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Messages - Dodochacalo

NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Dodochacalo's levelpacks
June 28, 2024, 06:27:40 PM
"DoveLems" stands for Do* Ve*, my real name - plus Lems (Lemmings, obviously).
Nothing related to doves... nothing original either: Martin Zurlinden did the same long before with MazuLems.
NeoLemmix Levels / Dodochacalo's levelpacks
April 29, 2024, 06:29:47 PM
See links below.

Lemmini levelpacks:

  • DoveLems (2008) - 125 levels: Plain (30), Coward (30), Devilish (30), Maso (30) and Bonus (5)
  • Cachapack (2009) & Dodopack (2010) - 10 + 10 levels
  • FranLems (2012) - 40 levels: Doux (10), Tordu (10), Corsé (10) and Sadique (10)

NeoLemmix levelpacks:

  • IchoTolot's conversion of DoveLems
  • Fiat Lem! (2024) (with Pieuw) - 80 levels: Incipio (20), Proficio (20), Scando (20) and Impero (20)
    Pieuw recently posted a topic about Fiat Lem! (Here)
  • NeoDoveLems, DoveLems Remaster (in progress) - 70 out of 125 levels
    This remasterization is meant to fix every flaw in the original DoveLems for Lemmini, including: backroutes, reflexion ruined by execution, bad level design, awful names, poorly built ratings, etc. more broadly speaking, everything I hated about that 2008 levelpack.
    Keep in mind that the global organization of the levels (order and ratings) in this incomplete levelpack may be different from the final version.

    Here are some redesigned levels you may recognize:

I've Got a Bad Feeling About This / Let's Play Hide and Seek

Brick-a-brack / Finishing Touches

Guardian Devils / The Spring

Blockers on Strike / Gold Lemperience

Icy Dead People