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Topics - Diskun

Here's my first post, and without further to do, I'll get going with my topic. While I was browsing box arts of Lemmings ports, I've stumbled on to a particular one of the PC port of the game for MS-DOS, but in Hebrew. The site which it came from was MobyGames, and can be acssed on their by looking up Lemmings, clicking on the original, then press DOS as the system and move to the cover arts section and scroll down till you see it. The image was posted by Tomer Gabel over twenty years ago, but he is still an active programmer in Israel as he is on his Twitter account which I unfortunately don't have access to. The reason I'm interesting in this version of the game, is because Hercules and MCGA are listed as graphic modes on the box art, while they're not in the Western version. I've tried my best to get this search rolling, but with only a tablet at the moment I just can't. I hope for help in discovering a missing piece of Lemmings history.