Author Topic: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels  (Read 13342 times)

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Offline Clam

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Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« on: May 29, 2009, 06:01:28 AM »
This thread is for levels made for Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings. These can be made using Lem3edit by Mindless, and then uploaded to the Lemmings File Portal (at least that's where I put mine :)).

Has anyone considered making new levels for this game? I know it wasn't as popular as the original Lemmings, and the editor is a bit tougher to use than Lemmix, but it was still a decent game - and since there aren't many levels in existence, there's still plenty of room for original ideas. You can make a new level and be almost sure that your idea hasn't been done before. Now that's nice, isn't it ;)

And don't forget about my own levels, which you can download here (edit: host goes down sometimes, PM me if you're interested but can't get it). Has there been any more progress on these?

Offline The Doctor

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Re: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2009, 06:23:43 AM »
Oh nice, some custom levels.

Owing to the repetitiveness of the graphics, I couldn't really be bothered with the game. I played it through, but still.

Mind you, having some new levels might be lovely. I'll try yours out.

Would you rate them Fun, Tricky, Taxing, or Mayhem, Clam Spammer?
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Offline Clam

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Re: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2009, 06:39:53 AM »
I'd call them Mayhem level for the most part, with a bit of variation of course. I tried to vary the terrain types a bit so hopefully they're not too boring on that front :)

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Re: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2009, 02:44:46 AM »
I never had that high of an opinion on Lemmings 3.  I suppose it's okay, but...

Us people here on the Lemmings Forums could probably do better than the designers did!

Offline The Doctor

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Re: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2009, 04:23:45 AM »
I'm sure we could. But the mindless tedium ...

Making levels is made of SOOOOOOOOOOO many constituencies ... backgrounds, objects, tiles, tiles that compliment tiles (so sick of using leaves in the Classic tribe, aye) ...

Though, if Clam can do it, so can any of us. It must've been a bit of a chore to make his Egyptian pack, I imagine. :S
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Offline Clam

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Re: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2009, 04:50:36 AM »
lol, Mindless tedium :P

Honestly, the biggest difficulty for me was wrangling with the editor. It's not like Lemmix where you can just hit F2 and test out the level. You have to restart the game (otherwise it won't update any changes you've made) every time you want to playtest the level. And, if (like me) you couldn't get it to run from the command line and used the alternate method, you need to rename the level file each time as well. Plus I had some considerable difficulty making it go in the first place :XD:.

Placing thousands of terrain pieces with no group select isn't too fun either (yes, two of my levels actually ran up over a thousand pieces :D)

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Re: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2009, 05:21:19 AM »
Honestly, the biggest difficulty for me was wrangling with the editor.

And I still haven't gotten around to updating it... I did get as far as to convert most of it from C to C++, but actually since I didn't even complete that, it has lost features since the last release. :(

I did release the source of the C++ version of lem3edit though, so somebody could pick up where I left off if I never get back to it.
I intended to learn qt and give it a proper interface, but then I discovered that learning qt isn't as easy as I'd like.

Offline Clam

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Re: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2009, 08:50:08 AM »
Don't get too down on yourself. It's plenty useable - I wouldn't have used it otherwise ;). It's just that Lemmix sets the bar very high.

Offline The Doctor

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Re: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2009, 08:56:43 AM »
I'm sure whatever you come up with as you progress your port will be awesome. Beats what we're doing, anyway! :D Which is nothing, afaik :P Still, Clam's level pack proves the utility of the thing.

If I could make a feature request, however, it'd be zoom. Otherwise, luvly jubly. :-)
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Offline Dullstar

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Re: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2009, 08:42:36 PM »
It's just that Lemmix sets the bar very high.

Yeah.  It's much better than LemEdit in every aspect except crashing.  Of course, Lemmix is still in the alpha stage and therefore not yet complete, so what do you expect?
However, I think it isn't Lemmix that causes the crash every time I try to close it...  I think you can guess who I think causes it...  ;)

Offline Clam

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Re: Lemmings Chronicles custom levels
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2009, 09:04:10 PM »
In response to a PM I just received regarding my levels...

Since people have had difficulties due to a lack of knowledge of the game mechanics, I feel I should give a few tips besides those mentioned in the text file that came with my levels (in fact, I might add these in and reupload it). To begin with, I had assumed that everyone had played this game and knew how it worked :-\

  • Lemmings can jump over blockers to get past.
  • Blockers placed on an edge (these balance on one leg) will always walk away from the edge when you tell them to walk.
  • Shimmiers stop and fall if you give them the walk command.
  • Only 10 lemmings can be on the level at one time, in addition to the "bonus" lemmings that start on the level. If a lemming dies (even if it is a bonus lemming), another lemming will fall from the trapdoor. The game calculates the number of lemmings lost and subtracts that from the total, rather than finding the number saved. (Which means the "nuke glitch" works - but thanks to the implied 100% requirement, it's next to useless :P)
  • The game lets you save replays - click the "Replay Save" button on the map screen after playing a level. I didn't even know about this when I made my levels :D

And I may as well post the ones from the text file, since some people won't have seen it:

  • You can highlight a lemming by right-clicking it. Right-click anywhere on the screen to highlight a lemming that is carrying a tool, and right-click again to cycle through lemmings with tools.
  • Press Esc to restart a level rather than nuking and going back to the map screen. This saves a lot of time.
  • Replay mode can be activated by pressing R, however this activates the "Learner Mode" and doesn't let you progress when you complete the level.

If anyone has more, please let me know and I'll add them.