Level Review Topic

Started by Adam, May 25, 2009, 06:54:53 PM

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http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=19.msg4334#msg4334">Quote from: Dullstar on 2009-09-04 18:01:05
What version are we going to review next?  I hope not Amiga JUST YET.

No way!  Most of the Amiga levels have little difference to DOS, it'd be quite pointless to review them.

My expectation was that indeed we'll do ONML and Holiday.  Alternatively, somewhere along the way we could consider doing the many extra levels in the Sega Genesis (aka Megadrive) version of Lemmings.  Some time ago I even extracted the levels from that game for DOS/Lemmix use, I'll see if I can dig them up.  (You could of course always just search the net for the ROMs and use an emulator.)


http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=19.msg4333#msg4333">Quote from: Clam Spammer on 2009-09-04 17:57:49
Oh, yeah... Hey, I never tried that on my own copy. I should do that now. (Update to come...)

Well that was weird. The lemming bashed through the ceiling just fine (except for the second steel wall) the first time, but then I encountered the problem LemSteven described after running your program.

BTW if we do ONML next, may I suggest we skip Tame and start with Crazy.


It seems to have fallen to me to finish this off.

I would also like to do ONML next, but I do not think we should skip Tame. We could whizz through them pretty fast, as I doubt anything we say will provoke much debate, but there are definitely some levels that are better (more fun, less tedious) than others and I'd be interested to hear others' opinions and have a chance to share mine.

Mayhem 30 - Rendezvous at the Mountain
http://www.neolemmix.com/levelimg/orig/0430.png" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

80 lemmings
Save 75% (60)
Release rate 20
9 minutes

30 builders, 1 floater, 4 diggers, 10 of each other skill

Good: Best title ever (and it was Googling this level title that led me to discover this community in the first place, so you all have reason to be glad it exists http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" /> ). And an awesome last level, with the sheer scale of it, and the theme of bringing the lemmings together for the last hurrah. Anyone who objects to this level coming last just because it isn't the hardest is, to be quite frank, missing the point.
Bad: Somewhat random collection of skills. Why reduce the number of diggers to 4 when you don't really need diggers at all?


Let's get started.  We'll just use the shots from Clam Spammer's Tame challenges for now...

DOS - Tame 1 - Down and out Lemmings
http://camanis.net/lemmings/levelpacks.php?shot&level=0ccc6787f3550e6fd2bbb60ee0372dbbd3d4fe5d" alt="" class="bbc_img" />
To save:
  25 (50%)
Release Rate: 
4 minutes

A variety of ways that it can be solved exist.  There are your simple methods, and there are your complicated ones, like Clam Spammer's challenge.
The release rate is VERY low.  Play area looks fine . . .
. . . but other than that, needs more decorative terrain.

By the way, Clam Spammer, how do you pull that Tame 1 challenge off? http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/huh.gif" alt="???" title="Huh?" class="smiley" />


http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=19.msg4344#msg4344">Quote from: Dullstar on 2009-09-04 20:27:50
By the way, Clam Spammer, how do you pull that Tame 1 challenge off? http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/huh.gif" alt="???" title="Huh?" class="smiley" />

Ah, yes, that's a tough one. Not as tough as builders only or bashers only though http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />. Okay, here's a hint: (highlight to read)

Don't try it in the Amiga version - it ain't gonna work. (Based on what I've heard, at least, since I haven't played this version)


What's that Tame 1 challenge you're talking about? I'm interested http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/laugh.gif" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />
Like prog metal? Listen at Izkemia on MySpace or Facebook.


Click the link in my sig to go to the page with all my Lemmix level packs. The two packs "CSTame1" and "CSTame2" contain Custom Lemmings-style versions of the Tame levels with tougher skill sets and time limits. These are the "Tame challenges" that I originally posted on the old forums.


http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=19.msg4354#msg4354">Quote from: Clam Spammer on 2009-09-04 22:30:21
Click the link in my sig to go to the page with all my Lemmix level packs. The two packs "CSTame1" and "CSTame2" contain Custom Lemmings-style versions of the Tame levels with tougher skill sets and time limits. These are the "Tame challenges" that I originally posted on the old forums.

