Author Topic: The London Bombs  (Read 16286 times)

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Offline Adam

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The London Bombs
« on: July 07, 2005, 04:22:25 PM »
//After a rather long absence again, I've finally got back to some normality.

I'm shocked at the 4 bombs that hit London today. It shows that the threat is still evident. My thoughts go out to everyone affected


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2005, 05:06:45 PM »
I am shocked at the bombs in London aswell.It's a nightmare.


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2005, 06:05:32 PM »
I heard there was 7 blasts....and the last i heard there was 37 dead

they're still covering it on TV now on 3 channels


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2005, 06:18:36 PM »
It's truly tragic. I've been hearing about it on the radio all morning. I'm glad I don't live in London. Sympathy for those who do. :-[

Offline Isu

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2005, 06:32:17 PM »
Just heard about it. I don't live as near to London as I used to, so that's a good thing, right.
What is the world coming to?

Offline Shvegait

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2005, 06:58:26 PM »
And right after London won the bid for the Olympics...  :-( Fishy...

Offline Adam

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2005, 08:01:24 PM »
It's also the G8 summit as well. There were 4 blasts, in rather quick sucsession over London. It reminds me of when I was caught up in the Manchester bombings nearly 10 years ago.

Offline Timballisto

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2005, 10:20:28 PM »
I haven't heard about this yet until just recently.  I just now heard a little about it from my sister in an email.  She is in London right now and she is safe thank goodness.  That kind of thing seems more common these past years  : (   .


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2005, 10:46:43 PM »
Glad she's safe!

Offline DragonsLover

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2005, 05:15:09 PM »
Yeah, I watched this too on TV. I'm shocked too. >:(

In Canada and in Quebec, some of the people was afraid if this could happen here. But the president said that this wouldn't happen. But who cares?
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Offline Isu

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2005, 05:36:38 PM »
The death toll has now gone up to at least 50. This sort of thing is what gets plastered on the front page of every single newspaper around. First America, then Spain, now Britain. Who's next?

Offline DragonsLover

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2005, 05:49:05 PM »
Let's hope that it's not US! (Not United-States, I meant "us" in capitals :P ) X_X
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Offline Timballisto

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2005, 03:40:30 PM »
I'm hearing about this thing could G8.  I know it's something where 8 leaders are going to meet.  Could anyone give me some more details?


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2005, 05:12:22 PM »
I watched it on my local cable news channel and they show it 4 times per hour (every 15 mins or so) they said there were 3 subway bombs and 1 double-decker bomb X_X . Suspiciously, they had a zero-hour on 9/11and a Modern Marvels on doomsday on the history channel yesterday... :x they're making it seem like the end is near...but it probably is NOT the end of the world yet...


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2005, 04:35:18 PM »
Basically G8..means the group of is pretty much a bunch of word leaders who sit in a room ( Canada a Prime Minister Paul Martin, France a President Jacques Chirac, Germany a Chancellor Gerhard Schr&#F6;der, Italy a Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Japan a Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, Russia a President Vladimir Putin, United Kingdom a Prime Minister Tony Blair, United States of America a President George W. Bush)

basically this year's G8 was mainly to do with poverty in africa and climate change...thats about it really


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2005, 10:16:50 PM »
I'm also very shocked because of the bombs but sometimes I wonder myself...

Two years ago a freak killed 12 classmates and a teacher in school (here in Germany, you propapbly heard of it.), recently died about 30-50 people by terrorist attacks, okay on 9/11 it were a lot people who died but...
Do you know, how many people die in car accidents? How many people die in africa? In india? All over the world? How many people die because there are shot down by their own government? They only say "20 people died by terrorist attack on blah blah...". They always complain computer games are making kids violent. But how many people died because of video games? Well, I guess almost no one. I think the problems of this world are not guys like Osama or Saddam or games or whatever. The Problems of this world are things that no one wants to miss! Things like Alcohol, drugs, cars, food (did you know big trades just throw the half of their food away, to keep the price up? And on the other side people die because of too less!) WE are the problem! We want to ride car and accept that in Germany for example die every year as many people in car accidents as live in a small town (You can't tell me terrorists wiped out a whole town!). WE want to sit around with friends and drink beer or Whisky or Vodka or whatever and accept that thousends of people die because of alcohol! As long as we don't do anything to prevent that the government is bribed by big drug dealers there will be no hope for the victims.

Just a few sentences to mention the other side.


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2005, 02:18:27 PM »
I say ignore the freaking terrorists. If you get too worked up about them, that's what they're aiming for.


