Author Topic: FoxLems - The NEW location of timfoxxy's levels  (Read 4707 times)

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Offline Tim

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FoxLems - The NEW location of timfoxxy's levels
« on: November 20, 2013, 08:17:58 AM »
This is the refurbished edition of what was known as 'Van Clan Lemmings'.

Pretty much the same levels as before, but with a brand new format. One file to download...tons of levels inside two folders! No longer will you be forced to download 20 different level packs or so, you can now choose which levels you want to play, and if you dont like certain levels, just delete them!

As part of my new format, any future levels that I make will simply be added to the list and I will re-upload the list with the latest levels. You may or may not see levels that you have not seen before, depending on if you have played all or some of my levels before. Some of these levels I will be deleting in the near future due to their messy format and/or boring gameplay, and the level amount will change accordingly. Perhaps I can get your help to flush out these 'unnecessary' levels?

As a final note on my opening 'speech', I would like to thank EricLang for helping me to retrieve Lemmix out of my messy collection and rework it to open all of my levels properly. I would also like to thank Namdia for speeding up the process of converting my levels into the new format. You saved me good time! :)

The download of my new level pack should be attached to this post, I think :P

Please enjoy!