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Topics - Wafflem

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Closed / 2.00 Hints
« on: July 29, 2015, 04:26:03 PM »
This will be a very useful feature, but how should they be displayed?

Should they be displayed in a dialog box, or should they be displayed on the top screen like how it was in Cheapo?

Hints will also be useful for things like gimmick levels (e.g. if you have a gimmick combo, but the player doesn't want to figure out what gimmicks are being used, they can read the hint to see what exact gimmicks the level uses).

Also, there are those hint arrows that were converted from Cheapo graphic sets; those should be in every official standard NeoLemmix graphic set.

Site Discussion / E-Mail notifications for edited posts
« on: July 07, 2015, 05:32:46 PM »
Is it possible to have an e-mail notification for when a person edits their post? Currently, I can only get notified when someone replies to a topic.

NeoLemmix Main / NeoLemmix Tutorial Pack?
« on: July 04, 2015, 02:26:38 PM »
NeoLemmix has been out for over a year now, and with it there have been plenty of cool features.

However, not everyone is used to the new features in NeoLemmix. One way that can help people get acquainted to NeoLemmix is the NeoLemmix Skills Tutorial Pack, which is installed with NeoCustLemmix.

I am wondering, should the NeoLemmix Skills Tutorial Pack be expanded to a NeoLemmix Tutorial Pack, with one rank being the new skills, one rank being tutorials for the NeoLemmix objects, one for gimmicks, and one rank being the changes in mechanics (such as autosteel)? Such a pack will also help newcomers get acquainted with NeoLemmix.

NeoLemmix Main / LVL Files on the NeoLemmix Website?
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:23:28 AM »
Question for the Level Packs page:

Should there also be a separate section for individual LVL files? This could be useful for, say, if a person has created a good level but does not have the time to make a full pack with that level, but still wants other people to play that level. It could also work for the contest levels.

Reviews / Level Review - MazuLems
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:23:52 PM »
Despite this one being one of the most popular Fangames by Martin Zurlinden back in the VTM days, I'm surprised that no level review has been done for this one yet.

So, why not start a level review for this one too?

Download of the Lemmix player, compiled by namida.

Images can be found in Mindless's Level Database:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Extra Levels

Level 1 - A Giant Leap for Lemmingkind
50 Lemmings
96% (48) to be saved
Release Rate 1
4 Minutes
3 Climbers, 3 Bombers, 3 Blockers, 5 Builders, 2 Bashers

Good: An excellent and challenging way to begin the pack. You'll have to do this one in the correct order; if you mess up, you will have to start again. This one also uses some good tricks.
Bad: Nothing really, this is a great starter to this pack.

Reviews / Level Review - Copycat Lemmings
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:09:33 PM »
The Cheapo conversion tool is on its way, and with that, tons of levels and styles will be converted to accommodate with Lemmix/NeoLemmix (and Lemmini/SuperLemmini, so mobius can add the special levels to the SuperLemmini version of Revenge of the Lemmings).

The first place that namida started was Essman's first game, Copycat Lemmings. It took a lot of work to convert the Copycat version of the Lemmings styles, but it all payed off, and the graphics now run smoothly.

The game overall is challenging and not recommended for beginners, since the levels quickly rise in difficulty, even in the Fun rank.

Download (Requires a version of NeoLemmix between V1.37n and V1.43n-F inclusive)

Since I do not have the images (can't dump them from the player, none of them uploaded to a website, etc.), you will just have to put down the level stats.

Fun 1 - Just bash
10 Lemmings
50% (5) to be saved
Release rate 1
9 minutes
10 bashers

Good: A very simple way to begin the pack with just one skill.
Bad: I find the level to be awkward for a starter level when you have a small amount of lemmings, yet you can't let them fall to the left side. I find it annoying how some lemmings turn around the second tree before the basher even finishes. The save requirement I think is also quite high.

Reviews / Level Review - Doomsday Lemmings
« on: March 04, 2015, 03:59:14 PM »
Since this is separate from the Lemmings Plus series, why not do this rather spooky and frightening Fangame as well? 15 levels of zombies that try to infect your lemmings?

(Of course, I can do LPII, LPIII, HLP, Flashbacks (maybe, if people want to start there before the actual Lemmings Plus games) and LPO at the same time, but I'd rather do the series in order)

For those who don't know how this works, this game is very different from the average Lemmings game. In addition to the new NeoLemmix skills, there are also what are known as zombie lemmings. If a regular lemming touches a zombie lemming, they also become a zombie. Quite spooky and Halloween-y, eh?

Can you handle the zombie outbreak in this very spooky download link? :devil:
Need more information about these zombies here?

Outbreak 1 - Grave Danger
19 Lemmings, 1 Zombie, 15 Lemmings to be saved
Release Rate 10
Infinite Time
10 Walkers, Blockers, Platformers, Bashers, Miners, Diggers

Good: This level is reminiscent of Playtime 1 "Quarantined Threat," only spookier due to the visual design, the blood, the claws, you name it. This is also an excellent breather to the upcoming levels, which are a change in difficulty to this one.
Bad: Nothing, this is a good refresher. Just be prepared...

Level Design / Timed vs. Infinite Time levels
« on: March 02, 2015, 08:21:56 PM »
It used to be the tradition that lemmings levels have a time limit. Many levels in the earlier ranks have over 5 minutes to allow for the level to be open-ended and easy, while the later ranks usually only give a lower time (for example, you only get one minute in Mayhem 3 "It's hero time").

However, recent levels like those in Lix and Lemmings Plus Omega have started to use infinite time. namida's recent contest has also had us use either 99 minutes or infinite time depending on what engine we used.

What is your opinion? Do you prefer levels to have a time limit, or infinite time?

Site Discussion / Posts not counting on Forum Games
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:18:46 PM »
How come you made it so that posts do not count if you post in Forum Games?

I'm not sure, but I feel this removes the incentive to play the forum games. The forum games are a lot of fun, but if posts don't count, then I feel that takes away the motivation of playing. I guess this is due to people wanting to climb up the Fun/Tricky/Taxing ranking by posting there.

One suggestion would be that if you ever remove the Fun/Tricky/Taxing ranking as discussed in this topic, that you should make it so the posts should now count when posting in Forum Games.

Level Design / L2 Styles and L3 Styles
« on: March 01, 2015, 02:34:51 PM »
Is it possible that someone on the list in this post has the L2 styles?

If so, that would be great. Some of us like IchoTolot would like to create (Neo)Lemmix/(Super)Lemmini levels using the L2 styles.

General Discussion / The Crystal Maze
« on: February 21, 2015, 03:24:04 PM »
Not sure where to put this as it's a TV game show.

Anyone ever seen this old but wonderful and adventurous game show? For those who don't remember (including myself for I don't completely remember the show), it involves six team members and the host traveling around a building of five areas, which are are Aztec, Future, Medieval, Industrial/Ocean (the latter being in later seasons), and the Crystal Dome. In each area are doors which have puzzles behind them. A team member must complete the puzzle to obtain a crystal, which is needed for the Crystal Dome. The team member must complete the puzzle in the alotted time; if they don't complete it, they get locked in the room by the host. In order to free the team member, the other members of the team need to obtain a key somewhere.

At the end is the Crystal Dome where team members must grab gold papers or something like that in the alotted time, the time being based on the number of crystals they collect.

Feel free to correct me if there's anything I got wrong.

Here is the Series 1 opening to refresh your memory.

Level Design / Official Tilesets vs. Custom Tilesets
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:52:01 PM »
This poll was inspired by this topic and many opinions I have seen in the forums, especially those in the first contest.

Which type of tileset do you prefer? Many level designers like exit and redroom still stick to the official tilesets, but others like GigaLem, Pieuw, IchoTolot, namida and I actually use custom tilesets in our levels. A couple of others have also used the unofficial tilesets in the first contest.

What is your opinion? Feel free to post here if there is anything I missed in the poll, which was based on opinions I have seen around the forum.

By the way, I meant to say that you can vote for up to 10, not 8, but I can't edit that. If someone is able to, that would be great. Thanks.

Site Discussion / Karma
« on: February 20, 2015, 04:32:08 PM »
Based on the poll in this topic, it looks like karma is the least popular among forum members.

What are your thoughts? Should this feature still be kept, or should it be removed?

I remember that there were forums from the websites of Lemmings Universe and Garjen.

Ii it still possible to import the posts from those two forums? Lemmings Universe seems very unlikely because the forums may have been deleted, but Garjen might be still possible (though the forums there were closed down indefinitely due to spambots).

Level Design / Timed vs. Instant Bombers
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:00:56 PM »
With the instant bomber change that occurred in NeoLemmix and the Lemmings Plus games, it changed the Lemmings gameplay by a lot.

I have not seen a lot of opinions on this one yet. Would you rather have a gameplay where bombers count down from 5 seconds, or would you rather they explode instantly?

Spoilered to avoid biases:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

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