[SLX] Mikes Lemmings Superlemmix Edition [Difficulty: Medium - Hard]

Started by Turrican, March 26, 2023, 02:35:44 AM

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Hi! Here is my first pack for Superlemmix. It's called "Mikes Lemmings Superlemmix Edition" .

The pack contains 32 levels. It contains two main ranks . The first rank contains 11 levels , the second rank contains 12 levels , and the Bonus rank which contains 9 levels. The 22 levels in the two main ranks , and six levels in the Bonus rank , are made by me , and the other three levels from the Bonus rank are "Lemmix to Neolemmix" level conversions , that I have done in the past.

The three converted levels are: "All that a Basher can Do" by Dodochacalo , "Is There a Pilot in the Rocket ?" by Dodochacalo , and "Bubble Bath" by Gronkling.

You will find the pack , as an attachment in the bottom of this post. I have attached also , the replays of the solutions of the levels.

About Classic mode : It is not recommended to use classic mode , with this pack. The theme , for many of the levels , is tricks , that rely a lot on knowledge of the  physics of the game , and as the result , several of the solutions of the levels, contain consecutive , difficult skill assignments, that may be too precise, for Classic mode.

About the tilesets : For the needed styles (tilesets) for the various levels of the pack , you can download the styles collection here.
Copy the styles to your styles folder.

Also some levels require the "turrican special" tileset , in order to work. I have attached it to this post.

About the music :

Here is the link for my Dropbox , where you can download the music tracks for the levels of the pack:


It contains a folder , called "Turrican projects". You need to put that folder , inside the music folder.

Special thanks to :

Jkapp76 , for creating and providing , the logo for the pack.

Nessy, for putting some of his levels in the "Bits of levels you can finish" thread , so I could use them as basis for three of the levels , contained in the pack.

IchoTolot ,  for giving me permission to put his solution for "FC Lems screwed by the refs" , in the replay collection.

Armani , IchoTolot , Kaywhyn ,and Mobius , for sending me solutions for several levels , that are contained in the pack .

EDIT : I have uploaded, the version 1.19 of the pack. It contains the Superlemmix version of my new level. That level is : Bonus 6 - "Floating Above the Valley of the Clouds" . That level contains AI art .

In order to play it , you will need the updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in this post.

Compared to the Neolemmix version , the Superlemmix version , has a different solution , and also contains Freezers , Laderrers and Ballooners.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in this post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here are some pictures from some of the levels:

                                                          "Excavations in the Cubic Cave"

                                                            "Cyberlems 2055 - Part Zero"

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded, the version 1.01 of the pack, which is based on solutions , and feedback on the Neolemmix version of the pack, by Kaywhyn.

First of all , many thanks to Jkapp76 , for creating and providing , the logo for the pack! :thumbsup:

Wicked 8 (Cyberlems 2555) , has now become Wicked 9 , and it is called now "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 2". The new Wicked 8, is a level called "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 1" , and it's a level that will help you research, most of the key skill assignments, that you will need in order to solve Part 2.

Both levels contain, several visual hints on their terrain, that will help you to properly find, the correct skill assigments, that you will need , in order to solve both levels.

Here are some instructions, of how to use these properly markers:
There are small orthogonal shapes in yellow colour, that hint the exact position. of the builders. You need to place the builders stair in such a position , that it will cover exactly all the yellow pixels.
Also in the two checkerboard squares on the bottom part of , the level ,  there are two orthogonal (right-angled) triangles in yellow colour, that will help you ensure , that the exact height,  of the miner tunnels , that you have found is the correct one. If your miner's tunnels are correct, the miners will remove all the pixels above the hypotenuse angles , of these triangles, but none of the yellow pixels of the triangles.

Wicked 9 also, contains , several other changes on it's terrain , that make it a bit easier, compared to the  original version.

The updated version of the pack also contains a backroute fix for Wicked 6 - "A Place Lost In the Aether" (it contains a small terrain change).

The "Subspase" level also , has now been moved from the Wild rank to the Wicked rank , and it is Wicked 4 now. The "Pencils Hiding my Painting" level has now been moved , from the Wicked rank , to Wild 7.

I have uploaded also , the updated replay collection for the pack, which contains also updated solutions , for Wild 8 - '"FC Lems screwed by the refs" , and Wicked 4 "Subspace" .
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded, the version 1.02 of the pack , which contains a level conversion of a level from the Neolemmix version of the pack ( which , I made it work on Superlemmix by replacing a stoner with a freezer ) .

The level is : Wild 7 - "Miniature Lemmings"

I have updated also , the replay collection of the pack , and also the music tracks of the pack , in my dropbox. If you have already all the previous tracks , and you don't want to re-download them, just for one track , I have attached also, the music track for the level here ( you will put it , inside the "Turrican Projects" folder, which is inside the music folder ) .

Here is how the level looks ( for the ones , that haven't seen the Neolemmix version ) :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded, the version 1.03 of the pack , which contains a level conversion of a level from the Neolemmix version of the pack ( which , I made it work on Superlemmix by replacing the stoners , on the skillset of the level , and on the "pickup skill" object , with freezers , and adding a stacker ) .

The level is : Wicked 8 - "Airborne Rodents"

I have updated also , the replay collection of the pack , and also the music tracks of the pack , in my dropbox. If you have already all the previous tracks , and you don't want to re-download them, just for one track , you can download it from this link : https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=61600
You will put it , inside the "Turrican Projects" folder, which is inside the music folder.

Here is how the level looks ( for the ones , that haven't seen the Neolemmix version ) :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded, the version 1.04 of the pack. It contains the Superlemmix version of my new level  ( which , I made it work on Superlemmix by replacing the stoners , it contained , with freezers ) . That level is : Bonus 3 - "The House With the Thin Foundations" . That level contains AI art .

In order to play it , you will need an updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in the first post.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


 I have uploaded the version 1.05 of the pack, which contains a level conversion of a level from the Neolemmix version of the pack ( which , I made it work on Superlemmix by replacing a stoner with a freezer , and adding also , a shimmier ) .

The level is : Wicked 7 - "Underwater Caverns" .

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Also , "The Crystal Coves" has been moved to the Wild rank , and it is Wild 9 now.

Here is how the"Underwater Caverns" looks ( for the ones , that haven't seen the Neolemmix version ) :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded the version 1.06 of the pack. It contains changes on two levels , that contain zombies, due to changes on zombie speed , that the new version of Superlemmix , contains.

I have uploaded also , the updated replay collection , for the new version pf the pack.

More precisely :
Wicked - 4  "A place Lost in the Aether" : I did a small change on the level. The replay of the intended solution , has not been changed.
Wicked 7 - "Underwater Caverns" : I updated the replay of the intended solution , because it needed a fix , due to physics changes.
Bonus 3 - "The House With the Thin Foundations" : I did a small change on the level , and I changed the save requirement.  The replay of the intended solution also, has been updated.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded, the version 1.07 of the pack. It contains the Superlemmix version of my new level  ( which , I made it work on Superlemmix by replacing the stoners , it contained , with freezers ) . That level is : Bonus 4 - "The Astral Monolith" . That level contains AI art .

In order to play it , you will need an updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in the first post.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


 I have uploaded, the version 1.08 of the pack. It contains updated versions of two levels , that need to be updated , due to changes in shimmier physics. The levels are :

Wicked 7 - "Underwater Caverns" : I did some small changes on the terrain , added a button , removed a cloner , and reduced the save requirement by 1.

Bonus 3 - "The House With the Thin Foundations" : Added a fire object , reduced the shimmiers by one , and made them pick-up skills , and also added two walkers and one jumper.

Also I have added a "Lemmix to Neolemmix/Superlemmix" level conversion of "All that a Basher can Do" by Dodochacalo. The level is placed on the Bonus rank ( first level of the rank ) .

This is, a level that I had modified from the Lemmix version of Revenge of the Lemmings v1 , some years ago , and also , I had made a version of that , for Superlemmini .  The level was in the beta version , of the Lemmix version of RotL , but It was about to be replaced , because in order to be solved , it required a Lemmini-only glitch.

My modifications here , are to make the level possible to be solved , without the use of that Lemmini-only glitch. It is a non-glitch level now , but also it's intended solution is close to the original one.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection.

Also , I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks  (for the ones , that haven't seen the previous versions of the level) :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded, the version 1.09 of the pack , which contains a level conversion of a level from the Neolemmix version of the pack .

The level is : Wicked 6 - "To the Stargate!" .

The changes that contains , compared to the original version , are that I removed the following pick-up skills : 2 stoners , and 1 platformer , added a freezer as a pickup skill , and increased the save requirement , from 38 to 40 .

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks ( for the ones , that haven't seen the Neolemmix version ) :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded, the version 1.10 of the pack. It  contains a small fix for Bonus 1  - "All that a Basher can Do" by Dodochacalo  .
The fix is : I have replaced the water in the level , with acid.

The replay collection of the 1.09 version of the pack , solves also this version.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded the version 1.11 of the pack. It contains two new levels , and two updated levels .

First of all , it contains new versions of Wicked 10 - "Cyberlems 2555 - part 1" , and Wicked 11 - "Cyberlems 2555 - part 2".

It contains , a small change on these levels ( the bulders that provided as a pick-up skill have been reduced from 6 to 5 ). With these changes , the way Kaywhyn handled the last part of the solutions of these levels , is now part of their intended solutions too.

Secondly , it contains  the Superlemmix version of my new level ( which , I made it work on Superlemmix by replacing the stoners , it contained , with freezers , and by adding a platformer ). The level is Bonus 4 - "In the Sight of the Colossus" . That level contains AI art .
In order to play it , you will need an updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in the first post.

Also the version 1.02 of "Cyberlems 2555"  , appears now in the Bonus rank , as "Cyberlems 2555 - Part Zero" . The level is practically the same as "Cyberlems 2555 - part 2" , but it has a small difference compared to that level :
Most of the visual hints on the terrain , have been removed.
It's for the ones that want to try the level with fewer assists. if you don't want to play the level , your replay of  "Cyberlems 2555 - part 2" , will also , solve this level .

I have uploaded also , the updated replay collection , which also contains , the replays of the updated and new levels .

Also , I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the new level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


 I have uploaded the version 1.12 of the pack. It contains a new level : Wild 7 - ''Joe's Money Vault'' ( which , I made it work on Superlemmix by replacing the stoners , the Neolemmix version of the level contained , with freezers ) .

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded , the version 1.13 of the pack. It contains he versions 1.02 of Wicked 10 - "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 1" and Wicked 11 - "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 2" , and the verion 1.01 of Bonus 7 - "Cyberlems 2555 - Part Zero" .

The new versions contain several modifications , that allows them to maintain their original look , if you have the new version , of the styles by Ryemanni installed (which has replaced several of the tiles, the level used , with newer versions of these) .

In order for the level to work , you will need to put in your styles folder , the new version of the ''turrican_special'' tileset , that is also included in the first post.

Many thanks to Ryemanni , who gave me his permission , to include the needed tiles , in the tileset! :thumbsup:
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I really must say that I am beyond impressed with all of your work. Please do keep the great work goin'! Very nice! :thumbsup:
Level packs developed:

Lemmings Heritage
Lemmings New Worlds
Holiday Lemmings 2024 (Collab. with Armani)
SonicLems (In Development)


Quote from: Mobiethian on April 20, 2024, 05:04:10 PM
I really must say that I am beyond impressed with all of your work. Please do keep the great work goin'! Very nice! :thumbsup:

Thank you , Mobiethian! :thumbsup:
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded the version 1.14 of the pack , which contains various fixes on several levels , and updated replay collection.

First of all , it seems , that on the latest versions of Superlemmix , some trigger areas of some button items had changed , something that caused the buttons , on some of the levels of the pack , to not work. The affected levels were , "Wicked 7 - Dockside Warehouse" , Wicked 10 - "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 1" ,  Wicked 11 - "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 2" , and Bonus 7 - "Cyberlems 2555 - Part Zero" . These levels have been fixed now , in this update.

Also 'Wicked 8 - "Underwater Caverns" , has been updated , due to a physics , change in shimmier physics. The changes are : -1 shimmier , +1 walker and +1 save requirement. I have uploaded also the replay of the updated version of the level , in the replay collection.

The updated replay collection contains also , a new replay for "Bonus 5 -"The House With the Thin Foundations'' , again , due to that change  in shimmier physics.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded , the version 1.15 of the pack. It contains a new level. That level is : Bonus 4 "The Mushroom Village" . This level contains AI art .

In order to play it , you will need an updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in the first post.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the new level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have upoaded the version 1.16 of the pack , which contains the version 1.03 of  Bonus 5 - "The Mushroom Village" , which contains some small terrain changes.

After a bit of experimentation , I managed to have a terrain design that I like a lot , so the terrain desisgn of the 1.03 version , is final.

You will need the version of the ''turrican special'' tileset that I have already uploaded for the version 1.01 of the level , in the first post , in order to play the new version of the level.

Gameplay and solution , remain the same.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded, the version 1.17 of the pack. It contains the Superlemmix version of my new level. That level is : Wicked 10 - ''Space Program 10.000 B.C.' .

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


That is absolutely beautiful work, I am so awe stricken over what has been done here! 8-) :thumbsup:
Level packs developed:

Lemmings Heritage
Lemmings New Worlds
Holiday Lemmings 2024 (Collab. with Armani)
SonicLems (In Development)


Thank you! :thumbsup: This level, took me a very large amount of time, in order to make it!
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded the version 1.18 of the pack. It contains the version 1.01 of Wicked 10 - "Space Program 10.000 B.C." . The new version of the level contains a fix for a backroute , found by Kaywhyn.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


 I have uploaded, the version 1.19 of the pack. It contains the Superlemmix version of my new level. That level is : Bonus 6 - "Floating Above the Valley of the Clouds" . That level contains AI art .

In order to play it , you will need the updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in the first post.

Compared to the Neolemmix version , the Superlemmix version , has a different solution , and also contains Freezers , Laderrers and Ballooners.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :