Lemmings Forums

Lemmings Boards => Tech & Research => Topic started by: EricLang on March 02, 2020, 05:47:35 PM

Title: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 02, 2020, 05:47:35 PM
Able to compile my old Lemmixplayer again about 15 years later, I started refactoring it, cleaning it as well as speeding it up because of some new language features like inlining.
Instead of compiling different lemmixplayers for each DOS-game I decided to include all DOS-games in it as a resource. After that it occurred to me that supporting custom levels would be nice as well. Just looking in a "styles" folder and analyzing the files. Because there are a *lot* of custom LVL files and .DAT files around.
In the near future (and after beta-testing the source code) the exe will be available for testing.

When supporting custom levels it will not be possible to decide - reading the LVL or DAT files - what graphics should be loaded unless there are ground and vgagr files in the folder as well.
In case of LVL files only probably some config-file should be included.

I'll post a message here when the player is ready for testing and share the github location.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on March 02, 2020, 06:48:30 PM
I strongly suggest you use the source code from my modified versions (available on NeoLemmix.com - to be clear I don't mean NeoLemmix itself, but rather the updated versions me and ccexplore produced of vanilla Lemmix) - or at least see what's changed and reproduce these changes.

This has several fixes compared to your original, by myself and ccexplore. Off the top of my head, the important ones are:
- Triggered traps are too fast on your version. They finish 1 frame quicker than they do on DOS.
- Your version does not reproduce the nuke glitch or the pause-for-time glitch.
- Your version doesn't reproduce certain glitches relating to mouse positioning when assigning skills.

There's probably more.

(I'm assuming here, of course, your goal is still "accurately reproduce how DOS lemmings works", rather than "create a new, glitch-free engine".)

I should also mention - Lemmix isn't really used these days except to play the original levels for challenge purposes; NeoLemmix is where most of the custom content is nowdays. You're welcome to help out on NL - if you're good with optimizations, that could especially be useful, as that's one thing I'm not very good with myself, and NL could really use some optimization to speed things up (especially for the high-res mode) - of course, this must not be at the cost of "physics are now different" or "features are removed".

EDIT: Now that I think about it, "reproduce the changes yourself" is probably the better option here. My coding ability was not the greatest back when I made my upgrades to it; so chances are they're not very well-written, even though they do ultimately work. (ccx's on the other hand should be fairly solid, but I'm not sure if there's a copy of the source with *only* his changes.)

Download link for my-updates to Lemmix source: https://www.neolemmix.com/download.php?id=64
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 02, 2020, 10:23:02 PM
That is interesting. Indeed the plan is to stay with the DOS versions. A next seperate version will be high-res and hardware accelerated etc.
I will certainly try to find the shortcomings in the player you mention. Although I am in a state of refusal to reproduce the nuke glitch.
Optimizing is a reasonably strong side of me. When I have the time I will for sure have a look at Neolemmix.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 02, 2020, 11:29:14 PM
O wow: all the old stuff is still in neolemmix! (and of course some new I see).
When I finished my lemmixplayer I will come up with some ideas. Give me some time!
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on March 03, 2020, 12:22:00 AM
Quote from: EricLang on March 02, 2020, 10:23:02 PM
That is interesting. Indeed the plan is to stay with the DOS versions. A next seperate version will be high-res and hardware accelerated etc.
I will certainly try to find the shortcomings in the player you mention. Although I am in a state of refusal to reproduce the nuke glitch.

The two bolded parts seem self-contradictory to me. Surely, if your goal is to accurately reproduce DOS, it should accurately reproduce all DOS glitches? Of course - there aren't that many levels where it makes a difference, and those where it does it's usually very obvious whether a nuke-glitch solution passes or fails, but there are borderline cases... (indeed - I recall, ccexplore left a comment next to where you said "we will NOT be simulating the nuke glitch" - where he said "sorry, nuke glitch re-added by popular demand". This implies users really wanted it to be reproduced.)

Also - to be clear, because I don't think I made this very clear - the link above is the source code for my slightly-updated versions of Lemmix. This is still Lemmix; it remains true to DOS, and just fixes a few things Lemmix got wrong before (and adds a couple of cosmetic features).

Check the "Welcome to NeoLemmix" topic over on the NL board if you want to see NL source code. (Note - NL won't compile on D7, you'll need a newer version. I'm using 10.3, though it will probably compile at least as far back as XE6, as we were using that until quite recently.)
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: WillLem on March 03, 2020, 12:55:39 PM
Allow me to begin this post by extending my warmest regards and thanks to you for pioneering Lemmix, which has since been developed into NeoLemmix and remains, in my honest opinion, the absolute best option for playing the classic game on a modern platform. Big kudos! :thumbsup:

Just to ask the question: what's the motivation behind wanting to stay faithful to the DOS version, in particular? The original game was designed for the Amiga using Deluxe Paint II, and is (IMO) a far superior version of the game, if only aesthetically. The DOS version has some questionable colour schemes going on and all the writing is squished vertically and difficult to read.

I originally discovered this forum after playing Lemmings on SuperLemmini, an engine which I still think is gorgeous enough for Tsyu to consider upgrading a bit to keep up with the features that make NeoLemmix so good.

If you'll indulge me for a moment, take a look at the differences between each version:

Here's the original Amiga title screen. Note that, whilst everything is probably a bit too big, everything is in proportion and the colours are fairly pleasing to the eye:


The Lemmix/NeoLemmix title screen squishes these images vertically, remaining faithful to the DOS version but ultimately resulting in a less pleasing visual image. However, the relative sizes of each object on the screen are arguably better in relation to each other:


The SuperLemmini title screen, regrettably, makes no attempt whatsoever to replicate the original Amiga title screen and is arguably the worst aspect of Lemmini/SuperLemmini, visually. The scroller text is squished horizontally this time, and stands out as being a fairly unconsidered issue. It's a shame because pretty much everywhere else, SL looks fantastic. Note, however, that the text is much more striking and the colours are stronger. In the context of the title screen, it looks perhaps a bit too bold, but elsewhere in NL these enhancements work a treat:


Moving on to the level pre-screens, here's the original Amiga version (forgive me, I've had to screenshot this from a YouTube video as I no longer have a working Amiga emulator handy). Note the pleasing colour scheme and easy-to-read text; the only issue I'd have with this version is that the level preview is too small:


The SuperLemmini version does a great job of replicating this, enhancing the colours whilst also tightening the text up slightly, to a satisfying effect. This would have allowed for a bigger level preview as well, but it inexplicably remains a bit too small and stretches it horizontally ???:


The Lemmix/NeoLemmix version, again, looks identical to the DOS. The level preview is nice and big this time, which is great. But the text is squished vertically and relatively difficult to read as compared to the other versions:


I think what I'm getting it here is that the option is there to make improvements: have a bigger level preview, easier to read text, a better colour scheme. Why try to replicate a version that is still available in DOSBox for those that really want it?

If the answer is: purely for sentimental reasons, that's absolutely fair enough. But if the intention is then to publish the engine and make it widely available, surely it's worth considering the possibilities for making an improved, dare I say - definitive - version of the Lemmings platform, that incorporates all the best elements of the various versions available? If I had the coding talents that you guys possess, I would no doubt aim for just that!

At the very least, I'd be more than willing to lend my talent for visuals & graphics to provide custom text, background, menu and pre-screen graphics with enhanced colours and more pleasing proportions, if that would help. Just say the word!

EDIT: This goes out to all of you btw; Eric Lang, Namida and ccexplore - I'd be happy to do the above for either/both platforms.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Proxima on March 03, 2020, 03:33:44 PM
Quote from: WillLem on March 03, 2020, 12:55:39 PMI think what I'm getting it here is that the option is there to make improvements: have a bigger level preview, easier to read text, a better colour scheme. Why try to replicate a version that is still available in DOSBox for those that really want it?

From the community point of view: because Lemmix is an invaluable resource for challenge topics. All the same results could be obtained in DOSBox, but Lemmix's control and replay features make it much easier to navigate from having an idea to knowing whether it works or not, as well as providing replays to prove our results and allow anyone to look at how they were achieved.

Sure, the Amiga version was the original and we could have chosen that version as the basis for our results; but now that we have such an extensive set of results, there is no question of ever switching over. The DOS version was chosen as primary because it was the version with the most familiarity among the community, and also precisely because Lemmix was available for result verification.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on March 03, 2020, 05:57:03 PM
Quote from: Proxima on March 03, 2020, 03:33:44 PM
Quote from: WillLem on March 03, 2020, 12:55:39 PMI think what I'm getting it here is that the option is there to make improvements: have a bigger level preview, easier to read text, a better colour scheme. Why try to replicate a version that is still available in DOSBox for those that really want it?

From the community point of view: because Lemmix is an invaluable resource for challenge topics. All the same results could be obtained in DOSBox, but Lemmix's control and replay features make it much easier to navigate from having an idea to knowing whether it works or not, as well as providing replays to prove our results and allow anyone to look at how they were achieved.

Sure, the Amiga version was the original and we could have chosen that version as the basis for our results; but now that we have such an extensive set of results, there is no question of ever switching over. The DOS version was chosen as primary because it was the version with the most familiarity among the community, and also precisely because Lemmix was available for result verification.

Another reason that Proxima missed: DOS was mimicked because details were available on DOS physics. ccexplore did some very extensive reverse-engineering of the DOS version to figure out exactly how physics work. While we're aware of some of the differences between DOS and Amiga, we don't have the same level of knowledge of Amiga's exact workings.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 03, 2020, 07:07:12 PM
Reproducing DOS is maybe personal. I have these memories of the old DOS time and my LemmixPlayer fully fulfills my expectations, while adding some nice features.

I am aware of the stretched images. In particular the logo, which is nice if you make the width exactly twice as small. In my next version I will check this out.
And rethink the nuke glitch or at least make it optionally available :-)

I never played amiga and I played a little bit of Lemmini. Never played the mac and I played with WinLemmings.
Lemmini and WinLemmings felt to "slow" or "sluggy" in my opinion. Not very responsive somehow.

The next plan of me is to make the higher resolution version with some real nice graphics, using OpenGL or something like that. And leaving the LVL format forever then.
And togther with that a A.I. levelcreator, which I already mentioned here.

I will have a look at the NeoLemmix newest version. I am using 10.3 as well for compiling.
I presume there is a download link in that post.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: ccexplore on March 03, 2020, 07:29:44 PM
Quote from: WillLem on March 03, 2020, 12:55:39 PMThe DOS version has some questionable colour schemes going on and all the writing is squished vertically and difficult to read.

I already covered this previously.  The vertical squish is really a bug/setting thing with DOSBox that unfortunately Lemmix and NeoLemmix wound up copying.  The pixels on the actual VGA hardware are non-square for the graphics modes used by the game (640x348 and 320x200), while nowadays all native graphics modes supported by your monitor would have square pixels.  An accurate emulation should therefore have applied vertical stretching when displaying the graphics, but as you can see, even DOSBox doesn't do that, at least with its default settings.  It is that inaccuracy that led to things looking squished.  It's especially noticeable on title screen because the 640x348 mode is quite rectangular (square pixels would've called for 640x480).

If you played the original games on actual DOS you will see no squishing.  Even with DOSBox, there's a decent chance that if you played in fullscreen mode, it might be able to display the title screen without looking squished.

As for color differences, I assume you are talking specifically about the pre-screen texts.  I suspect this is at least partly due to technical limitations on DOS's VGA display hardware.  The game uses graphics mode that can only display 16 colors at a time.  DOS Lemmings actually already used an advanced technique on the pre-screen to allow the level preview to use a different set of 16 colors from the rest of the screen, although I don't remember whether it is able to do so always versus only with the "high performance" setting.  The DOS version also has to support less capable video hardware like EGA, which has even more color limitations.  So while it's unfortunate that the DOS version is less colorful there, it was probably necessary at the time for the game to run on older DOS PC hardware that people still have at the time.

Quote from: WillLem on March 03, 2020, 12:55:39 PMI think what I'm getting it here is that the option is there to make improvements: have a bigger level preview, easier to read text, a better colour scheme. Why try to replicate a version that is still available in DOSBox for those that really want it?

As I recall, Lemmix started off not including any of the graphics assets, the setup requires you to point to the files from an existing installation of the game on your PC.  This avoids some copyright issues, though obviously it later evolved in a direction where we basically picked convenience over compliance, by including the copyrighted stuff.  But back when the grahpics assets weren't included yet, it would've been vastly more painful to require people to get files/data from a non-PC version like Amiga in order to use Lemmix.  And also from programming standpoint, since Lemmix already needs the code specifically to extract from DOS files, it also makes less sense to then have to spend extra programming in order to also extract from other versions that typically stored their graphics differently.

Lemmix also started off addressing the major problem of level editing on PCs.  There actually was a "LemEdit" level editor already that was written to run on actual DOS.  But for a while it doesn't run well on DOSBox, to the point that it is almost unusable.  And ultimately LemEdit was always going to be limited to the fact that it is a DOS program.  Lemmix is effectively the first level editor that runs natively on modern versions of Windows (by that I mean XP and beyond).  At the time, given what editors had been previously available, many custom levels were designed to run on "Customized Lemmings", which is a modded version of DOS Lemmings that support custom levels.  So again, it makes sense for Lemmix to evolve at the time as a more Windows-compatible replacement for those older counterparts, and thus to be written specifically with DOS Lemmings in mind.

And you know, despite some shortcomings, most people are familiar with DOS Lemmings, it is in some ways uncontroversial in that aspect.  You assume everyone has the same aesthetic tastes as you but that probably won't be the case.  For a player and editor that was already written (at the time) largely with DOS Lemmings in mind, might as well have other aspects stick with DOS Lemmings.

Quote from: WillLem on March 03, 2020, 12:55:39 PMAt the very least, I'd be more than willing to lend my talent for visuals & graphics to provide custom text, background, menu and pre-screen graphics with enhanced colours and more pleasing proportions, if that would help. Just say the word!

I'll let EricLang decide, although at this point I suspect such efforts are probably better spent on NeoLemmix, since much morel levels nowadays are created from and for NeoLemmix, as opposed to DOS Lemmings.  That said, I suppose he could probably at least make it easier for others to mod some of the graphics used in LemmixPlayers (by looking for loose files in addition to what's embedded in the EXE, like a "LookForLVLFiles" setting but for graphics).
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: WillLem on March 03, 2020, 08:01:26 PM
Just to say it again: I think Lemmix/NeoLemmix is great, gameplay and physics-wise: whatever version is being emulated in this regard, it works well and is a joy to use. All the work you guys have done has been massively worth it, no question of that whatsoever.

I think my issue here is (and always has been) specifically with the graphical representation. To have been a part of realising the HR mode now available in 12.8 has been a great experience, I guess what I'm saying is - why not take it to the next level and have a really good look at the menu, title screen, pre/post-level screens?

I could probably have made that point somewhere else, in all fairness. :crylaugh: It is good to know what inspired the DOS emulation though, and there is no question of the success of Lemmix as a platform.

I've created a new topic/poll (https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=4671.0) to avoid this tangent going any further on this particular post.

All the best with the Lemmix developments, EricLang! It's great to meet you btw.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 03, 2020, 11:16:47 PM
All very interesting. I probably can use some graphics help and will come here soon with details.
By the way: I just looked - for the first time(!) - at some custom levels which I still have on my computer. Some insanely difficult. It is a joy to see!
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: WillLem on March 03, 2020, 11:34:19 PM
Quote from: EricLang on March 03, 2020, 11:16:47 PM
All very interesting. I probably can use some graphics help and will come here soon with details.
By the way: I just looked - for the first time(!) - at some custom levels which I still have on my computer. Some insanely difficult. It is a joy to see!

I'll keep an eye on the topic then and help you out wherever I can, looking forward to it!

What format are your old levels in? It'd be great to give them a play through. :lemcat:
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on March 04, 2020, 02:26:15 PM
Quote from: WillLem on March 03, 2020, 11:34:19 PM
What format are your old levels in? It'd be great to give them a play through. :lemcat:

Lemmix levels can be played either as levelpacks or single levels . Levelpacks have the.dat extension and single levels have the .lvl extension.

Almost every custom levelpack that has been made for Lemmix , can be found on the lemmings level database. It contains levelpacks for Lemmix and Lemmini, but the vast majority of levelpacks are for Lemmix (each levelpack that has the .dat extension works n Lemmix). Many of the levelpacks have ratings for enjoyability and difficulty.

Link for the database: http://lemmings-db.camanis.net/levelpack/list

For single levels , you can find them on the "Lemmix level pack topic" on the "levels for other engines" section of the forum.

If you want to try these levels/packs before EricLang has his new player ready, you can use either vanilla Lemmix or Custlemmix . You can find basic info about both of these on the "how to play dat and lvl files" thread on the "help and guides section" ,and other members here can give you any information , you may need on how to setup them.

On the vanilla Lemmix you can manually select whatever level you want from a pack. Custlemmix will have you starting from the first level , but there is a cheat to skip levels and go to the level you want to try (type CHEATCODES in the insert password for levels screen , and press 5 during gameplay, if I remember correctly).

One thing to remember is that Lemmix levels had been created with either "dos original lemmings" viewing style (physics mode) , or with "custom lemmings" (custlemm) viewing style (physics mode).

Dos original lemmings : It emulated the dos physics (as it's name suggests of course)
Custom lemmix (custlemm) : It emulated the physics of a program that existed before Lemmix, called custlemm . If I remember correctly custlemm physics were heavily based on onml physics, and the main differences between dos and custlemm, were that custlemm allowed for 3 pixels higher splat height, and the potitioning of the lemmings when they entered a level was different by 1 pixel. That could affect solutions in some levels, but in most levels it would not make a large difference. Both programs allowed you to switch between dos and custlemm viewing style.

