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Topics - yoyoz

Pages: [1]
NeoLemmix Main / Join development team
« on: June 01, 2023, 08:41:58 AM »
i have discovered neolemming 2 days ago. Im very happy to see this, and I am very happy to share this game with my son in 2023.
I want to fix some bugs. Im developper (PHP, JS, and old VB6). I dont know delphi, but i try to compile sources.
I have added GR32 lib, and now when i compile: i have a lot of errors :[dcc32 Erreur] LemGame.pas(3005): E2010 Types incompatibles : 'Cardinal' et 'TColor32'

Can you help me to fix this? Maybe later, i can fix some issues to improve your game.

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