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2005, 06:02:33 PM »
It is easy to blame terrorists for our problems because they are such an abstract concept (I'm not denying that 9/11 or the London Bombing ever happened; I'm saying that the notion that terrorists are an organised body, as some believe, is wrong). Governments of the UK and US wage war on this [terror\ and keep reminding us that they\re hard at work doing so, while the real terrorists like the IRA and President Mugabe of Zimbabwe remain at large. This [war on terror\ is nothing more than a deflection from the real issues, and we all lap it up like suckers.

Offline Timballisto

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2005, 07:29:22 PM »

It's not like terrorists don't cause any problems.  They are causing unrest in lots of areas like you said.  However, I agree that at the same time they are by no means the source of all problems.  Personally, I think it's important to get rid of terrorists though, because in areas of genocide and such, like Andi said with governments shooting their own people, I think that if all of that would just stop, the stupid area could finally start focusing on its own well being and development.

Only, with the car crashes, is kind of debatable to me.  Yes there are a lot of car crashes and deaths by car accidents, but I wonder who would opt to ride 500 miles by bike rather than by car.  Also, if you were using the bike, how could you move X tons of steel, plastics, cars, piping, infrastructure materials such as wire for electric lines or other things, etc.  Trains are a good alternative for cargo but people seem to be using more airplanes for that now, atleast in the US.  Where exactly did you here about the government getting bribed by drug dealers?  It's a believable claim, but, I don't see anything that supports it really.  One thing that gets me about that is, if we were being bribed...atleast the US anyway...then we would probably be with the movement for legalized marijuana in the US.  We also wouldn't have the anti drug programs in schools and such.

I don't think it's a good thing that large food industries throw out their food.  If they sold it in Africa no one could buy it, BUT they could give it away certainly!  

If they did sell all of it, I'm not sure what would happen.  Bear with me as I try to analyze the impact of this using my limited knowledge.  Hm.  Well, what would happen is they would probably sell the same amount of food, and they would lose money for the food the could've sold at the higher price.  So, all that extra food goes to waste anyway.  Then, the farmers and employees working for the food company get paid less, I think, and their quality of living goes down.  Also the food company can't pay as much to get its grain shipped from the fields to the factories when they need the rail roads to haul grain everywhere, so they might have problems with that.  Not to mention packaging and processing the stuff from the fields so it looks like what's in the stores.  They need to hire people to run all of those things, so that's more money they need to spend, but they made less money because prices were lower so it was harder to pay these people too.

Well, I hope that was atleast 5% correct.  If I got anything out of that, it would be that they might be better off giving it away to Africa.

The only problem is if the food companies go out the farmers are no longer employeed, and they grow food and sell it on their own.  That would be kind of odd.  So certain products would no longer be available that we liked, like cereal and stuff.  Also the rail roads have lost business because the farmers can't afford to ship the crops and would probably rather just ship their harvests to local markets anyway and have no need to ship anything far away.

Bah!  Get a real economics person in here and fix this!  Tell me if anything in this sounds right.

Well if you were looking for something that meant anything this next sentence would be it:  I agree that we cause our own problems by ignoring them.


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2005, 08:21:34 PM »
I'm neither a professional, but what I heard is, that a lot of the bought food is thrown away, because if they would sell it, it had to be a very cheap price because you don't need more food when more is available. But I also ask myself: Why do they make so much food??? Making less food (I know that case especially from fruits, because I once saw a pic of MOUNTAINS of oranges for no other reason than let it become dirt) would save money and the environment.

And because of bribes:
In England once was a test: Doctors where allowed to give drug replacements to people who have problems with herroin for example. This had 2 big advantages: They where away from illegality because didn't need to gain it anymore from dealers annd they where away from "the scene" and where able to be at their family.
But then there was a new government and the test was canceled. No one knows why, they only said "Too less money!"
Everyone said it was a great project with success, so I don't think they would cancel for such a reason. It was in only one town, so it couldn't have been that expensive.
If you ask me, that could be because big dealers said "HEY! We are loosing money!" and gave some big guys some money and they said "Leave it!". If I remember we had something like that here, too. Also cancelled. Very suspicius. But I can't proof it, yeah.

I gave the example for the cars only to show that we won't die out because of terrorists. It only annoys me because no one cares about these "small accidents" (Did you know? In Germany die 800 people per year because of fish bones. O_o How many died in terrorist attacks?) and most people say "ZOMG! 5 died because of Osama!". And cars could be build MUCH stronger, but the companies, don't want it. They would loose money, because you wouldn't have to repair it that often or buy a new one. ANother reason why I would prefer a military vehicle. It looks weird, but you are much safer.

(If we go on like this, I have to open a "Political" Forum  :D.)


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2005, 05:37:40 PM »
I heard that, if Iraq didn't have oil, America would have probably just left the place to its own devices and to take care of their own tyrant. And thus, Bush most likely only did what he did because it could earn his country resources.

It also seems like this 'war on terror' could easily be the main  cause of the London bombs. It looks like this could easily become a full scale war. I'm seriously hoping this isn't going to turn into World War III... I don't think I'd be able to cope with rationing...

I know I sound kind of pessimistic, but you never can tell...

Offline Isu

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2005, 07:12:23 PM »
Yes, this is World war III. Did you not know that? Terrorism poses a threat to the whole world (Egypt has just had a recent incident), It's us, against the lunatics trying to blow everyone up (Germany is on our side this time :D). I know that in England, security has stepped up over the past few weeks. Many more people have been arrested due to them being potential terrorists..

Sorry to be going against what everyone else said about "not worrying about terror" but I believe the threat is real and something needs to be done about it.
So what if 800 people die a year from fish bones, that's because of their own stupidity. 5 deaths by Osama is much worse than 800 deaths by plain stupidity.

(A political forum might not be a bad Idea, although I'm a very political person, so I might be a bit biased on this :D)


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2005, 07:13:42 AM »
Quote from: Isu  link=1120753345/15#21 date=1122577943
...(Germany is on our side this time :D)...

Now what does THAT pretend to be. XD I'm blowing up my own government before we fight on the side of mad gone religous uber extremists. Hopefully we can kick some Nazis arses by the way.

And yes, WW3 is coming! I guess in the next 3 years. Maybe already in this. The world wide political atmosphere is just too streesed. I really wonder what will happen, when China starts to attack the "disloyal province" America HAS to do something. But now comes tho most interesting part: China has threaten the US to use nuclear weapons if they attack China...
On the other side old politicals talk about bombing Mekka to stop terrorism...

WW3 seems to be much more cruel than WW2 or WW1. Jews, Islams, who's the next? Christs? Hindus?

Thsi reminds me to an album from NoFX. The war on errorism. I think this fits much better.


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2005, 11:14:21 AM »
Quote from: Andi  link=1120753345/15#22 date=1122621222
WW3 seems to be much more cruel than WW2 or WW1. Jews, Islams, who's the next? Christs? Hindus?

This kind of thing makes me glad I'm not religious.


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2005, 01:08:09 PM »
Join the club.


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2005, 03:23:10 PM »
Quote from: Andi  link=1120753345/15#22 date=1122621222

Thsi reminds me to an album from NoFX. The war on errorism. I think this fits much better.

hehe more like Bad Religion :P...they had a song called World War III

um anyway I'm up for a political/ethics/debate/whatever... type forum

oh and about 800 people dying of fish bones vs 5 people dying as a result of Osama. (im not sure exactly what incident you're talking about...but still) The thing that counts is not so much how many people die, but more about the circumstances. Terrorism is designed specifically to cause chaos and fear, however 800 people dying of fishbones doesn't cause much widespread fear and chaos (at least I hope not). Also there are usually a large amount of casualties involved in terroism as opposed to usually minimal casualties involved with fish eating.

but the problem with me and really long posts is that by the time i finish reading everything I can't remember all the things I wanted to write...but I'd be up for a new forum :)

Offline Isu

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #26 on: July 29, 2005, 05:24:28 PM »
Quote from: Andi  link=1120753345/15#22 date=1122621222
Now what does THAT pretend to be.

It's okay, I wasn't having a dig at you personally. I was just trying to compare how Germany was involved in the first two world wars to how it will be involved in this one.


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2005, 10:56:54 PM »
I don't know how Germany was involved in the first two world wars. Is this seriously World War 3?


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2005, 11:11:44 PM »
It seems that way.

the guest

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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2005, 01:17:38 AM »
Depends on how you "define" war I guess.

I'm not really sure I'd call the current situation with the radical Islamic terrorists as a "war".

More worrisome to me are nations like North Korea and Iran because of their nuclear development.


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2005, 08:51:50 PM »
I don't know how Germany was involved in the first two world wars.

WW1: Damn contract with Austria forces us to start war because some Serbian thinks it's cool to kill Franz Ferdinand.
WW2: Damn Austrian comes, tells all guys with blond hairs und blue eyes are cool (he self had oily black hair) and starts war because a smarter dude got accepted at an art school. And because the biggest idiots have the most muscles it wasn't that hard to kill everyone who's against him.

So it wouldn't surprise me if Schwarzenegger is involved in WW3. xD

Nothing against Austria, it's just weird.

More worrisome to me are nations like North Korea and Iran because of their nuclear development.

Don't forget China. From what I hear there are just going mad in relation to law and other political stuff.


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Re: The London Bombs
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2005, 06:26:37 PM »
Mmm... This thread reminds me of a picture from a site called Furry Forest...