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NeoLemmix Main / Re: Crane's ideas about porting NL to Unix-likes
« Last post by Simon on Today at 04:20:59 AM »
Sounds great. I'll happily try the Lazarus build. Crane, let me know when you have something to test.

The GR32 port wouldn't be urgent for me. Everything here runs on x86_64.

-- Simon
NeoLemmix Main / Re: Crane's ideas about porting NL to Unix-likes
« Last post by namida on Today at 03:16:45 AM »
NL is written for and tested on said configuration. I know it doesn't work out of the box with Lazarus / FPC; but there IS a lot of overlap and it is likely realistic to port it to Lazarus. That appears to be what Crane is attempting (and based on what he's said on Discord, making fairly significant progress towards).

The biggest obstacle is GR32 not being optimized on non-x86 hardware (resulting in poor performance), but I believe Crane has been working on that. This is less of a concern for simply "build on/for Windows in Lazarus" or even for "build for Linux".
NeoLemmix Styles / Re: New Styles - Lemmings Faithful
« Last post by mobius on Today at 02:14:23 AM »
Incredible work! these look like original game material. :thumbsup: If/when I continue work on my levelset, I must use these.
Removed lemming fixed in commit 0e7ea49. Teleporting lemming fixed in commit 50b52b7.

There is still a slight oddity for one frame with a Laserer who goes through a portal. Given that a very specific and unusual setup in the level design is required to achieve this, and it would be a fair bit of effort to make a fix that doesn't risk breaking other things, I'm leaving that case as-is.
Your showcase animations are always excellent. Thanks for taking the time to make them!

-- Simon
NeoLemmix Main / Re: NeoLemmix V12.13.0-RC Released
« Last post by Simon on May 21, 2024, 09:34:44 PM »
I can't run V12.13.0 RC both on my pc and laptop.
This is the error message I got:

Idea: There are at least two new images in the RC1:


Do these exist in your NL tree? Or did you take the executable from the download and nothing else?

Even if you installed the entire RC1: Maybe NL calls into outdated graphic libraries on your system. I don't know if it's possible with PNG to run into new compression formats, but, as a wild guess: Open the images in a graphic-editing program of your choice, then re-save them as PNG. Does that make NL happy?

(It would spoil the wild goose chase if the message told you which image it tried to load. On the other hand, it doesn't seem to be entirely NL's fault; grepping the source for variations of "Unknown image format" finds nothing. Looks like it comes from within one of NL's libraries.)

-- Simon
NeoLemmix Main / Crane's ideas about porting NL to Unix-likes
« Last post by Simon on May 21, 2024, 09:17:17 PM »
In Future of NeoLemmix development, Crane wrote:

One thing I would like to do one day is get NeoLemmix working on the Raspberry Pi.

It is a bit of an undertaking though because besides porting the source code over to the Free Pascal Compiler, [...]

That's interesting -- I've always thought that NL builds (1) only on Windows, (2) only for Windows, and (3) only with certain compilers/IDEs. You sound like none of these 3 restrictions need be set in stone, and removing the 3 restrictions is a medium-scope project for an experienced Pascal/Delphi developer.

Background: I spent one night on installing a Delphi toolchain in Wine on Linux and failed because the graphical IDE wouldn't run. I wouldn't mind trying again, and trying it with different versions of the Microsoft toolkits that the IDE needed.

But even better would be to build NL on Linux from the command line without installing any fat IDEs.

It's okay if it generates Windows binaries (i.e., we crossbuild from Linux to Windows) because the Windows binaries run well in Wine. Linux binaires would of course be nice, but they aren't essential yet. It's also okay if I can't change the GUI dialogs without installing an IDE or a graphical GUI editor.

-- Simon
We now have a fully-implemented and working Playback Mode, with options to play back by Replay, by Level, or in Random order!

It's fairly rudimentary, but works well. No camera movement unfortunately, but simply having auto-play functionality is a huge advantage by itself. Here's a video demo:

EDIT: Incidentally, Playback Mode works just fine when Classic Mode is active, but Replay Insert mode is unavailable (as per the parameters of Classic Mode) - so, despite what I said in the video, Playback Mode probably won't activate Replay Insert mode by default.

I'll get a better demo video out soon :P

Implemented in Commits 80da87c02 - 98d4abdfc (not squashing at present to make it easier to rollback features in case of issues, the commit number may change before the feature goes stable)
In Development / Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings New Worlds Demo
« Last post by Mobiethian on May 20, 2024, 08:26:26 PM »
I'm so glad that you liked the demo! That made me happy. :) I'll be using similar design methods for the remainder of the pack.

Your new styles are just right! :thumbsup:
In Development / Re: [NeoLemmix] Lemmings New Worlds Demo
« Last post by 92Dexter11 on May 20, 2024, 08:06:53 PM »
Just played through this, and wow! These levels look amazing, great work!

I really like the solutions, they're quite easy, but just challenging enough. They remind me a lot of the ohno/orignal levels. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your pack!
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