I remember long ago pointing out that most multiplayer video games have time outs for people who sit AFK in lobbies (sometimes even in game but I personally think that's unnecessary). There's a number of solutions to this problem but basically the game should not break for everybody because one person either walks away or has connection issues or something.
AFK kicking wouldn't work because it would probably kick spectators too and they aren't able to make inputs while a game is in progress.
I have tried to drum it into people in the Lix multiplayer guide early on (under the Etiquette section) that you should set yourself to spectate if you are going to be away. Even if it means exiting the game and returning to the lobby to "put on the shades".
A separate but related issue:
People continuously changing colors and disrupting the readiness. I remember a few occasions where it took what felt like ages to start because people kept changing colors/teams. Again, I feel like some sort of countdown would be a simple solution to this.
I've also mentioned this in the multiplayer guide. It is annoying but unreadying people when a change in colour occurs is necessary. Ironically I know who you are on about when you say this also!
In current Lix 0.10.26, there is nothing you can do here.
Looks like the room owner finally needs more power.
There is one band-aid solution idea that doesn't touch the networking protocol: If player X enters a room where 1 or more players have already pressed ready, X will enter in observer mode and not disturb the readiness. I can investigate whether this is possible as a pure server-side change, then it will be compatible with all of 0.10.x.
Even under this band-aid, X can still re-select a color immediately and thereby disturb everybod's readiness. The hope is that absolute newbs will not re-select a color.
-- Simon
How about when everyone joins a room, they are in spectator mode by default? They then have to select a colour to play before being able to play. It would prevent people inadvertently disturbing players getting ready to play.
Room owner having privileges over the lobby would also be a good thing to implement. Like being able to remove people who are being obstructive or forcing someone into spectator mode instead.