Author Topic: Conversion of Lemmini Mobillems V6 to Superlemmini (Finished)  (Read 1689 times)

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Offline ericderkovits

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Conversion of Lemmini Mobillems V6 to Superlemmini (Finished)
« on: September 24, 2020, 09:28:45 AM »
ok The Conversion of Mobillems from Lemmini to Superlemmini is now finished.

Note on the levels, This pack was much easier to convert then either Reunion or Pimolems, not only was solving them easier and quicker, but not nearly as much editing as Reunion. Also probably
fewer levels with climber issues then either Pimolems or Reunion. Also there were no glitch levels to recreate like in Pimolems. Although I took longer then expected to complete the conversion, there were way fewer editing issues. The only reason it took me longer to convert was because of trying to gather replays for other packs and turning them green, so alot of times I only got to
do a few levels at night.

Anyways i rared my folders for the music and styles(using the mod feature for these 2 folders so it won't interfere with your other packs), then i rared the Mobillems Levels and finally rared the replays.
I looked at the size of these and I noticed i'll just be able to upload the 3 attachments, since all 3 will be under the 32.7 mb. No Dropbox for this pack.
Thats because the music used for Mobillems are all on mod form, which are smaller is size then the other packs I converted which used ogg ones(way larger in size compared to mod music ones)

to get the pack:

extract these 3 attachments to your main Superlemmini folder. Everything will just fall into place.

1st .rar attachment contains the mod folder which has the 2 subfolders: "styles" and "music". And in the styles folder are the styles. And in the music folder are the .mod music ones. The levelpack.ini will reflect this.
2nd .rar attachment is the actual levels. again just extract to main folder as it will fall into place. inside the .rar is the folder "levels" and inside that is the folder MobilLems which then contains
       the level .ini's

3rd .rar attachment are my replays. again just extract to main folder as it will fall into place. inside the .rar is the folder replays. and inside that folder are subfolders for each Mobillems rank,
which have the actual .rpl files inside each rank subfolder.