I tried to open the level in Lemmix and it said: TDosOrigStyle.FinGraphicSet 5 not found. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />
Like prog metal? Listen at Izkemia on MySpace or Facebook.


http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=19.msg4354#msg4354">Quote from: Clam Spammer on 2009-09-04 22:30:21
The two packs "CSTame1" and "CSTame2" contain Custom Lemmings-style versions of the Tame levels

Just open it as you would any other custom level pack.


That's exactly what I did. Actually, I tried with my pack -which is Custom lemmings-style as well- and it works just fine.
Like prog metal? Listen at Izkemia on MySpace or Facebook.


Ah, I see. Do you have the Oh No More Lemmings graphics files in your Lemmix folder? (I'm guessing you don't since none of your custom levels are made with Oh No graphics.) What you need to do is:

- copy the graphics files (ground#o.dat and vgagr#.dat - there should be four of each) from your ONML folder
- rename them so that the numbers are from 5 to 8 instead of 0 to 3 (add 5 to each), so Lemmix can read them
- (optional) while you're at it, copy over the Xmas graphics from Holiday lemmings and make this number 9.

I wonder if it's about time we had an FAQ for this sort of thing... you're certainly not the first to ask about this.  http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />


Damn, I hate causing you guys so much trouble http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />

I already have all Cust Lemm core files into my folder. The weird thing is that I can play levels with Oh no graphics with no issues, like ccexplore's response to Insane Steve's challenge. The only pack that's giving me trouble is yours http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />

EDIT: AHHH I'M SO STUPID! Forget everything I said. Got them running now  http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/embarrassed.gif" alt=":-[" title="Embarrassed" class="smiley" />
Like prog metal? Listen at Izkemia on MySpace or Facebook.


http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=19.msg4355#msg4355">Quote from: Fernito on 2009-09-04 22:36:12
I tried to open the level in Lemmix and it said: TDosOrigStyle.FinGraphicSet 5 not found. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />

EDIT: Apparently it's working now. I'll leave this post for reference.

Good luck with those challenges now http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />

(original post)
Aargh... sorry, I misread the error message there. This means you're opening the level in Original lemmings mode. The levelpack viewer uses this mode by default. When you open a single-level file (like ccexplore's challenge level), it prompts you to select a viewer style, but when you open a level pack, it doesn't. You need to right-click the levelpack viewer window, select "Change viewer style..." and select Custom Lemmings from the menu that pops up.


http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=19.msg4360#msg4360">Quote from: Clam Spammer on 2009-09-05 00:00:46
Good luck with those challenges now http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />

I just played the challenge and the only thing I can say is... how on earth???  http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/huh.gif" alt="???" title="Huh?" class="smiley" /> hahahahaha

OK, sorry for keeping this off-topic http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/winktounge.gif" alt=";P" title="Wink-Tongue" class="smiley" />
Like prog metal? Listen at Izkemia on MySpace or Facebook.


That's okay.  http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/laugh.gif" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />

Now that's been resolved... On with the reviews! Rather than saying the same thing about each level (Good: Variety of solutions, good for challenges. Bad: Too easy), I'll try to take this as given and find something else to talk about.

Tame 2 - Rent-a-Lemming
http://camanis.net/lemmings/levelpacks.php?shot&level=ff0ada234640ee1918339694651329c8618f7735" alt="" class="bbc_img" />
(insert Tame stats here)

Good: Nice clean design that takes up the whole screen and not much more.

Bad: Too much empty space above the trapdoor. Needs more green stuff (crystals, grass) for decoration. And if you look closely you'll see some gaps in the terrain.

Hey, whaddya know. 500 posts!