 continues jumping due to being updated after B was. if this doesnt happen exactly like that in the exact same order, the 2px width zip wont work, your group in both S19 and S18 are 2px groups, the reason why S19 works is because the lemmings are in that exact update order within Q's, in S18 to get the lemmings into one group rather than 1 group and 1 seperate lemming it looks like you messed up the exact order in which the lemmings have to be updated. im pretty confident that S18 is doable, maybe with a diffrent zip setup but thats something i'll find out when im back working on it.

yeah, thats the group and end, you have sent those before, but in order to reliably set it up without hours of trial and error i'd need the setup that gets the group like that

well like i asked many times, do you have a recording of the start of the m2 18S idea, just a vid is enough,i just need some starting point because i dont want to trial and error until i get it just right because that is just wasting time that i could have spent on the best ending tas, if you dont have the recording than its worh trial and erroring

well, M2 is still a potential to save skills, i may try it again but tbh its just not a fun level to tas

maybe i'll attempt some RTA 21-24S, i just think it has to be possible, with some extra skill usage to make it easier

my original tas was 24S maybe that would be possible on console, i basicly wasted a few skills somewhere where you could use them on console to make it easier

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