Levels by authors like Namida, Nepster and Bulletride had been made with dos viewing style in mind.
Levels by authors like Clam, Tseug, H0ru5 and the earlier contest/level jam levelpacks had beeen made with custlemm in mind.

There are lots of levelpacks for Lemmix if you wish to try , two packs I would strongly suggest you , are the Cstame packs (cstame 1 & 2) by Clam. You can find both of them in the database , and they both follow the same Idea you had in one of your packs (to take the tame levels and make them more challenging).
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on March 04, 2020, 05:36:53 PM
QuoteLevels by authors like Namida

Levels by me should be played on NeoLemmix. (Except the Lemmings 3D ones of course.)
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on March 04, 2020, 05:57:43 PM
Quote from: namida on March 04, 2020, 05:36:53 PM
QuoteLevels by authors like Namida

Levels by me should be played on NeoLemmix. (Except the Lemmings 3D ones of course.)

Yes , of course ! The only reason that I used your very early works, as an example of packs that worked with dos physics,  Is because you had mentioned  it at the past (when you first created the lemmings plus 1 pack ) . Very few authors back then would metion what was the intended mode that their levels were meant to be played , and  in this case there are very few authors that I know for sure which mode were supporting , so I could use them for my examples. That's why I used you as one of my examples . I'm sorry if I made a mistake here!
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 18, 2020, 09:35:27 PM
Beta test Lemmix player available: https://github.com/ericlangedijk/Lemmix/releases/tag/2.0.2

goto "assets" and download lemmix.zip
(and if you want pdf and the nice conway levels)
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on March 18, 2020, 10:59:59 PM
I see you've made an option to reproduce the nuke glitch, and fixed the trap inaccuracy. I don't see any reference to the pause-for-time glitch, or the mouse-positioning-based glitches? (Both of which were also added by me / ccexplore's updates.)
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 18, 2020, 11:10:45 PM
Both are in the making
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on March 18, 2020, 11:30:38 PM
For the record - both of these required changes to the replay format too.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 18, 2020, 11:51:03 PM
Yes. Thank you. I saw that. Working my way through the changes :-)
The mouse thing right-click bug emulation is more complicated..
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on March 19, 2020, 01:28:02 AM
ccexplore is still around, so if you've got any technical questions about exactly how it works, I'm sure he can help.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 24, 2020, 12:43:30 PM
This week I will finish the next beta 2.05 of the "enhanced old lemmixplayer". The 2.0.4 is testable but by far not as advanced as the next version.
I gathered around 5000 custom levels from several sources :-) A pleasure to see and play these inside one player.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on March 24, 2020, 06:34:23 PM
Why do you have both H93 and H94 in there? H94 includes all of H93's levels.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 24, 2020, 06:40:16 PM
yes I know. for ... historical reasons I guess.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on March 29, 2020, 02:28:59 PM
Version 2.0.5 is available.
Probably some lemming-experts will have opinions or suggestions. I would be grateful if they share these.
I added the nukeglitch, the rightmouseglitch and the pauseglitch as optional mechanics and tested them - as far as my limited brain can - during play and replay.
The Lemmix.pdf and Releases.txt have detailed information.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Ron_Stard on March 29, 2020, 06:35:03 PM
Quote from: EricLang on March 29, 2020, 02:28:59 PM
Version 2.0.5 is available.
Probably some lemming-experts will have opinions or suggestions. I would be grateful if they share these.
I added the nukeglitch, the rightmouseglitch and the pauseglitch as optional mechanics and tested them - as far as my limited brain can - during play and replay.
The Lemmix.pdf and Releases.txt have detailed information.

F1 doesn't seem to work
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on April 03, 2020, 09:49:54 PM
F1 doesnt work? That seems strange to me. Maybe you reached minimum release rate?
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Ron_Stard on April 05, 2020, 12:55:15 AM
Quote from: EricLang on April 03, 2020, 09:49:54 PM
F1 doesnt work? That seems strange to me. Maybe you reached minimum release rate?

Oh, not while playing: I mean it doesn't do nothing in the title screen
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on April 05, 2020, 09:13:43 AM
Aha.. well it never did, did it? What is supposed to be happening?
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Ron_Stard on April 05, 2020, 11:51:40 AM
Quote from: EricLang on April 05, 2020, 09:13:43 AM
Aha.. well it never did, did it? What is supposed to be happening?

I thought it would start the game. The other title screen options (F2 to F4 and Esc) seems to work.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on April 05, 2020, 02:27:40 PM
Never ever thought about THAT. Press enter to start :-)
I will add F1 soon.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Ron_Stard on April 08, 2020, 10:30:24 AM
I am trying to add a custom level, in order to play it (I am following the instructions provided by you PDF), and I managed to to it correctly. But when something is missing, you are trapped in the black screen that comes after the emerging windows that informs you of it. Any chance to get back to the menu via Esc key? Or maybe terminate the program abruptly?

On another note, I love the flying coloured text in the replays that informs you of the selected task! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on April 09, 2020, 08:26:11 PM
I noticed that as well. When an error occurs.
The black screen will still be closable with Alt + f4 and I will fix this.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Ron_Stard on May 15, 2020, 02:54:52 PM
I think this is a bug: the program throws me an error when I try to play custom Christmas levels, like the one I've attached (it is composed of random objects). It seems that the traps and the cold water are not drawn, and even are considered bugs. Every other object is ok.

Did I miss something?
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Simon on May 15, 2020, 04:03:16 PM
DMA's Holiday tilesets have no traps nor water.

If you load a level with that original DMA tileset, the program is correct to flag traps and waters as errors.

I haven't looked at the file, thus I can't guess how it was created. Maybe people eventually put the Snow tileset's traps and water into a customized Holiday tileset. You'll likely need to know exactly which Holiday tileset the level author had in mind.

-- Simon
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Ron_Stard on May 15, 2020, 05:01:40 PM
Quote from: Simon on May 15, 2020, 04:03:16 PM
DMA's Holiday tilesets have no traps nor water.

If you load a level with that original DMA tileset, the program is correct to flag traps and waters as errors.

I haven't looked at the file, thus I can't guess how it was created. Maybe people eventually put the Snow tileset's traps and water into a customized Holiday tileset. You'll likely need to know exactly which Holiday tileset the level author had in mind.

-- Simon

Thank you for the info, I did never notice there was no traps in Holiday Lemmings. I was making a Christmas level by myself, via the old NeoLemmix Editor 1.43, and Vanilla Lemmix throw me that error.

That mentioned editor allowed me to use traps and water and everything else, and at validating the level, everything was fine. I was able to play it in CustLemmix, so I expected Vanilla Lemmix allow me to play it, too.

Instead of my former level, I attached one made with random objects, in order to show that everything but traps and water was ok.

In case you wonder, I am using the old editor and the old players because I've always wanted to make a levelpack with the original 8 skills, and for the original engine, before moving to the new NeoLemmix Editor and its new skills and terrains. Although I'll release the levelpack also for NeoLemmix 12.X.X.

One last question: all things considered, it is not O.K. that the old NeoLemmix editor for Lemmix allow making Xmas levels with traps?
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: ccexplore on May 15, 2020, 05:26:43 PM
Even for version 1.43, I think the NeoLemmix editor was still primarily intended for creation of NeoLemmix levels, rather than levels for the original DOS game engine.  It was probably more common to use the editor to open an LVL file originally created for CustLemm or vanilla Lemmix, and then further update level and save it for NeoLemmix in its format.

I'm not sure where exactly NeoLemmix pulls the water and traps from, but like Simon said, the original Holiday tileset did not have those things, and therefore such objects would not work on any engines that are using that original tileset.  This includes CustLemmix, the Lemmix editor, and the DOS games themselves (including CustLemm).  I guess it would still work in NeoLemmix 1.43 due to it (I'm guessing) using a modified version of the tileset or similar.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Ron_Stard on May 15, 2020, 07:06:16 PM
I can confirm that CustLemmix V29 can load both the LVL individual level and a .DAT file containing it without problems. CustLemm (MS-DOS) gives a preview of the level, but doesn't load it. LemmixPlayerH94 V29 doesn't give a preview nor load the level: instead, throws the error I've attached, asking for ground9o.dat.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on May 15, 2020, 08:01:14 PM
Quote from: Ron_Stard on May 15, 2020, 07:06:16 PM
I can confirm that CustLemmix V29 can load both the LVL individual level and a .DAT file containing it without problems. CustLemm (MS-DOS) gives a preview of the level, but doesn't load it. LemmixPlayerH94 V29 doesn't give a preview nor load the level: instead, throws the error I've attached, asking for ground9o.dat.

IIRC, CustLemmix's version of the Xmas style has the trap / water added to it, just like the NL style (pre-new formats, where style mixing is possible so it's pointless to duplicate) used to.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on June 16, 2020, 10:40:36 PM
Quote from: Ron_Stard on April 08, 2020, 10:30:24 AM
I am trying to add a custom level, in order to play it (I am following the instructions provided by you PDF), and I managed to to it correctly. But when something is missing, you are trapped in the black screen that comes after the emerging windows that informs you of it. Any chance to get back to the menu via Esc key? Or maybe terminate the program abruptly?

I tried to run today the first level I have made  ("Unreachable Heights") , to record it for my youtube channel , and I encounter the same black screen Ron Stard has mentioned ( and unfortunately , I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong )!

Also in the pdf , it mentions that you can setup as game mechanics only as "original" and "oh! no more lemmings" , and you can setup "custlemm" only for graphics. In that case, the replay of the solution for "Unrechable Heights" , which I have made it in "custlemm" physics mode , how it will work ?

If you have a level ( let's say "Unreachable Heights" lvl or dat ) , how exactly you setup the files/folders/configs , so it can work without problems ?

Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Ron_Stard on June 17, 2020, 03:38:40 PM
Quote from: Turrican on June 16, 2020, 10:40:36 PM
Quote from: Ron_Stard on April 08, 2020, 10:30:24 AM
I am trying to add a custom level, in order to play it (I am following the instructions provided by you PDF), and I managed to to it correctly. But when something is missing, you are trapped in the black screen that comes after the emerging windows that informs you of it. Any chance to get back to the menu via Esc key? Or maybe terminate the program abruptly?

I tried to run today the first level I have made  ("Unreachable Heights") , to record it for my youtube channel , and I encounter the same black screen Ron Stard has mentioned ( and unfortunately , I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong )!

Also in the pdf , it mentions that you can setup as game mechanics only as "original" and "oh! no more lemmings" , and you can setup "custlemm" only for graphics. In that case, the replay of the solution for "Unrechable Heights" , which I have made it in "custlemm" physics mode , how it will work ?

If you have a level ( let's say "Unreachable Heights" lvl or dat ) , how exactly you setup the files/folders/configs , so it can work without problems ?

Decompress and put the folder I've attached in Data\Styles. It works for me!
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on June 17, 2020, 07:23:45 PM
It worked!!! Thank you!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ( Both the level and the replay ) !

I also liked the coloured text in the replay , that you have mentioned in one of your previous posts !

So here is "Unreachable Heights" with custom music track:

Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on September 06, 2020, 07:17:34 AM
New version available on github https://github.com/ericlangedijk/Lemmix/releases
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on September 06, 2020, 10:26:34 AM
You can assign multiple actions now during pause, which is actually a big cheat.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on September 06, 2020, 09:22:04 PM
I would like to post some suggestions for improvements for the player:

    First of all , for some reason , the player doesn't seem to support levels with time limits of 10 minutes of more! I have made a level that it needs more than 10 minutes for the solution , so I have put a 20 minutes time limit on it , but when the player loads the level ,  the time limit is only 9 minutes! ( link for the level : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg81772#msg81772 ) 
If the player supported time limits of more than 10 minutes , it could also help level designers , to emulate the "no time limits" standard , which is a standard that is followed in most custom levels today , by putting a very very large time limit in their levels!

   Secondly , I think an option to adjust the volume of music would be nice! I have made a lot of videos in my channel , using the player , and I always use music tracks in mod format for custom music! The issue here is that the music is a little "low volume" , compared to the sound effects , so it would be nice if we would have an option to adjust/increase it!

   Also , I think it would be nice , when we have loaded a levelpack , or a folder with custom levels , and we are in the preview screen of a level , to be able with pressing left or right , to have the levels before or after that appear , so we can choose to play one of these instead ( like Neolemmix does ) !

Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on September 06, 2020, 09:29:56 PM
QuoteFirst of all , for some reason , the player doesn't seem to support levels with time limits of 10 minutes of more! I have made a level that it needs more than 10 minutes for the solution , so I have put a 20 minutes time limit on it , but when the player loads the level ,  the time limit is only 9 minutes!

Yes, this - as well as the "multiple skills on one frame" that can be done via the pause behaviour mentioned by EricLang - are clear deviations from the original DOS game (DOS has graphical glitches with time limits over 9 minutes, but as far as functionality goes they work as expected). It would appear that this is now starting to go in its own direction rather than being a true DOS clone.

Gioven that Lemmix is known to be (or aim to be) an exact DOS clone, I wonder if it's best for Eric to consider a new name for this new version to avoid confusion?
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: kaywhyn on September 06, 2020, 09:43:06 PM
Also, before I forget, how exactly do you load individual levels in the Lemmix player? There have been some that I wanted to load up in Lemmix, but I cannot figure it out. I think so far the only way I know is to load it up in the editor and then test mode. I know how to get level packs to load, but I can't get individual level files that aren't part of any level pack to load. This pretty much means I have no idea of Lemmix's structure. There's documentation on this, right? I think I read it one time and tried to do exactly what it says to do, but I still can't get it to work correctly. Please assist.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on September 06, 2020, 10:12:05 PM
Quote from: kaywhyn on September 06, 2020, 09:43:06 PM
Also, before I forget, how exactly do you load individual levels in the Lemmix player? There have been some that I wanted to load up in Lemmix, but I cannot figure it out. I think so far the only way I know is to load it up in the editor and then test mode. I know how to get level packs to load, but I can't get individual level files that aren't part of any level pack to load. This pretty much means I have no idea of Lemmix's structure. There's documentation on this, right? I think I read it one time and tried to do exactly what it says to do, but I still can't get it to work correctly. Please assist.

In the previous page of the thread , there is an attachment by Ron Stard (mygame.zip) , which you can decompress it in the Data/Styles folder of the player , and put the custom levels , you want to try inside it! It has a level in in it ( it's my first level "Unreachable Heights" , because Ron Stard had posted this attachment , in response to a similar question I had ) , so you will put the custom levels you want to try , in the same folder where "Unreachable Heights" is , and they will work without problems!

Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: kaywhyn on September 06, 2020, 10:17:54 PM
Hey Turrican, thanks for the info! :thumbsup: I'll make sure to take a look at your levels and report back if I'm successful in getting them to load.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on September 06, 2020, 10:35:43 PM
Ok! Thank you Kaywhyn! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: kaywhyn on September 08, 2020, 10:24:35 AM
So I downloaded Ron's attachment from the previous page, as well as the newest Lemmix player version from ericlang's link. It's just an exe file, and when quitting it after running it once, there aren't any other folders where my Lemmix player is. I did create a data folder plus a styles folder inside it, and I extracted Ron's files inside the styles folder, but your Unreachable Heights level does not load. I wonder if it's something I'm doing wrong. Or is it the Lemmix player file?
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: ericderkovits on September 08, 2020, 10:44:19 AM
It works for me. I extracted mygame into the data/styles folder. Then I just hit function f4 and choose the box that's green that says My Description and start game,then the Unreachable height level is there. Of course I don't know the solution.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on September 08, 2020, 12:14:56 PM
Quote from: ericderkovits on September 08, 2020, 10:44:19 AM
It works for me. I extracted mygame into the data/styles folder. Then I just hit function f4 and choose the box that's green that says My Description and start game,then the Unreachable height level is there. Of course I don't know the solution.

I have posted the solution of the level , when I posted the level in the "Lemmix level pack topic" ( link for the post: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg73901#msg73901 )

Also I have made a video which contains the solution for the level ( link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE57OHBFSBo ) . In the description of the video , I explain what the glitch does!

Also if you want to see more levels that implement this glitch ( the glitch  can have several various forms ) , I have made also  a video , called "Exploring a very exotic glitch" , which contains eight levels which use this glitch ( seven of these have been made by Geoo , and the eighth is "Unreachable Heights" ) .
Link for the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z_pHJiUh_c
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: kaywhyn on September 08, 2020, 03:37:32 PM
Quote from: ericderkovits on September 08, 2020, 10:44:19 AM
It works for me. I extracted mygame into the data/styles folder. Then I just hit function f4 and choose the box that's green that says My Description and start game,then the Unreachable height level is there. Of course I don't know the solution.

When I started the Lemmix player, I pressed F4, but I don't see "My Description" anywhere. This means I'm doing something wrong. Did you have to create the data/styles folder? Or was it already there?

edit: Never mind, I figured it out. I was supposed to put the mygame folder in data/styles, not just the two files inside the mygame folder.

edit 2: How do you load .dat files in Lemmix?
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on September 08, 2020, 07:16:29 PM
I will look at this all soon (read weekend). Music volume is adjustable. See pdf for that.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on September 08, 2020, 07:18:08 PM
By the way. Adding requests or suggestions is nice to have in the issuelist at github. Then I can work at them and info will not get lost.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on September 08, 2020, 07:19:59 PM
Quote from: kaywhyn on September 08, 2020, 03:37:32 PM
How do you load .dat files in Lemmix?

Good question! In the pdf , it is mentioned that you can add .dat files in the mygame folder , and that you can even have mixed files , but I have tried it , and it gives me an error message , that no levels can be found in the style! We need clarification , about how to load .dat files!

A temporary workaround , I am doing is when I want to try a pack , is I save the levels in the pack as .lvl files in the editor, and I put them in a new mygame folder ( mygame2 for example ) , in the same order they are in the pack!

For example for Tseug's pack , I have created a mygame2 folder , and in the style file in that folder , I have written:
Info=Tseug's pack
( and for the remaining lines , I have left them unchanged )

And I have put the levels in the pack named like this: 01 Slipping , 02 In need of scenery etc... , so in that case the levels appear in  the same order , as they appear in the actual pack! That also allows me to have also a music track for each of the levels ( by creating a music subfolder , and putting the music tracks I want , arranged in the same way) !

This is a temporary workaround , so you can try the packs you want , but it is not a viable method if you want to have too many packs! As I said , we need clarification , about how to load .dat files!

Quote from: EricLang on September 08, 2020, 07:16:29 PM
I will look at this all soon (read weekend). Music volume is adjustable. See pdf for that.

Thank you EricLang! :thumbsup: Is it possible also , to have clarification about how we can load .dat files?
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: kaywhyn on September 09, 2020, 06:04:00 AM
Quote from: Turrican on September 08, 2020, 07:19:59 PM
Good question! In the pdf , it is mentioned that you can add .dat files in the mygame folder , and that you can even have mixed files , but I have tried it , and it gives me an error message , that no levels can be found in the style! We need clarification , about how to load .dat files!

A temporary workaround , I am doing is when I want to try a pack , is I save the levels in the pack as .lvl files in the editor, and I put them in a new mygame folder ( mygame2 for example ) , in the same order they are in the pack!

For example for Tseug's pack , I have created a mygame2 folder , and in the style file in that folder , I have written:
Info=Tseug's pack
( and for the remaining lines , I have left them unchanged )

And I have put the levels in the pack named like this: 01 Slipping , 02 In need of scenery etc... , so in that case the levels appear in  the same order , as they appear in the actual pack! That also allows me to have also a music track for each of the levels ( by creating a music subfolder , and putting the music tracks I want , arranged in the same way) !

This is a temporary workaround , so you can try the packs you want , but it is not a viable method if you want to have too many packs! As I said , we need clarification , about how to load .dat files!

Thanks a bunch for this info, Turrican! :thumbsup: Yea, I kind of figured that probably the best way is to simply extract the levels through the editor. It's slow and can be cumbersome, but it does work. Like you, I also ran into the error of Lemmix complaining that it can't find anything in the styles folder, even when the .dat file is in there. Looks like we'll have to wait for the weekend for ericlang's response in regards to loading up .dat files.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on September 09, 2020, 10:12:06 AM
If you send me an example of a folder which is not working, send me a zipfile of that folder and I can check. (ericlangedijk@protonmail.com)
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: kaywhyn on September 09, 2020, 10:27:20 AM
Here you go.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on September 12, 2020, 11:45:49 AM
I think I found the error. Have patience :-) It probably is a bug combined with naming-convention
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on September 22, 2020, 03:54:35 PM
.dat files which contain levels must have the word "lev" in it. this is because .dat files can be anything.
I forgot to document this and I will update the PDF.
In my style folders with ,dat files i start each filename with "level_"
Like this:
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on September 22, 2020, 03:56:29 PM
But I think there is indeed a bug with style. OHNO does not work correctly. Still patience needed...
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on February 06, 2021, 02:07:39 PM
Solved all bugs and a couple of new features. 3.0.0 on its way.
Optional coloring of lemmings that are climbers, floaters, and athletes (which have both skills).
Thinking about the right colors, I thought: let's ask the forum.
currently orange = athlete, green = climber, lightblue = floater.

Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on February 06, 2021, 06:19:05 PM
Quote from: EricLang on February 06, 2021, 02:07:39 PM
Optional coloring of lemmings that are climbers, floaters, and athletes (which have both skills).
Thinking about the right colors, I thought: let's ask the forum.
currently orange = athlete, green = climber, lightblue = floater.

Nice idea! I think these colour choices are ok.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on February 14, 2021, 08:48:45 PM
new version available. documentation pdf will follow next week.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on February 15, 2021, 06:30:51 PM
I have tried the new version of the player , and the level that I had mentioned in one of my previous posts , that has a 20 minutes time limit , worked flawlessly. Thank you! :thumbsup:

More feedback from me , will come , in the following days.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on February 15, 2021, 07:35:35 PM
I thought I had all existing levels on earth, but no :-)
Do you have a link to your lemmix levels?
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on February 15, 2021, 08:32:49 PM
Quote from: EricLang on February 15, 2021, 07:35:35 PM
I thought I had all existing levels on earth, but no :-)
Do you have a link to your lemmix levels?

Of course! Here , I will put the links for all my projects for lemmix. These projects are my own levels , and my level modifications ( These are levels , originally made for Lemmini by various authors , converted to Lemmix by Mobius and Akseli , and received fixes/modifications by me ) .

Also for each of these levels , I have their replays , and the links for their music tracks too. ( I will also put here ,the links for "Unreachable Heights" and "Reachable Heights" which you alrady have , so you can download their music tracks if you want. )

My levels :

Unreachable Heights : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg73901#msg73901
Reachable Heights : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg80912#msg80912
The Crystal Coves : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg81171#msg81171
Now you're stuck ( part 2 ) : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg81418#msg81418
The squares fight back (part 2) : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg81772#msg81772
Spaces within spaces : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg85081#msg85081

My level modifications :

"All that a Basher can Do" by Dodochacalo : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg80537#msg80537
''The Giant's Leap'' by Gronkling : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg81543#msg81543
"Blocked Bridge" by Gronkling : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg85448#msg85448
"Perfect Harmony" by Dodochacalo : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg88088#msg88088
Herculems by Dodochacalo : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=943.msg90395#msg90395
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on February 15, 2021, 11:11:19 PM
Thank you. The genius Unreachable Heights I know. I will download the rest as well.
Maybe you are interested in the 4300 levels I gathered.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Ron_Stard on February 15, 2021, 11:36:39 PM
Quote from: EricLang on February 15, 2021, 07:35:35 PM
I thought I had all existing levels on earth, but no :-)
Do you have a link to your lemmix levels?

Now that you mention it, I haven't found in the pack my NES & ZX Spectrum remakes, nor the levels of my first levelpack (I uploaded the latter to the Camanis site last year). Feel free to add them to the megapack, if you wish (if you don't have them, I can put them together in a zip and post them here).

Oh, by the way, thank you for improving the player. I really like it! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: namida on February 15, 2021, 11:47:53 PM
If you are including my old "Lemmings Plus DOS Project" levels in this, please include a note with them that they are essentially a very old version of Lemmings Plus I, and the best and official way to play said pack is the up-to-date NeoLemmix version (https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=1922.0). (Same for Lemmings Plus II if a pre-NL version of that is in there somehow.)
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on February 16, 2021, 12:21:02 AM
@Namida, if I can find the files in your link, I will put a note in the description of the pack :-)
@Ron Stard: A zip would be very welcome.

btw: not yet documented yet. see the configuration screen with F5 from the menu. no need for manual editing anymore.
currently testing my beta. Hope to make a non-beta in one or two weeks.

Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: ericderkovits on February 16, 2021, 06:06:09 AM
I like it in your lemmix player where a climber is green, a floater is light blue, and both red.

It would be cool too if in NL 1 permanent skill perhaps would be 1 color (1 permanent skill), 2 another (athlete), 3 another (tri-athlete), and 4 another (x-athlete).
Perhaps athlete(1 permanent skill could be yellow, 2(athlete) green, 3(tri-athlete) red, and 4(x-athlete) purple).
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on February 16, 2021, 08:51:33 AM
Personally I like the "high resolution replay messages" the most.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on February 17, 2021, 08:19:56 PM
Quote from: EricLang on February 15, 2021, 11:11:19 PM
Maybe you are interested in the 4300 levels I gathered.

I have downloaded these levels. Good job , on putting together these levels , in this level collection!

Also , another levelpack that you can add in this level collection , is "Ron Stard's Rodents" .  That's a very good levelpack , that Ron Stard has made , and uploaded in the level database.

Here is the link for the pack :
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Ron_Stard on February 17, 2021, 09:36:39 PM
Quote from: Turrican on February 17, 2021, 08:19:56 PM

Also , another levelpack that you can add in this level collection , is "Ron Stard's Rodents" .  That's a very good levelpack , that Ron Stard has made , and uploaded in the level database.

Here is the link for the pack :

Thank you for the compliments! :thumbsup: I'm glad you like it!

Here I have attached all my personal levels and the recreations I made from NES and ZX Spectrum Lemmings (51 levels in total). I have reviewed the screenshots and skillset for other levels I didn't recreate back in the day, and I think there are still some of them which may be interesting to adapt to Lemmix and the rest of the engines. For example, Lemming Sanctuary In Sight and King Of The Castle from ZX Spectrum, which both have the trapdoor on the left, instead of the right part of the screen.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on February 18, 2021, 08:23:19 AM
Great! I will add the 3 packs in one 'Ron Stard' folder.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on February 18, 2021, 05:25:12 PM
Documentation is there. I hope it is complete :-) Some small changes during beta. Updated packs.zip with Ron's levels. Updated releases.txt and description.

Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Simon on February 18, 2021, 07:11:22 PM
Very nice, the PDF has the Lemmix hotkeys. Documentation or on-screen hotkey display has always been the biggest hurdle.

-- Simon
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: EricLang on February 18, 2021, 08:27:58 PM
@Simon. Indeed. I always forgot some of the keys myself :-) So I added a help screen.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: WillLem on February 19, 2021, 07:27:48 PM
Quote from: ericderkovits on February 16, 2021, 06:06:09 AM
It would be cool too if in NL 1 permanent skill perhaps would be 1 color (1 permanent skill), 2 another (athlete), 3 another (tri-athlete), and 4 another (x-athlete).
Perhaps athlete(1 permanent skill could be yellow, 2(athlete) green, 3(tri-athlete) red, and 4(x-athlete) purple).

Suggest it ;P
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Proxima on February 19, 2021, 07:32:02 PM
Don't forget that NL 12.12 is due to add a sixth permanent skill. And I'm against the suggestion: too many colours (especially since NL also needs distinct coloration for zombies and neutrals), it's awkward to remember what they all mean, and often the number of permanent skills isn't the important information in any case.
Title: Re: lemmix player revisited
Post by: Turrican on October 09, 2021, 10:08:57 PM
I have found an issue in the new Lemmix player , that has to do with levels that use a release rate higher than 99.

There are are two levels I know , that use a release rate higher than 99. The reason they do it is because it allows them to have the actual release rate of the lemmings lower than 1. ( If you use a release rate higher than 99 in your level , in practice you will have the lemmings spawned in a release rate lower than 1 ) . Unfortunately , I  don'r remember the exact release rate of these levels ( and I don't know if they use the same release rate ) .

The two levels that have this issue are "Palace o/t once-hacked Lemmings" ( from the geoopk1 pack ) , and Switchback Symmetry ( from the LF Level Jam #1 pack ) .

The issue is : the player treats the levels , as levels with a release rate 99 , and the result is , that the levels don't play correctly.
The replays of the solutions of the levels don't work as intended , and for some reason , the replay of my solution for  "Palace o/t once-hacked Lemmings" , doesn't appear in the replay auto find screen.

I have attached here , the replays of my solutions for both levels. ( the replays , have been made with "custom lemmings" viewing style ) .

Here is also a video of the solution of "Palace o/t once-hacked Lemmings". It showcases , how the release rate looks , and how the level plays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVvbbdbUf84