
Started by Adam, October 26, 2005, 09:23:21 AM

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Don't you just hate them?

I've had 3 in the last 3 weeks, they seem to be spreading quicker than normal this year, I know I'm particularly prone to them but 3 in 3 weeks is terrible!

Has anyone else got / had a cold this year?


I've had a few this year, not nice are they? I think I've still got one too, I'm getting runny noses and the occasional sneeze.


I get about two a year now. I used to get them more often, but now I have too many other physical ailments for colds to bother with me much. But yeah, colds are evil!


I don't exactly have many colds per se, more like occasional runs (Very occasional it may seem).


I haven't been sick with anything, including a cold, in over a year.  My problem is allergies.  Every spring, my allergies cause so much sinus trouble that it's almost as bad as having a cold.  Occasionally, these allergies cause a more serious problem, such as a sinus infection, and I'll have to start taking antibiotics.


Unfortunately, as well as being prone to colds, I also suffer from hayfever so I've got a runny nose all year round.


I usually get one in the spring and one in the fall. As I've already had one of each this year, I'm hoping that's it.

But yes, I hate the things. Although not so much as I used to; there are far worse things that could be happening to me, after all.


I like to think of a cold as a gift from a stranger.


I usually get about 3 in a row some time in the winter. They don't bug me nearly as much as my allergies though. Last year I got a lung infection because of my allergies. X_X Then I found out that I was allergic to the antibiotic I was taking for it....


Aww, that's soo bad guest, I hope you aren't as ill this year.


I just had my twice-a-year bloody nose. Each time I actually FEEL like I've lost blood. I have plenty of bloody noses in between, but they aren't as huge.


Quote from: Adam  link=1130318602/0#9 date=1130718224Aww, that's soo bad guest, I hope you aren't as ill this year.
Thanks. I don't think I'll have any major illnesess this year, my allergic reaction to the antibiotic was worse than the lung infection.


uh...ignore my email address in the previous post....


Lol! Creative addresses!  :D

Sorry to hear about it though.


Quote from: drumnbach link=1130318602/0#7 date=1130436435I like to think of a cold as a gift from a stranger.
A gift? I think of them as evil nuisances that disrupt life. I get colds/allergies in the spring too. Colds are evil.