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Topics - andoru

Hey, so I've been waiting for you guys to completely transition to the new forums before I would post this message, glad to see you got these forums up and running :D

So, I wanted to let you guys know that I currently work (and have been doing so for the past 2 years) on a project in which I collect chiptunes from various old games. Sure, many people have done such things in the past, but what I try to do differently is that I try to collect music from all the ports of a game. Take for example the original Lemmings game, you have the Amiga, IBM-PC, Atari ST, SNES, etc. ports oof the game, and so I would record the complete soundtrack from all those games :D

So far these are all the games I worked on:

Lemmings (Original) - 3DO, Amiga, Archimedes, Atari ST C64 (emulated), C64 (real hardware), IBM-PC AdLib, Macintosh II, Master System, MegaDrive, NES, PC-98, PC-Engine, Sony PlayStation, SAM Coupé, SNES, X68000, ZX Spectrum

Oh No! More Lemmings - Amiga, Archimedes, IBM-PC AdLib, Atari ST, Macintosh II, Tandy

Holiday Lemmings - Amiga, IBM-PC AdLib, Macintosh II, Tandy

Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Amiga, Archimedes, FM-Towns, GameBoy, IBM-PC AdLib, MT-32; Mega Drive, SNES, Tandy

And recently added 3D Lemmings - IBM-PC CDDA/Sony PlayStation/Sega Saturn, GeneralMIDI, LAPC-1, SoundBlaster Pro2

Hope you enjoy these if you give those a listen, also a few more links I wanted to drop in case you're interested in the project :)
I've also added a lot more other games than Lemmings, so there might be other things of interest for you too!

Project Site
YouTube Channel
Reddit Community
Twitter account

Feel free to subscribe/follow/check any of the above!

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Just popped in here to say I have compiled an pack with music from 17 ports of the original game, if anyone's interested, take a look" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">here. If you're interested to help me with my chiptune (game music mostly) project, please read" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">this. Also make sure you check out the other soundtracks I uploaded ^^