Lix Community Level Set

Started by geoo, January 07, 2012, 10:11:47 PM

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(Incidentally, I think Prelude and Hard to Port are both overrated in the current list.)

I make a motion to agree with that statement

-I'd like to add Soulful Bounding Leap now; it's my only level that wraps around and I fixed the old backroutes simply. The update took care of one" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

-Show of Hands is scrapped. Ignore my earlier comments. I don't ever wanna see it again. After frustratingly working on it I realized even with the RR update it's pointless.

and then...

!!!!! you've put in the original graphic sets!!

but... are we allowed to use these? Should we? Are some of them supposed to replace the ones which weren't finished like the underground set?
I'm apprehensive because they have a different resolution than the new stuff. (and I've grown to like the new sets" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />) However, I did put marble's acid into Soulful Bounding Leap to kind of test it out.  I was tired of water and wanted something different in that level.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


The solution to Endeavor you posted is exactly as intended.

The removal of the climbers in Paragliding is not. Reattached, and good catch.

Also, as for these levels: The lasers in the middle. I kind of want to remove them, as I think they ugly up the level a bit and I actually think there's no solution in Endeavor that would be possible without the lasers and not possible with them. They also do provide a bit of a hint of how to work the left side.

That said, Paragliding becomes a bit easier without the laser, though I'm not sure I mind that given that it's intended to be an easier version. Maybe keep the laser in Paragliding and remove it in Endeavor as a red herring (if it's not needed to enforce the solution in the latter)?


EDIT: Also, while I'm at it, thoughts on the ratings for my levels:

I think Snowjump is slightly too high. There's really not all that much to try out.
Paragliding also seems a bit high rated.
Stairs is fine.
Infrastructure, I don't know why I think this, has a much higher rating than I expected (I was expecting a 1.5ish). I don't think there's enough to try here to warrant this rating (a lot like Snowjump).
Chasm, if it's the finalised version with one climber, is a lot higher than 2.7 I think, if only for the execution of the entire thing. There's a lot of leaps (pun intended) needed to get everything to work.
The 3 Laser Deathrooms and Tree all look fine.
No More Heroes I think might be a bit harder than 3.
I am lost as to where to rate Endeavor. 3 seems ok for now.
I still don't get why is the highest rated level of mine outside Mon0lith. I don't think it's that bad personally, but maybe I'm wrong.

Funny how when I sit down to make a level for the sake of making it, they come out in that upper 2-low 3 range a lot" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


The in-game title of Soulful Leap is still misspelled (the first L is missing). Here's my 100% solution modified to work with the extra steel.

I'd suggest keeping the lasers on Endeavor and Paragliding; they look fine to me, and I think I can see a backroute if you remove them, haven't tested it yet.

I agree with most of Steve's comments regarding difficulty. did take me a long time but in the end it's a sequence of individually fairly simple insights. I'd rate this 2.something high. Endeavor I'd rate at 2.5-ish, and No More Heroes definitely closer to 3.5.

EDIT: Test version of Endeavor with lasers removed, plus backroute.


alright... I finally decided to get rid of these annoying backroutes I would just break-down and make 100% required and I removed the blocker. There's not as many options available now, but I hope it still somewhat challenging. However, without Proxima's solution I might not of come up with this idea.

And I fixed the title" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />

alright that's another one off the checklist now only one more to patch up. Four Lix and a Funeral.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain



To be honest, I thought this was easier than the version with the extra blocker, because not having the blocker made you look around for what you could do with the given skills, and as they're very limited....


well I might have to work on it a lot more then. I don't like having a blocker down on the lower level.

anywho here's two others. (both remakes) Four Lix and a Funeral finally (this is actually an adaptation by Pieuw).  I had a little trouble with this level, It may require more work, I found it frustrating to complete. But somebody will probably find an easy back route" alt=":XD:" title="XD" class="smiley" />
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Not too tough." alt="8)" title="Cool" class="smiley" />


Thank you for your suggestions for the level ratings.
I usually have my rating depend on the time it takes me to solve the level, which is a pretty subjective criterion, and for some reason I had quite a bit of trouble seeing, while I got No More Heroes pretty quickly.
I feel like the levels should in the high 2 range should be up-ranked, as the 3-4 range is pretty empty, as I initially wanted 3 to mean pretty damn hard already. I felt I did this for the latest batch I entered, but that doesn't explain my ratings actually being off in both directions.
I'll see whether I can come up with something to conveniently have multiple votes go into the rating.

Endeavor: Actually has a backroute inherent to the skillset: instead of using the last jumper to send one to the very right, you can use it to have the miner jump there. Can be eliminated by replacing 3 of the jumpers with climbers. (Then you can also go back to the original design where the structure on the right still looked like a big pyramid.) EDIT: No, I wasn't thinking straight when I wrote this. Climbers would just climb up at the right, so that'd need some supplementary walkers; and using the old design would also introduce the old backroutes.
Four Lix and a Funeral: indeed, it has a ridiulously easy backroute.

I'll reply later to everything else, though I probably won't be able to check the forum for the next 5 days again.


Endeavor: Actually has a backroute inherent to the skillset: instead of using the last jumper to send one to the very right, you can use it to have the miner jump there. Can be eliminated by replacing 3 of the jumpers with climbers. (Then you can also go back to the original design where the structure on the right still looked like a big pyramid.) EDIT: No, I wasn't thinking straight when I wrote this. Climbers would just climb up at the right, so that'd need some supplementary walkers

Or you could replace 3 jumpers with 1 builder. Yes, I've checked that it's still possible to get the timing right so the two builders under the lasers both survive.


I wasn't in the best mood when working on those latest two so that's why there's a ridiculous backroute. I wanted to play Endeavor but didn't get the time.
(Division of Labor was not a ridiculous back route, but it was very different from the intended sol.) try it now.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Similar solution for Four Lix, but it's definitely a lot harder to pull off now.

EDIT: Finally solved Division. I love this level so much; there are so many wrong turnings and red herrings -- many of which would be possible with only one more builder -- and of course, I love the way it reminds me of The Great Lemming Caper, my favourite level from the original game.

I also love the decorative terrain work on this level -- though I can't help pointing out that the brick in the extreme top-right is upside-down. Also, talking of decorative terrain, I noticed that the pillars in Endeavor are built out of the "pillar top" piece....

mobius" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" /> glad you like it. (oh I forgot the beginning (left side) wasn't even by me (pieuw)" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" /> The rest I did however, I basically made his level a little more longer/more complicated) thanx for pointing out about that block. I wondered why it looked wrong then I realized I had it flipped AND turned around. I kept turning it and it wouldn't look right. Anyway, for Division of Labor, I intended for their to be two solutions. But I only allowed for the one. But rather than wasting more time and fiddling around and causing more back routes, I'm going to leave it like this.
-And for future reference I'll say "ready" when a level is ready for entry. Ready

And on Four Lix, I finally looked at the original level instead of stubbornly trying to create it from memory, and finally got it more the way it's supposed to be. If this one is easier it's because of miss calculations; there is still part of the intended sol. which no one has done yet to solve it (that was sort of alluded to in geoo's solution) that makes it much more interesting imo.
this level is not ready." alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Hmm, okay. I think the previous Four Lix makes a fairly good level as it is, but we shall have to see whether the intended solution is an improvement, if we can reach a version that forces it. For the current version, I'm still doing much the same, but the smaller gaps and the step where the climber can go on ahead make it a lot easier.


Two more levels. Also plan to post a pack of Fun-Tricky type levels soon, so yea.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


alright, I renamed this version because, it's getting extremely difficult to force the intended solution & I suspect this still has back routes. it if it keeps failing I'll just go with the earlier version. (the one that doesn't scroll) I don't know about everyone else but I'm getting tired of this level (but I frustrate easily)

Then I have a new level I made. I made more of an effort this time to rule out backroutes on my own.

The other new levels look good.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain