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Topics - Wafflem

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Level Design / Rough vs. Straight Terrain
« on: February 16, 2015, 05:03:03 AM »
Not sure if there is a topic on this, but I've decided to make it as a poll.

I've seen a lot of opinions that a lot of people prefer to make levels with straight edges as opposed to rough terrain, because rough terrain can be very tricky to handle and it can be very hard creating difficult puzzles out of such terrain.

What is your opinion?

Site Discussion / Registering for an account on the forum.
« on: February 14, 2015, 01:16:49 PM »
In the Users Online where it shows a list of what users are doing (only if you are logged in), I've noticed some guests are "Registering for an account on the forum." but they don't end up getting an account on the forum. How does that happen? Just curious.

Level Design / Do I have to create difficult levels?
« on: January 28, 2015, 03:42:43 PM »
It looks like the levels I have seen so far in the Database and in Fangames are mostly difficult levels.

I'd love to create more levels (especially for NeoLemmix), but I don't think I can create levels that are beyond Tricky difficulty, and most definitely not close to namida's Fierce levels of LPIII. I was thinking of making a level for the first contest, but I felt it wouldn't be on par in terms of difficulty with the others' levels.

If you've played my first NeoLemmix pack, you'll see that a majority of my levels are multiple-approach levels. The closest I can get to difficult is "Red Wave" of my first pack; despite it having multiple solutions, it's still a hard level.

Reviews / Level Review - MobiLems
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:20:03 AM »
This review topic will be for möbius's MobiLems.

I feel that the thread needs more Lemmini levelpacks, and this pack is a very excellent and challenging pack (though I haven't solved the later two difficulties yet). The levels don't seem to be on the same difficulty curve as Original Lemmings though; they're quite puzzling and challenging.

Make sure you have the recent version of MobiLems, which you can download here.

There aren't any images of the levels yet, so we'll have to do without them.

Here we go!

Friendly 1 - Lesson 1
10 Lemmings
50% (5) to be saved
Release Rate 30
5 Minutes
10 climbers and 10 floaters

Good: Nice Athlete tutorial. The level's design gives you get a lot of leeway on when you should assign the climber and floater. The title is also interesting and works for the very first level of the pack.
Bad: I can't really think of anything bad for this one. Maybe the trap, which only has a purpose in this level's repeat version? It's a very minor thing, though.

Forum Games / Buy, Sell, Trash
« on: January 02, 2015, 07:10:09 PM »
Another random game as I was looking for forum game ideas.

You provide three items. Then the next poster has to decide what to do with the items. One item is bought, one item is sold, and one item is simply thrown away. For example:

User 1: Couch, chair, hammock
User 2: I will buy the hammock, sell the couch, and trash the chair.

Here we go!
Lemmings, Oh No More Lemmings, Holiday Lemmings 1994

Site Discussion / Guest voting?
« on: January 02, 2015, 07:52:24 AM »
Is it possible to make it so that those who don't have a username can still vote in the forum polls?

I've noticed that some polls don't have a lot of votes like the Lemmings Plus ones, and this may be due to that the guests may have played the packs but didn't feel like making an account just to review the packs and vote.

Obviously, there also needs to be the security questions to prevent spam.

Site Discussion / Ranking?
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:41:58 PM »
Up to how many posts does it take for you to go up a rank?

I do know that it takes 50 posts to become Tricky, and 100 posts to become Taxing. But how many posts does it take to become Mayhem and Superlemming?

Site Discussion / Recent Posts
« on: December 24, 2014, 09:14:18 AM »
Once again, thanks again for creating the new forums and making lots of improvements.  :thumbsup:

Another forum suggestion: in the front page with the list of boards, it shows a section called "Recent Posts" on the bottom of the page, and shows a list of topics that were recently posted in. This feature is absent in the front page of this forum.

Site Discussion / NOTE: Spam from 50+ New Forum Members.
« on: December 14, 2014, 11:43:30 PM »
Just a heads-up to everyone.

There's been too much spam on the forums. Also, if you haven't noticed yet, check the Members list and click "Date Registered." You'll see that there are more than 50 new users who have signed on to the forum on the same day.

