Cheapo Level Pak topic

Started by Timballisto, July 07, 2004, 01:05:51 AM

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Gah! I've just spent about 45 minutes trying to pass the new 'Bricklayer's Guide . . .' level! I think I know how it's supposed to be done, it's just so frustrating! Damn you, Gunpowder! ;)


It didn't look simple! But yeah, I kind of know what sort of backroute you're preventing. I still have no idea how to pass it . . .


Oh good, I eradicated the backroute then.  :P


Yeah, I think the first solution I managed for the level WAS that backroute but me being Muggins didn't realise and just thought it was a naturally easy level! My new solution involves both Lemmings going into the same exit and leaves you with one floater.

Btw, I've just been playing some of your I.S. 4: Hopeless levels, and there's some pretty good ones here. My "The Monolith" level seems quite similar to your "A Towering Proposition" level, albeit with a classic collide-stop shortcut (which I will rectify for next time!).


Yes, both lemmings should enter one exit, and you should need everything but the floater.

I also noticed the similarities between your Monolith and my Towering Proposition, although my level seems to be a bit less reliant on the miner trick.

I also think I back-routed level 19 of Why Bother?. I didn't need any floaters or climbers. I may be able to do it with one fewer builder (But needing the floater) if I refine the route somewhat. And, unlike the other backroutes, this one may be difficult to fix, depending on the intended route.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


I can't do Insane Steve's new level at all, but I don't want to ask for a hint because that would point me towards the intended solution, which would take away the point....... I'm pretty convinced by now that there isn't a backroute though.

Gunpowder: don't worry about my "backroute" on The Laserium, if you read my earlier post again you'll see I can't get it to work! Though I think I'm closer to solving that level than to any other of yours.


Yeah, but Ahribar, the embarrassing thing is that I can get it to work!

 Insane Steve, I actually didn't have the miner 'trick' in mind when I devised "The Monolith", and that's one backroute that'll be impossible for me to fix. Curses! Also, could you PM me your solution for level 19?


Quote from: Special_Gunpowder  link=1089162351/315#321 date=1113238119Yeah, but Ahribar, the embarrassing thing is that I can get it to work!
OK...... you will _really_ have to tell me how...........


I feel so behind! I'm still only up to level 15 (and I still have yet to solve 'How Many Licks?' and 'Builder vs. Boulder')! But the good thing is that I have solved every other level up to 15. Making steady progress . . .

  edit: Finally passed Bricklayer's Guide . . . !


Hey Insane Steve, the level closes the game! When I tried to load it, my game closed. I had gotten so far on "Why bother" too!


Try downloading Steve's Lomdon.ZIP from the Lemming Level List Game. It contains his recreation of 'The Bridge is Breaking Down', and, for some reason, a larger bricklemmus style file which this level requires.

  edit: And this 'Brand New Lemming Harvester' level is annoying too!

  edit edit: Finally passed it! It's a clever level, and the payoff is good too, the timing is just so tight though! Gunpowder, did you by any chance test it and fast forward it as the last lemming walked in? Because there's a bug that lets lemmings walk in at the speeded rate while the level fades at the standard rate, hence giving the player a second or two longer. Brand New Lemming Harvester is probably possible without doing this, but it's extremely tight either way. Unless there's a quicker route I'm not seeing . . . What's the shortest time you've completed it in?


Actually, I thought that there was more leeway in Brand New Lemming Harvester - I've managed it with 6 seconds left. I found the timing in Lemming Harvester a fair bit tighter.

Out of curiousity, how much time and skills did you have left at the end of Bricklayer's Guide?


In 'Galaxy', I had less than 5 seconds remaining (I could have probably saved about 10 seconds by releasing the crowd earlier) and no builders. The only skill I had left was the climber.

  As for 'New Lemming Harvester', I probably used a backroute, if it can still be called that considering it's probably more complicated and harder to implement than the intended solution. There's no way I could have had 6 seconds left. I'll PM you the solution I used.

 Now I'm on Lemm'll Fix It. I love levels with no builders!


Yeah, I'm not much of a fan of those levels where you send one Lemming off to build a route to the exit whilst blocking everyone else, so I tried to avoid that, either by making levels with few/no builders (e.g. Lem'll Fix It) or by having a few bridges going on at once (e.g. Builder vs. Boulder, Bricklayer's Guide).


Quote from: Conway  link=1089162351/315#325 date=1113304234Try downloading Steve's Lomdon.ZIP from the Lemming Level List Game. It contains his recreation of 'The Bridge is Breaking Down', and, for some reason, a larger bricklemmus style file which this level requires.
My level, actually.

And you still haven't told me your backroute.

EDIT: so people don't have to search through the other topic, which is the longest on the board after all, here's the link: