Author Topic: Family Feud (Round 15)  (Read 49939 times)

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Offline ccexplore

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #105 on: December 10, 2012, 09:53:03 PM »
I have to say, I would rather not have Wikipedia lookups turn into a regular feature in family feud. :-\ 

As an aside, mobius, with question 11 don't be surprised with a seemingly low number of submissions until last minute, for obvious reasons. ;P Also, I'd hope your "4 days" are truly 4 full 24-hour days precise to the hour (if not minutes), and not merely "ending some random time during the 4th day", unless you want to run it that way. :-\

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #106 on: December 11, 2012, 12:35:02 AM »
I have to say, I would rather not have Wikipedia lookups turn into a regular feature in family feud. :-\ 

As an aside, mobius, with question 11 don't be surprised with a seemingly low number of submissions until last minute, for obvious reasons. ;P Also, I'd hope your "4 days" are truly 4 full 24-hour days precise to the hour (if not minutes), and not merely "ending some random time during the 4th day", unless you want to run it that way. :-\

In my defense, this is not a hard question. (this and the other one from my previous quiz). I'm surprised there's really that many people here that neverheard of two of the most famous/popular movies or routines of all time. Nevermind what country your from, these are well known everywhere. I don't watch a lot of TV or movies often. If you watch TV or the use the internet at all you've likley heard reference to this sort of thing. It's not like I picked something really obscure like some B movie from the 1950's.

I don't see what's so hard about looking into Wikipedia if a questions seems suspicious to you. I've done it already. You yourself told me you used Wikipedia for a 'regular question' of mine. And it's only one questions out of 10.

But since everybody hates it so much--I won't make one again, if I even do another quiz.

EDIT: well now the whole thing is pretty much screwed up so I might have to end up throwing this whole questions out of the results altogether.... :(

and yeah, I'm well aware of how the game will work, I didn't just make up questions without thinking about them at all.
I'll be posting a heads up when the quiz will end in a few hours or so.
I thought of trying something a little different. Rather then having the same type of questions every round.

Remember this is just a game; for fun ya know?  ;)

Offline ccexplore

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #107 on: December 11, 2012, 06:03:12 AM »
It's not an issue of making the question harder, it's more that I think it's more fun when questions can be answered without the extra chore of looking up stuff in Wikipedia.  Although I have to admit answering "girlfriend" for that GhostBusters question is kinda funny. ;P Anyway, it doesn't really bother me all that much, hence :-\ not  ><img src=" title="Angry" class="smiley" />.

Quote from: maybe spoiler, but probably not so by now
Hollywood movies, especially contemporary ones, do have a pretty global audience.  Less sure about US TV shows especially old ones.  Probably reasonably well known amongst English-primary-language places like Great Britain, Canada, maybe Australia; less sure in other places.

Anyway, you don't have to take the question out, I think enough has been said here about this particular question, so people will work out what to do.  Just expect more "blank stares" reaction in the future with these types of questions (after all, for someone who doesn't get the reference the quote may not even seem like a quote at all).

and yeah, I'm well aware of how the game will work, I didn't just make up questions without thinking about them at all.
I'll be posting a heads up when the quiz will end in a few hours or so.
I thought of trying something a little different. Rather then having the same type of questions every round.

No worries,  I just want to make sure I do get the full 4 days promised given the strategies involved here. ;)

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #108 on: December 12, 2012, 03:05:52 AM »
well the problem is (as you saw) people in IRC asked me about the question and I gave hints. So now they have the advantage over everyone else. I should've just kept my mouth shut.
Thinking more on it now, It would've been better for me to say nothing and get a lot of funny answers... oh well. I won't give hints in the future.
To be honest I don't really have any more 'quotation questions' anyway.

But what I would like to do is create some questions where they really is a good chance of getting a lot of answers instead of just one or two.

As for the timing of the 'race'; since every post has the exact time you posted, I'll be ending it at that time on Thursday.

note: It may be best to keep in mind internet connection problem and/or anything that might delay your PM reaching me in time. Therefore if may not be wise to hold out to the vary, vary last second. As I won't except late entries!

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #109 on: December 13, 2012, 08:01:42 PM »
The quiz will end today at 0:20 Quizmaster Time, or 6:20 mobius time.[on the dot, I don’t care about seconds]
(If you're confused just look at the time when the quiz was posted in your own time--that's what time it ends). Regardless if the answers don't get posted right then (they won't for obvious reasons).

Be sure to submit before then!

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Family Feud ROUND 14 RESULTS
« Reply #110 on: December 14, 2012, 12:58:27 AM »
Round 14 is now closed and the results are in…….
8 people entered this round.

The easter egg was in question 3; there were only 3 wise men not 4. geoo spotted this first and gets the 0.5 point. Almost everyone else did spot it, apparently knowing their bible; Jesus gives you a +1. ...the quizmaster does not.

1. Name a Pokémon
Pikachu-all, 1 point—everybody!

too easy, says the Legionnaire of games, you don’t even have to play Pokemon to get this right. There may be a follow-up to this question in a later game……..

2. You recently had a big argument with your girlfriend. What do you buy her to help apologize and smooth things over?
chocolate- 4 – 1 point
flowers- 4 (ccexplore’s answer: “roses” adapted)- 1 point

other answers- diamonds, leek, broom, [a feminine pleasure device]

We have a tie between flowers and chocolate. Perhaps the quizmaster should’ve mentioned the reason for the argument was you told her she was fat…………
the leek or broom would surely worsen matters and geoos says the feminine pleasure device would be more suitable as a parting gift. Regardless so far everybody’s even with 2 points.

3. What did the four wise men bring to baby Jesus as a present?
Gold-7 – 1 point
Vuvuzela- 1 – 0.14 point

other answers: leek, play station 2

Jesus gets a lot of gold, but really, didn't Jesus preach that money is not the answer?

4. A Politician and a Lawyer are both drowning in a lake. You can only save one, what do you do?
a) take a nap- 6 – 1 point
b) go see a movie- 2 – 0.3 point

Only two people went to the movies, everybody else was either bored or tired.
In case anybody cares, the lawyer drowned. The politician is fine (politicians can’t drown since they aren’t human beings).

5. Who farted? [it must have been one of the participants… doesn’t matter if they didn’t actually join]
geoo- 3 -1 point
Simon- 2 – 0.6 point
ccexplore- 1 – 0.3 point
mobius- 2 – 0.6 point

consensus says it was geoo. However there seems to be a lot of confusion so he has some backing to deny it. However: whoever denied it supplied it.
Maybe it was all the crazy food from previous rounds. Or maybe it wasn’t a fart at all but spoiled leek…

6. When you meet God at the Pearly Gates (in heaven), what will you ask him?
who’s on first?-1
what’s up?-1
what’s the meaning of life-1
Who really killed JFK?-1
Do you have an internet connection?-1
Who are you?-1
nothing. It’s heaven, I can do all the things I love to do, and talking to God’s pretty low on the list. – 1
Can You microwave a burrito so hot that not even You can eat it? -1

other answers- why did the chicken cross the road?, What is your favourite colour?, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Only Gronkling picked a “smart” question. Most seemed to take a comical stance on this one …Jesus takes back the point he gave you. And ccexplore even managed to offend God on this question! Ouch.

7. Who will do the most post-quiz analysis and commentary? [doesn’t matter if they didn’t actually join]
ccexplore- 8 – 1 point.

The quizmaster will let comments on this question up to post-quiz analysis and commentary.

8. Who’s on first?
Who- 6 – 1 point.
geoo- 1 -0.17 point
Abbot? – 0.17 point

Technically, the correct answer to this question is “who” or “yes, that’s correct” if not taken as a question, as it doesn’t have to be. All the names of the players on the baseball team can be found here:


9. How many people will enter this quiz? Try to guess correctly here. You’ll get 1 point for being right on the mark, 0.9 for being 1 away, 0.8 for 2… etc.

Clam Spammer- 8 – 1 point
Simon- 8 - 1 point
ccexplore- 7 – 0.9 point
Gronkling- 8 - 1 point
geoo- 8-1 point
mobius- 8-1 point
Akseli- 8-1 point
Insane Steve -9 -0.9 point

only two people were off by 1.

10. Let’s play point making game!

Clam Spammer- AAAA
Simon- ABBA
ccexplore- A
Gronkling- didn’t play
geoo- ABBA
mobius- BA
Akseli- ABBA
Insane Steve –AAAA

making everybody’s score:

Clam Spammer- 0
Simon- 1
ccexplore- 1
geoo- 1
mobius-  -1
Gronkling- 0
Akseli- 1
InsaneSteve- 0

Interesting results, considering 1 person only played once and got the same score as those who played four times.

11. time entered: (in order from first to last)
mobius (qz) – 0.4
geoo- 1
Simon- 0.8
Gronkling -0.6
Clam Spammer- 0.4
Akseli- 0.6
Insane Steve- 0.8
ccexplore- 1

I must note that ccexplore entered exactly 1 minute after Insane Steve.


final results:

geoo -11.5
Simon- 10.8
Akseli- 10.27
Insane Steve- 9.7
Clam Spammer- 9.07
ccexplore- 9.07
Gronkling- 7.77
mobius- 6.88

two people were tied with the same points! The quizmaster is very angry now and wants no one to talk to him… for a long time.


the winner of this round is:

….some say he can weld steel just by touching his finger to the metal
..and that Satan himself runs away in freight at the sight of him.
All we know is: he’s called geoo.

Offline ccexplore

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Re: Family Feud ROUND 14 RESULTS
« Reply #111 on: December 14, 2012, 03:51:41 AM »
10. Let’s play point making game!

Clam Spammer- AAAA
Simon- ABBA
ccexplore- A
Gronkling- didn’t play
geoo- ABBA
mobius- BA
Akseli- ABBA
Insane Steve –AAAA

making everybody’s score:

Clam Spammer- 0
Simon- 1
ccexplore- 1
geoo- 1
mobius-  -1
Gronkling- 0
Akseli- 1
InsaneSteve- 0

Hmm, I'm not getting the results you reported even after trying to interpret the rules a number of different ways. ???

Based on my understanding, since you always get a -0.5 for each letter you played, the 1.5 vs 0 you'll get for that letter effectively sums to gaining either +1 or -0.5 for the letter.

A was popular 1st time (only B from mobius), so +1 A, -.5 B
A and B were equally popular 2nd time (3 ABBAs, 2 stopped, the remaining 3 have As for 2nd letter), so -.5 A, -.5 B
B was popular 3rd time (3 ABBAs vs 2 AAAAs), so -.5 A, +1 B
A was popular 4th time (no one picked B, and there is still more than one person), so +1 A, -.5 B (which affects no one)

So AAAA = +1 -.5 -.5 +1 = 1
ABBA = +1 -.5 +1 +1 = 2.5
BA = -.5 -.5 = -1
A = +1 = 1

Let's say 4th time no one gets anything because it was unanimous (even though the rules only say 0 points about one person left playing, and not one unanimous answer at play), then AAAA does become 0, but ABBA is then still 1.5 and not 1.

Let's instead say you mean to say getting 1 point and not 1.5 (even though your example is completely consistent with 1.5 and not consistent at all with 1).  That almost works (AAAA gets 0, ABBA gets 1, BA gets -1) but A should then get just .5

Perhaps a typo in your spreadsheet? ??? I don't know because it looks like you attached round 13's spreadsheet instead.

On the plus side there may be no tie anymore after correcting the scores. ;)  [edit: I did a quick recalc, and to no one's surprise, assuming other questions are scored correctly and the original totals are correct except for this one question, the score correction does not change anyone's ranking.  The tie is broken with Clam ahead of me, just like in the list right now.]

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #112 on: December 14, 2012, 04:21:01 AM »
Q3: Gold was the first gift, and no one can spell "frankincense" or "myrrh". Easy one :)

Q6: I'm impressed at the spread of answers. :) I guess most people considerd it too open to even attempt to hit a common answer and sent in a joke instead. Seems I'm the only one who wants to haunt the internet from beyond the grave :D (admittedly some jokes had a chance of getting picked twice, unlike mine)

#11 (not Q11, since it wasn't a question): I did mention I'd "complain loudly" about this, but that would be against the spirit of a family fun game like this. I'll just say it's unfair, for reasons that should be obvious, and leave it at that.

Offline chaos_defrost

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #113 on: December 14, 2012, 05:20:41 AM »
Wait, why did I get 0 for #10? A is more popular than B, both in general and when I entered given the answers. How did you score #10?

Also I may or may not have a quiz ready reasonably soon. (edit: yea just about done, so if you want I can run the next)

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

Offline mobius

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #114 on: December 14, 2012, 09:23:36 PM »
CRAP----- What i did was... I was making a chart listing all the points earned and wrote "1" for winning instead of 1.5.  :XD: :XD: :XD:

@Steve: your score should be 1, not 0. sorry

[I seem to be good at making questions that have little to-no impact on the score what-so-ever  ???  :D ]

And I agree that the eater egg was too easy, but I was afraid of making a tough one that no-one might get. Plus, since I'm not religious at all, the idea that the "3 wismen story" is extremely well known didn't occur to me. I love old comedy routines but don't love the bible what can I say...  :XD: :P

(I didn't use the spreadsheet except for the top section, too lazy) yeah I know that's really lazy ;P )

probably nobody noticed or cared but that question was based off the whole "Let's play money making game!" from the first Zelda game.

should I mention the password on the chat or.....
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Offline chaos_defrost

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #115 on: December 15, 2012, 04:46:32 AM »
Ah, I see.

Also, I just realised that I'm on my netbook and the quiz with all the questions is on my laptop which I won't be on until Sunday. If someone wants to run a round between this I can send the password.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

Online Proxima

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Re: Family Feud ROUND 14 RESULTS
« Reply #116 on: December 15, 2012, 08:37:40 PM »
there were only 3 wise men not 4. geoo spotted this first and gets the 0.5 point. Almost everyone else did spot it, apparently knowing their bible; Jesus gives you a +1.
Actually, the bible never says how many wise men there were. The number three became attached to the legend because there were three gifts.

chocolate- 4 – 1 point
flowers- 4 (ccexplore’s answer: “roses” adapted)- 1 point
Roses are also a popular variety of chocolate. Sounds like ccx was hedging his bets ;)

Offline mobius

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Re: Family Feud ROUND 14 RESULTS
« Reply #117 on: December 16, 2012, 06:29:11 PM »
there were only 3 wise men not 4. geoo spotted this first and gets the 0.5 point. Almost everyone else did spot it, apparently knowing their bible; Jesus gives you a +1.
Actually, the bible never says how many wise men there were. The number three became attached to the legend because there were three gifts.

that would've made a MUCH BETTER easter egg.  Proxima gets +10.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

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Re: Family Feud
« Reply #118 on: December 17, 2012, 03:36:45 AM »
Ah, I see.

Also, I just realised that I'm on my netbook and the quiz with all the questions is on my laptop which I won't be on until Sunday. If someone wants to run a round between this I can send the password.
Looks like the new quizmaster is partying so hard that he is in no state to post the new feud. :P

Happy birthday, Steve! Don't drink and drive (am I a legend now?).

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Re: Family Feud Round 15
« Reply #119 on: December 17, 2012, 04:16:31 AM »
Family Feud Round 15 - Special Birthday PARTY HARD WOOOOOOO EDITION

1) What is the worst level of Lemmings 1?

2) Name a tribe from Lemmings 2.

3) Who on the forums is the best Lemmings player?

4) You're at a restaurant. What do you order to drink?

5) Did you eat breakfast today?

6) Name any food (I'm a bit hungry if you can't tell).

7) What number birthday is the best one?


8) Puzzle tiiiiiiiime. Each of you have the ability to fill in 100 pieces into a jigsaw puzzle per hour, and you all have an hour to kill. There is a 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 piece puzzle. Pick a puzzle. If you have enough people to finish in the hour, you feel a great sense of accomplishment, but that diminishes somewhat if you have too many people working on it. Your score is equal to the number of pieces you individually filled into the puzzle (so, (n/100)/number of people working, where n is the number of pieces in the puzzle). If you don't finish within the hour, you get frustrated and flip the table over. Also, you don't get any points.

9) There is another cave with possible treasure to explore! Yay! This one only has four branches, also. You hear that there might be dragons in the cave, though, so you hope to stick together as much as possible before reaching the possible treasure. At every turn, score .05 points * the number of people still with you. There aren't actually any dragons, though, and there is treasure -- in every single branch, in fact! The problem is that if you get to the end with someone else, you'll fight over how to divide the treasure and an imp will steal it all before you can get any. If you're alone, well, you don't have that problem. Score an additional .5 points if you are alone at the end of the cave.

10) Insane Steve's House For the Situationally Disadvantaged, which is far and away better than every one of those soup kitchens out there that refer to their patrons as bums behind their backs, is offering food today. One-armed Jack (see, we even HIRE the situationally disadvantaged, too!) makes the soup with love and care, but he can only make .15 li^H^H quarts (almost forgot I was American there) of soup a hour (you try making soup with one arm). Pick a time to come in and get soup -- you get whatever soup has been made at that time, and one point per quart of soup. You split the soup if you pick the same time as someone else.

Alternatively, because we're even more awesome than soup kitchens, you can get a delicious salisbury steak instead of your soup. The problem being that we're currently having a bit of a row with our suppliers about matters that do not concern you and only get three steaks a day -- at midnight, 8:00, and 16:00. If you come for a steak at the same time as someone else, you'll have to share it. Score 1 point divided by the number of people who show up for a steak as you. You may only choose one of either soup or steak, though, and may only pick one time of the day to come in. Insane Steve's House For the Situationally Disadvantaged is a non-profit organization and is not made of money.

11) Time paradox! Guess how many people will finish ahead of you, as of scoring by this question. Score 1 point if correct, .8 points if off by 1, .6 if off by 2, etc. You cannot score negative points for this question. If the scores are close enough, you will create a TIME PARADOX. Time paradoxes are awesome. Gain an additional .5 points if your overall rank improved as a result of this question for each rank you improve. If this bonus causes another time paradox, score another .5 points, etc., until a stable time loop is reached.