Lemmings Main / Anyone ever played these Amiga fangames before?
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:04:04 PM »
These are fangames I have discovered over the internet. I happened to stumble on Gaston Splatt's one when there was a topic in this forum mentioning that one of the levels can be beaten without doing anything at all.

Gaston Splatt's New Year's Lemmings 1991/1992
Download website

Psygore's Holiday Lemmings 1994 Demo
Download website

Just a thought, but will there ever be Lemmix versions of L2 and L3? To be honest, I've actually never played them before, but the skills look interesting (although, since there are too many of them, they can be very hard to use and get used to). I also like the graphic designs of the styles that are specifically made for each tribe.

Of course, it can't happen instantly; this could possibly happen in the future.

Forum Games / Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:19:21 PM »
I've seen this topic in many other forums, and I'm thinking we could play it here.

Basically, what you do is make a wish, then the next person has to grant that wish, but in a negative way. For example:

User 1: I wish I had a huge kitchen with robotic chefs.
User 2: Granted, but those robotic chefs will glitch up and mess up your meals.

Here we go!

I wish Tricky 26 "I have a cunning plan" would be easier with a lower release rate.

Lemmings Main / Lemmings MSX2
« on: October 27, 2014, 05:00:46 AM »
While I was looking for more levels that could be added to the Extra Player, I happened to stumble across a different Lemmings game.

This one is for the MSX2. The levels play very different from the original lemmings. The bomber's blast is more based on taking out blocks near lemmings than a oval blast radius. The lemmings also climb up by making ladders, a skill that is of course not seen in the originals (and I guess to an extent Lemmings 2: The Tribes and All New World of Lemmings). They also turn into blocks which also appear in Lix. I'm not sure what the others are because I haven't played this version yet.

Check out this video for more.

Reviews / Level Review - Lemmings Plus I (formerly LPDOS)
« on: September 04, 2014, 05:23:42 AM »
This Level Review game will be for namida's Lemmings Plus I, formerly known as Lemmings Plus DOS Project.

Download link:
Level maps: (make sure you copy the image link from the image)

NOTE: If a person doesn't review within 48 hours of the last reviewer's post, then double-posting is allowed.

Here we go!

Mild 1 - Just Walk!
10 Lemmings,, save 10%
Release Rate 50
5 Minutes
0 of each skill

Good: An interesting, simple and amusing way to begin the level pack - the lemmings just simply walk into the exit. 
Bad: This level could be seen as a filler level, but not for me. If this level were placed in any other position, then it would really be a filler level.

Levels for other engines / Scattered Levelpacks
« on: July 28, 2014, 02:02:36 PM »
There have been a lot of excellent Lemmings levels in Mindless's Lemmings Level Database, many of which have been used for the Community Compilation Pack Revenge of the Lemmings. However, it seems that not all level packs are on the database, and have been scattered in various websites, most especially the VTM Levelpacks. Another issue with that is that most of these websites are old and could close down at any time, and this can be a problem when there are very good levels in those sites. Therefore, these packs deserve to be preserved in the database for old and new players alike. So, I’ve uploaded most of the packs to the Lemmings Level Database.

NOTE: All NeoLemmix packs in the Extended Format, and/or have NeoLemmix objects and/or gimmicks will be uploaded to this database, due to possible compatibility issues.

Here is the list of authors of levels I’ve uploaded:

An older Lemmings Forums archive; unfortunately, almost all of the links of the level packs in there are broken:

Camanis Database:
Anthony Thompson (VTM)
Caleb Thiessen (VTM)
Em (VTM)
Isu (pack 2 only)
Janne Vieri (VTM)
Jeffrey Lancaster (VTM)
John Walker (VTM)
Lars Rudinger (VTM)
Martin Zurlinden (VTM) (Note: I’ve reordered the levels to the same order as in MazuLems. There are two levels that do not appear in MazuLems, so I’ve put those two in a separate pack.)
Matthias Witt (VTM)
MCMarshy (Packs 1-8)
Timballisto (

Dark Tree Media:
Wade Hendricksen

J. Gareth "Praetor PredAtor" Moreton (I believe he goes under the name "Crane" now, according to the Revenge of the Lemmings readme)
Ben Conway (including Conway13.dat from another site)
Cristóbal Márquez and Alfonso Celis
Joe Sentinel (joem1.dat-joem3.dat, found through
Juanjo el Lemming
Paris Karagounis
Tumble Weed

geoo's archive:
The 2P levels of Lemmings and Oh No More Lemmings (these also appear in their respective NeoLemmix players, but have yet to appear in the traditional ones)
Clam's 6th Lemmix pack (this only has four levels)
Eymerich (a.k.a. Ellischant)
geoopck2.dat (more of a preview)
-H0ru5- (elfpack02 and elfpack03)
levelpak3.dat by an unknown author
Pieuw's first two level packs
Twig's first and third packs

Lemming Crazy:
Lemming Crazy Contest #1 (five levels by namida, Insane Steve, Ben Conway and two unknown authors)
namida (as Steaver370)

Lemmings Forums:
The Apple Computer Level (with VGASPEC), extracted by ccexplore. Topic
A christmas level by uci. Topic
Every Single One Counts! by ccexplore as part of his myvgaspec tool. Topic
Lemmings Heaven Contest 2008. Topic
Lemmings Heaven Contest 2010 Topic
Level Jam Contest 3: Topic
Ohayo Lemming-San remake by DynaLem
The Mon0lith VGASPEC remake by geoo: Topic
The test levels, One Way to Freedom and the 2P Levels from the Genesis version, ripped by Tsyu. Genesis/2P, One Way to Freedom

Team Hell Spawn:

The Lemmings File Portal: 
togpak.dat (unknown author)
Twig (Twigpak2.dat only)
Two group collaborated levels:
  • One by  Timballisto, Ben Conway, Tumble Weed, Insane Steve, Shvegait and Guest.
  • The other by Tumble Weed, Ben Conway, Timballisto, JM, Isu and Shvegait

My old hard drive:
Joe Sentinel (joem5.dat-joem9.dat; joem4.dat remains missing due to a naming mistake on my part that turned out to be Team Hell Spwan's pack)
T3Tesla (since the one from an older version of Garjen is no longer available)

These are not all the levelpacks I found. I will be uploading more of the packs, and this list will be updated over time. If you know of a website, if I forgot a levelpack from a website, or if you spot any level packs with the wrong style, let me know. Thanks.

Known levelpacks that remain missing:
Isu (Isupck01.dat, if he's uploaded it somewhere else)
Joe Sentinel (joem4.dat)
Lemmings Heaven 2009

It would also be nice if the NES Lemmings levels are also remade, but this can be very difficult.

  • Many of these levels could be used in another Lemmings Community Compilation Pack. They’ll also very likely work for möbius’s Project Capybara and especially the revamped version of Revenge of the Lemmings for Superlemmini.
  • Some of the levels use the wrong graphic set. This can be remedied by changing the graphic set within the NeoLemmix editor. Alternatively, namida can convert graphic sets to use the Custlemm numbering using a certain code.
  • Some authors don't have all their levelpacks uploaded in the original website, such as Isu, who only has had his second levelpack uploaded.
  • Some packs and levels are by unknown authors, due to how I found them in my old hard drive; I got those from websites I can't remember.
  • The name of this topic was inspired by Timid 8 of Lemmings Plus III, "Scatterlem", a pre-placed lemming tutorial in which ten lemmings are spread all over the level.
Akseli for providing Eymerich's other pack and the Team Hell Spawn levelpack.
DynaLem for remaking Ohayo Lemming-san!
geoo for providing an archive of many of the levels and levelpacks.
Gronkling for providing the rest of his levelpacks.
Mindless for the Lemmings Level Database
namida for the NeoLemEdit and NeoLemmix Editor, as well as converting the levelpacks with the wrong graphic set and finding the right version of calepck1.dat
Tsyu for the other Genesis levels.
The websites themselves for originally providing the packs and levels.

Now that CustLemmix, NeoCustLemmix, Lemmini, SuperLemmini and Lix are released, try those packs in those games. Compare those to your experience when you played them in the DOS version of Custlemm.

If Mindless sees this, I have some suggestions for him to improve the Database:
1. As Luis said, there should be page number buttons.
2. There should also be a previous button.
3. Also display VGASPEC backgrounds in the levels.
4. Add support to namida's LPII, LPIII and SEGA styles, the NeoLemmix objects and the NeoLemmix Extended Format (although no levelpack with them has been uploaded yet).

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