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Messages - Crane

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Challenges / Re: [NeoLemmix] Fastest Time Records
« on: June 19, 2023, 08:38:29 AM »
Improved on my solution a couple of years ago. Lunatic 23 - The Great Lemming Caper: 0:48.82.

Also: Lunatic 30 - Lemmings' Ark: 1:54.65. (This is an entire minute off the previous record of 2:55.94!)

So I've patched Chaos 6 and released it on the Discord group. I'll mark it for inclusion in v1.03, but just waiting to see if any new problems are uncovered.

Not sure how I feel about that one, since none of the intended gimmicks were used at all.  Might need patching, although hard to find a way that doesn't ruin the aesthetics a bit.  Well done though.

Yes, as an optional behaviour.

I have one other suggestion, although it will require a modification to the editor... terrain pieces have a "Steel Cancel" flag, which erases the steel zone where it overwrites the steel plate.  There might be cases where erasing and adding the same piece on top might not be ideal (e.g. if both the steel plate and visible piece are "No Overwrite").  Just a thought.

Okay, if I'm a naughty man I'm destroying the pack.  I can't live with that reputation.

Version 1.02 released, which fixes a number of backroutes and rearranges some earlier ranks to make the difficulty curve smoother.

This is a difficult one.  There are cases where one or the other is ideal.  For example, on the dirt tileset especially, one might want to put moss over the steel plates for decoration, but have the steel take priority (I also do a similar thing in "Deep Freeze" with non-steel terrain looking like ice over the steel, but is still clearly steel plating).  Other times, I may only want the visible steel to be treated as such, like if I've bisected it with, say, a diagonal piece of terrain in the crystal tileset.  I would personally say it should be a per-level setting (e.g. the old "simple autosteel" option).

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I'm glad I inspired you to make a Challenge rank!  Hopefully I can fix the backroutes that have appeared and present a nice, polished pack.

So which Chaos levels have you completed now? (Note that some levels in earlier ranks introduce you to some advanced tricks that are necessary to solve some of the Chaos levels).

All of the levels you listed use special tilesets that have to be downloaded.

  • Curious 20, Cunning 5 = Tree (namida)
  • Cunning 10 = Biolab (Raymanni)
  • Cunning 20 = Thorn (bulletride)
  • Cunning 25 = L3 Biolab
  • Chaos 15 = L2 Space
  • Chaos 25 = Machine (namida)

Tier Drops was intended, well done.  Chaos 24 needs patching, bah!  Such a simple backroute too.

None of my levels require luck with crowd control, but some use some pretty advanced or obscure tricks.  Chaos 3 has a slight clue in its name.

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I'll release a v1.02 on Monday or the weekend, pending any other problems that are found.

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I'm on the spectrum too and am more mathematically-inclined, but I try to balance science and art.  Keep up with the level playing!  How far along are you with doing the levels in order?

Crumbs, you're doing well in finding the backroutes - well done! (I generally only have one solution for Chaos levels, with an exception for 30)

Perhaps you can solve my personal favourite level:
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Chaos 26 is very deceptive - it's called
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for a reason! You have to really think outside the box.

Sorry if I came off as harsh.  I admit I thought it was an update for NeoLemmix rather than SLX (it helps if I read the label of the board that this topic is under!)

I agree that "it breaks existing levels" or "it's always been that way" are poor reasons to deny something.  Stagnation in the name of nostalgia is never a good thing.

My usual fallback when met with such a conundrum is to try to appeal to logic.  For example, to me, jumping face first into a wall is an inelastic collision that breaks all forward inertia and so the lemming should just fall down unless they have the skill to scale said wall (i.e. a Climber).  When it comes to the Shimmier, besides the increased complexity of terrain interaction, I will have to go by the game's internal logic in order to avoid appealing to the "feel" of a skill.  Let's look at the order of precedence of actions.  The impression I get is that when just walking (or blocking), the first check is to see if there's terrain under the lemming's feet - if not, they fall; any concern about walking into a solid object is secondary.  With the Shimmier it's a bit more complicated because they're using a skill that specifically negates falling; however, if they come across terrain they can't traverse, like it increases or decreases in height too quickly, I feel this order should remain... fall check before turning check (which means falling each time unless there's terrain directly under their feet, in which case they become a walker).

(Of course, the fall check isn't the highest priority... that would be object interaction and blockers in that order.  Note that I haven't studied the source code and I don't know if that is the actual order of precedence, but it's what I've intuitively observed from the game)

Both solutions are backroutes.  I'll make a note to fix those in v1.02.  I'm glad I made you work hard for the solution to Chaos 28 though!

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