Cheapo Level Pak topic

Started by Timballisto, July 07, 2004, 01:05:51 AM

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Quote from: guest  link=1089162351/345#357 date=1114040412
Well okay I see where you're going, but I can also see endless debate on what "easier" really means.
Yeah; that's why I said the list of inclusions would be open for debate. You're right about We All Fall Down, so probably best to take that one out.

QuoteI guess it's still fair game though to remake levels with more difficult backroutes (whatever that may mean).  Instead of releasing multiple versions involving the more difficult backroutes, just release one remade version of the level that enforces the easy intended solution, if possible.
Eh? I don't see the point...... whereas I would see the point in a version forcing the more difficult solution, since most people might not otherwise get to know about it.


Quote from: guest  link=1089162351/345#355 date=1114029885
I'd think "Postcard from Lemmingland" would be a natural addition to your list of levels.  Though I guess that would make for 3 different versions of the level.

And of course there's "It's a Hero Time" where at last count we've gotten somewhere between, I don't know, 4 to 8 different solutions......guess maybe that shouldn't be in the list after all.

  I know there are at least three solutions to 'Postcard from Lemmingland', but what other solutions are there to 'It's Hero Time'?


I only know of one solution to 'Postcard from Lemmingland'. I must be really behind...  :-(


I know just two:

(1) One lemming climbs, digs and builds before the exit to turn round, reverse mines, bashes left through the staircase, and floats.

(2) One lemming climbs and digs immediately, then switches to bashing halfway down the stair so the other lemmings can get past him. Release rate 99. First lemming builds over the pit; any that fall past him are made climbers. (This is how I originally did it -- trust me to find the most complicated solution!)

What's the third?


First lemming climbs, digs the left-hand wall of the pit a short way, then builds over the pit and turns, mines to release the others and floats.


Bah humbug.

OK, I owe you one for that, so here are all known solutions to It's Hero Time:

(1) First lemmings is an athlete. Last lemming digs platform, bashes OWW, builds over water. Athlete mines to exit.

(2) First lemming digs platform then bashes into OWW so that one lemming goes past. He builds over water. One lemming is an athlete and mines to exit.

(3) First lemming mines platform then bashes into OWW so that one lemming goes past. He digs down OWW such that the basher enters his digging before he breaks through, the basher stops and heads left. Digger then builds over trap trigger.

(4) Similar, but bash into OWW so that no lemmings go past; basher then becomes digger.

(5) First lemming mines platform. Block on top of OWW so that one lemmings goes past. He digs right edge of OWW. Last lemming bashes to release blocker; these two enter dig pit and, because of the sloping ground, are released to the left. Digger builds over trap trigger.

(6) Third-last lemming digs platform so two lemmings go down. One bashes into OWW then builds over water; the other is turned round and mines to exit.

(7) First lemming mines platform then blocks on slope of OWW. Last lemming bashes to release blocker (he will be turned round by bash tunnel) then digs and builds over trap trigger.

A couple of these solutions have to be done slightly differently in different versions of the game.


Wow! And you didn't even list the solution I knew of. That's impressive! Here's how I did it:

  Lem1 digs, lem2 passes. Make lem2 an athlete. Make the lead lemming in the crowd bash OWW, and build before he reaches the other side. Athlete mines to the exit.


Ahribar, I _think_ I sent you the remakes of 1 Taxing


I got the e-mail but it didn't include any attachments.........


I should have done this a long time ago, but here's an update to my LemEdit remake set. I fixed a bunch of backroutes and did some minor stuff. Also, level 8 "Hurry up please, it's time" was removed because its backroutes are not fixable in Cheapo. "Try climbing that" was moved to 8, and I added a new level 10, "Evacuation".

Conway, I used part of your alternate solution to Evacuation in this new version of it... not sure you remember what that was anyway :P



Quote from: Ahribar  link=1089162351/345#349 date=1113996844The idea is to remake all the backroutable levels in the original games (Lemmings, ONML and Genesis Lemmings) and do two versions of each, one altered to remove the backroute, the other to force it......
I want to add the suggestion that the fixes should be made as subtle as possible, so that it is not "too" obvious (whatever that means) that the backroute is removed/enforced.


Good point.

Incidentally, I've finished the remake of 10 Taxing (Izzie Wizzie Lemmings Get Busy). I'm going to enforce the backroute in one version by cutting the builders to 12...... I don't yet know how to remove it without making it obvious, though. It wants a bit of thinking about..........


Not sure if anyone downloaded it yet, but I fixed (or attempted to) a backroute to Evacuation. Same link.

Let me know if anyone manages to pass the set :)


I've just downloaded it. Although I did manage to backroute the older version of Evacuation, it is probably one of the fiddliest and messiest solutions imaginable.