released Lix 0.10.2 which saves handicap to replays, and plays them back with handicap.
Flopsy: You asked whether it's possible to hand-edit old replays form 0.10.0 and 0.10.1 to add the missing handicap. Yes, here is the format.
First, the example:
+PLAYER 0 Orange Simon
+HANDICAP 0 LixInHatch 19/20
+HANDICAP 0 SkillsInPanel 1/2
+HANDICAP 0 SpawnDelayInPhyus 150
+HANDICAP 0 Score 2/3Now the details. Look for the player number, 0 in the example. For each handicap type that you want to add to that player, add below the player a line of the form
+HANDICAP playernumber type value... where
playernumber is that player number.
The handicap type in each such line must be one of
LixInHatch or
SkillsInPanel or
SpawnDelayInPhyus or
Score, with that exact capitalization: Each word starts with a capital letter, other letters are lowercase, no spaces between words.
The value for most types is a fraction. Enter the fraction as
x/y with integers
x and
y and a normal forward slash
/ in between.
SpawnDelayInPhyus, the value is not of the form
x/y; instead, it's just an integer. It's the number of physics updates -- not seconds, but physics updates -- of spawn delay beyond when a non-handicapped player spawns. Lix runs at 15 physics updates per second. In the example above,
SpawnDelayInPhyus 150 means a spawn delay of 10 seconds. 75 would be 5 seconds. 300 would be 20 seconds. 1800 would be 2 minutes.
You don't have to put all 4 possible lines. You only have to put those lines for the handicap types that we didn't leave on the default non-handicapped value. In particular, when a player plays without handicap whatsoever, that player needs no
HANDICAP lines at all.
-- Simon