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Messages - Leo

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Tech & Research / Re: L2 assignment debunked
« on: May 10, 2016, 04:12:10 AM »
I tried all Lemmings 2 ports. There is 10 of them: Amiga, PC/DOS, Atari ST, Mega Drive/Genesis, SNES, Archimedes, FM Towns, Game Boy, Game Gear, Sega Master System (I also have demo versions for the Amiga, PC/DOS and Archimedes).
Level is (as Simon described problem) Egyptian tribe Level 1. I tried exactly what Simon explained at least 3 times with each of 10 ports and problem exists only in PC/DOS and 8-bit ports (GB, GG, SMS). In all other ports digger has selecting priority within bunch of walkers.
I have permanently installed all that on the Win XP (with emulators of course), all with 'gold' completed save file (or passwords). So, all levels are accessible immediately. I also have many other Lemmings games and ports already installed (I've even lost count how many of them).
If you want to try any of that for yourself (installed, configured and packed with the emulator) send me a personal message.
Of course, you can't get that for the pleasure of playing the games you didn't paid for, it's just for the "research" purposes as a duty expected from an Administrator of the Lemmings Forum :)

Tech & Research / Re: L2 assignment debunked
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:14:21 AM »
After some quick "research" about this walkers getting-in-the-way assigning problem, I can say that problem is not "global" Lemmings 2 problem. It's just PC and 8-bit (GB, GG, SMS) problem. As I remember, Matt said that he had the source code of the PC Lemmings 2 to help him porting the game to the 8-bit consoles. So, I suppose he used PC version as a model of the game behaving (or it is just a coincidence?). However, there is no problem at all to select digger in the bunch of walkers in any of other 6 versions of the game.

Tech & Research / Re: L2 assignment debunked
« on: May 09, 2016, 04:05:12 AM »
"Lock cursor" mode is also available in Mega drive version. It's even better implemented because it's working also at the click of the right mouse button. As I can see on the SNES version right mouse button has no function at all (same as on the Atari ST, PC and FM Towns). On the Amiga and Archimedes right mouse button can be used to jump-scroll in the direction of the pointer (doesn't look very useful to me).

Challenges / Re: Maximum Lemmings Saved Records
« on: May 02, 2016, 04:27:44 AM »
@LemSteven Thank you. It's very nice to see that explanation. But, I think it's too hard for me, so I won't dare to even try this solution. There is also one other (but only possible on the Mega drive) solution for that level:
Your solution is much 'cleaner', but looks like very hard to achieve.

@ccexplore I asked you because you said here "emulate DOS Lemmings as closely as possible". I holding back this question for a long time. Why DOS? Is it the first? Is it the best?
I can forgive a lot of things done (or not done in the DOS version). Very annoying is lack of water/lava on the some levels (e.g. Fun 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, etc).
But, number of max 80 lemmings per level in DOS, instead of the 100 in Atari/Amiga version is something that bothers me a lot.

Challenges / Re: Maximum Lemmings Saved Records
« on: May 01, 2016, 07:15:40 AM »
I know I can try myself. I did, I failed. I don't see how to follow this explanation: "trick is getting the lemmings as bunched up as possible"? How to bunch them? How to "tweak the timing of some of the lemmings"? There is nothing left except the 3 floaters. That's not enough to tweak the bunch of 59 lemmings. And I didn't ask for the proof, I didn't say I doubt him. I just want some detailed explanation and schematics.
And one thing not related to this, why DOS Lemmings should be considered 'the original one'? I always thought the Amiga version is ' the real one'.

Challenges / Re: Maximum Lemmings Saved Records
« on: May 01, 2016, 04:44:32 AM »
@LemSteven And that's it? You are just declared 100% solution on the level without recorded video, no pictures to show us what to do (and where, and when to do). And you even don't want to bother us with the detailed explanation? Hey man, that's not enough! I want as much details as possible. If you can't record all this on video, I expect some very detailed explanation and schematic pictures.

Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings Amiga Hard Drive Install Disks or Files
« on: April 22, 2016, 04:12:25 AM »
Here is one more version of the Lemmings HD installer in the attachment. This version is chronologically between two version previously uploaded. Just in case.
I don't see much people are interested in this here, but let me, anyway, report about my experience with these installations.
I was successful in installing 'Lemmings' and 'ONMLemmings' on the hard disk. It's not just a trick with images of the floppy disks on the HD. Files are really extracted from the disks.
It's "sort of working". Games to easily freezes. I wasn't able to finish Fun/Tame rating without lock up (I've tried several times). As I was done all this (installation and playing) on the PC with WinUAE, I can't say it's not just emulator's fault, but somehow, I have a feeling these HD installs are far from perfect.

Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings Amiga Hard Drive Install Disks or Files
« on: April 21, 2016, 02:14:27 AM »
I must correct myself. I was able to find these installers.
Here they are in the attachments.

Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings Amiga Hard Drive Install Disks or Files
« on: April 20, 2016, 12:48:12 AM »
I don't know how much help you need. I don't want to bother you with a trivial things, but a few Assigns are needed.
Assuming all is copied in the LemmingsCD32/ directory on the dh0: disk (and assuming directories are named the same as in my copy of the game) you can make a batch file with the following content:

assign LemSamples: dh0:LemmingsCD32/LemSamples
assign LemMusic: dh0:LemmingsCD32/LemMusic
assign LemGraphics: dh0:LemmingsCD32/LemGraphics
assign LemLevels: dh0:LemmingsCD32/LemLevels
assign LemMisc1: dh0:LemmingsCD32/LemMisc1
assign LemMisc2: dh0:LemmingsCD32/LemMisc2

If you need any further help I will look closely to be sure how exactly this can be done, because I have become little 'rusty' in these Amiga 'things'.

Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings Amiga Hard Drive Install Disks or Files
« on: April 19, 2016, 02:31:35 AM »
I can't find any proof about existence of these installers. However, it is possible to play CDTV and CD32 versions from the hard disk.

Lemmings Main / Re: In what order should I play the Lemmings 2 levels?
« on: April 15, 2016, 04:32:55 AM »
I think the problem is, pointer is set on the stunned lemmings and they can't be selected to use the bomb. Try to put the pointer a little on the left and up to catch the first awakened lemming. Also may help to set the second lemming to use the flame thrower at the first obstacle, so the first one will get some time. It is possible to lose only 3 lemmings. I just tried and was successful after a few attempts. Two lemmings lost and one remain stuck on the screen, altogether 57 saved and that's enough for the gold medal.

Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings 2 - The Tribes
« on: April 07, 2016, 10:29:07 PM »
Genesis 'Lemmings 2' has passwords, so you can't lose your progress. Just enter the password and you are back in the game. It's not a problem to find all 12 passwords (each tribe has it own passwords) for all completed levels on the internet, but it's a problem to find passwords for all the levels available but not completed. Why is this important, you may ask? Because if you are enter all of the final passwords it's really annoying to play this game anymore. Whatever level you play, the game assume you should be awarded with the final animation and you can't avoid that. As I remember, game even won't to go back to the menu after the animation. So, the only solution is to perform reset.
But, you are lucky because I have all the passwords for the unfinished game with all the levels accessible. Here they are:

My advice is to enter all the passwords (not an easy job, I know) and then save the state from the emulator. So you can start the game, load the state and play any level you want and don't care anymore about saving your progress.

And one more thing, 'Fusion' emulator can work as USA, JAP or EUR.
Can be selected in options menu or with the F-keys:
Options -> Country -> USA(F1), JAP(F2), EUR(F3)
It's easiest to play EUR version, because the game works faster with USA or JAP settings.

Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings 2 - The Tribes
« on: April 07, 2016, 04:17:59 PM »
One thing that can complicate exactly the same level is impossibility to use two (or more) 'Glue pourers' at the same time on the SNES and Genesis.
Very interesting is 'Egyptian tribe' level 10. It is possible to use 'Mortar' to make the shortcut in the floor, then use the 'Glue pourers' to close the openings on the path. But, that trick is only possible on the Amiga, Atari ST and Archimedes. On the PC and FM Towns 'Mortar' can't open the hole on the floor (one pixel still remain) and there is no shortcut for that level. On the Mega Drive/Genesis it is possible to open the hole with the 'Mortar' but there is no time to use one 'Glue pourer' after another before the Lemmings crowd reach the openings on their way. So this level is much complicated to complete. On the contrary, SNES has small difference in the level layout and it's possible to open the 'Mortar' hole on the right side (just on the left side on the other ports). That makes 'Egyptian' 10 the easiest level in the whole game on the SNES. That one 'Mortar' is all what is needed to complete that level perfectly.
Gameboy, Game Gear and Master system have too different design of that level to compare walkthrough.

Lemmings Main / Re: In what order should I play the Lemmings 2 levels?
« on: April 06, 2016, 01:04:00 AM »
I don't know why the 'Beach' tribe is set as a first one to play. Is it accidental or intentional? Isn't it the most logical to start with the 'Classic' tribe (assuming you just finished the original game)?

Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings 2 - The Tribes
« on: April 04, 2016, 08:06:35 PM »
There is mouse support in Lemmings 2 for Mega Drive/Genesis.

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