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Messages - chaos_defrost

Pages: 1 ... 60 61 [62] 63
Contests / Re: member Competition
« on: July 19, 2004, 03:55:19 PM »
I like the contest idea, actually, I'd just need to think of a level design that would fit a member of the forums? That, and I don't have much spare time anymore.

Levels for other engines / Re: Level pack topic
« on: July 19, 2004, 03:50:16 PM »
Have any of you tried to play my pack? What did you think of any of the levels? (If you did, that is)

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemming Poetry XD
« on: July 16, 2004, 06:01:34 PM »
Mayhem 24...
Just bash left, then right, then left.
What were they thinking?

"They", of course, referring to the game developers who placed that level so late in the game.

And this one only took me 22 seconds. I can write a haiku on almost anything in under a minute.

General Discussion / Re: Your Websites
« on: July 13, 2004, 10:27:25 PM »
I know from memory...

<img src>
<a href>

... Wait, that's seven!

General Discussion / Re: Your Websites
« on: July 13, 2004, 07:31:59 PM »
My Useless Website, for those of you who never actually knew of it. My LE (Although not my Cheapo for some reason...) packs are for download there, and there are a few other Mario-related things on it, although it is nothing special. I mean, I only know about 6 HTML commands...

Levels for other engines / Re: Level pack topic
« on: July 13, 2004, 07:26:59 PM »
Uh oh, I made more levels!

Level 6 is a level adapted from Steaver370's Lemmings Plus 2 4th pack, called "The Impossible Room". (One of my favorite tricks in any of his levels) Level 9 is my multi-task contest entry. This level pack relies on quite a few tricks I learned from other people's packs... Even level 1 uses a trick I learned elsewhere.

Oh yes, level 3 requires the graphics file from "A Beast of a Level" (Fun 22) to work. I think it is Vgaspec3 (Thanks Ice Eagle!). Actually, you should copy all the spec files into your LemEdit folder if you have them...

Lemmings Main / Re: Lemming Poetry XD
« on: July 12, 2004, 11:54:27 PM »
Look at the lemming.
Climbing, Floating, and bashing.
Oops. Exploded it.

~Haiku written by Insane Steve in about 35 seconds

Levels for other engines / Re: Level pack topic
« on: July 12, 2004, 12:46:04 AM »
Ok, I have only 2 more levels to fill up a levelpak. A couple of mine are LemEdit versions of some tricks I saw with Steaver's Cheapo packs... (One is a fairly close replica of "The Impossible Room" -- I loved that trick) And I also have the multi-task contest level.

Help & Guides / Re: Save Me from Save Me
« on: July 11, 2004, 08:10:13 PM »
Finding the solution isn't absurdly hard, it's actually executing it that makes the level so difficult.

Site Discussion / Re: Poster Of The Year
« on: July 10, 2004, 02:05:02 AM »
Can I be added or something? Maybe? (I know I have NO chance of getting this, just I'm a bit obsessive about statistics.)

General Discussion / Re: Avatars
« on: July 10, 2004, 01:59:21 AM »
Yoshi. w00t!

Anyways, I have a spinning blade from my level set I want to use for an avatar... I have to size it a bit better, though... I hate auto re-size.

Levels for other engines / Re: Level pack topic
« on: July 09, 2004, 05:25:04 PM »
I'm about 65% done with a new level pack for LemEdit.

Level Design / Re: Level designing tips
« on: July 08, 2004, 01:51:05 AM »
Quote from: Timballisto  link=1089162279/0#6 date=1089248087
I've never had an exit that doesn't work before.

My Tips: As before mentined, make art out of your levels. &#A0;Another thing about the art is that sometimes it can be there, and look like it's simply art, but it is in reallity, a part of the level! &#A0;I did this when I made the level "Lemmings on the Roof!". &#A0;It's in my first level pack.

See -- The Annoying One-Pixel Gap, Set 7 from LemEdit of mine.

Levels for other engines / Re: Cheapo Level Pak topic
« on: July 07, 2004, 11:53:20 PM »
I did make one (so far)... I never sent it for some reason... I think I was back-route testing it.

Site Discussion / Re: Andi,Some suggestions
« on: July 07, 2004, 07:31:25 PM »
A very picky moot point, but "discussion" is misspelled in the description for the Technical Help section of the board...

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