US Elections

Started by G3K, November 03, 2004, 04:29:32 PM

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Personally, I don't think any of us has done enough personal research from [several] independent sites to really see who's better, why, and what the heck is going on with stuff.  Better to leave that to the adults until it's our turn.


Yep.  We've got dumb people, unfortunately (and yet fortunately, because they help the economy by spending so much on stuff they don't need :D), they're still a minority, but, we probably have more people, who aren't necessarily stupid, but simply blinded to common logic, in America than any other country.  However, I'm guessing we don't have too many more.


Hmmmm...Not in my area, not so much.  Ohio is supposed to be the USA's fattest state...I can't say that's true.  Kentucky is probably the fattest.  I went there once.  Not a single skinny girl there.   They were all between highly pudgy to several rolls of fat.


...................?!?!?!?????..................... LOL x 1,000,000.  Why the heck would Europe take over the world?  I don't think anyone has any real motivation to at the moment unless they're stupid.


Yeah, I completely agree.  Note, however: THE MEDIA IS DEMOCRAT.  Bush's approval rating before the media started jumping on him: 90%
after: 45%


QuoteBetter to leave that to the adults until it's our turn.

Personally, I like to think people's opinions matter regardless of age.


What about FOX News? From what I've heard, they're intensely Republican.

As for the whole American stupidity issue, it's a worldwide thing - you'll always have the right-wing xenophobic "WE ARE BETTAR THAN YOU >=(" people wherever you go, unfortunately.


European taking over the world? Why? I think the last thing I want is a "World Government".

Because of leaving the stuff to adults, I totally disagree you. G3K is right. Your opinion is also important as mine and everyone's in that forum. No matter the age. And if you don't know what's up until you're an adult, you'll be very helpless and might vote for the wrong one (or you don't vote at all).
The partys are going a lot for the young people because they are easy to manipulate. Most of them keep their manipulated opinion when they are grown up.


Quote from: Andi  link=1099499372/15#17 date=1099827085European taking over the world? Why? I think the last thing I want is a "World Government".

Because of leaving the stuff to adults, I totally disagree you. G3K is right. Your opinion is also important as mine and everyone's in that forum. No matter the age. And if you don't know what's up until you're an adult, you'll be very helpless and might vote for the wrong one (or you don't vote at all).
The partys are going a lot for the young people because they are easy to manipulate. Most of them keep their manipulated opinion when they are grown up.

I like to think of it this way. Right now, I am 1 months and 9 days away from the day I have to sell my soul to the Dubya adminsitration my 18th birthday. In other words, on Nov. 2, I was a month and 2 weeks too young to vote. On my 18th birthday (16 December), at 8:33 AM, I honestly don't expect myself to *snap!* become instantly mature, like the flick of a light switch. Maturity is relative. I've seen plenty of 12 year olds I'd MUCH rather hold discussions with than 22 year olds... because the 12 year olds are far more mature. Yet, it is the immature 22 year old who can vote. *sigh*

I know someone in my high school who voted for Bush because "Kerry is ugly". I wanted to punch her, right there, in the head. Ugh. Doesn't help that I live in Indiana, and that our vote was projected for Bush in February of 2001.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Of course beeing 18 doesn't mean you are an adult now. I'm 16 and feel sometimes like an 8-year-old boy. :D


I don't really see a way we could solve the maturity issue, unfortunately. A test, perhaps?  :-/


Maybe we should stop this thread-I can't see much good coming out of it. &#A0;This thread has just been causing several disagreements and it's giving me a headache. &#A0;Who else agrees?....

*cricket chirping*

@G3K &#A0;about the "we are better than you" thing...what do you mean? &#A0;I should look up xenophonic.

EDIT:  Never mind.  I looked it up, and it makes sense now.  As for me, I don't have an opinion on who has the best people, it doesn't really matter who is better than me or if I'm better.  I'm happy as is. :D


I'm not sure if I should close this. Of course it makes disagreements, but isn't it better to talk about that? If I close every thread that causes disagreements, what should we talk about anymore? If you don't like the topic don't read it. I do the same with the religious arguments-topic. It made me a lot of headache.


This makes for interesting reading.

What makes it scary is that the last time I took an IQ test on the internet I scored 150 O_o


Interesting. Very interesting... O_o


The guy can't even write correctly:

"drawn by an individual whom"


Quote from: Anatol  link=1099499372/15#20 date=1099864002I don't really see a way we could solve the maturity issue, unfortunately. A test, perhaps? &#A0;:-/

No, that would be racist, and biased against people who can't read. You know, because people who can't read are EXACTLY the kind of people who should be electing a President.

No wonder Bush won.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Heh...Now this topic has turned into a funny little IQ blurb.   :D


I've heard that people are glueing waffles to John Kerry signs as if to emphasize that he is the king of flip flop! :D :D X_X O_O  This ,(i think) Makes no sense. if i put up a Kerry sign
(yeah right) and i saw a waffle on it, i would probably think, "Why is there a waffle on my sign?"


 &#A0;B) B)I am the secert service I will not let you pass B) B)

Why should you be doing what other people tell you to do because  they should get on the cia &#A0;:???: >:( ;P B) :D