Pointless Information

Started by tseug, June 16, 2006, 07:47:37 PM

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Approximately 8% of pencils are not sharpened. How's THAT for pointless information?



Besides the debts of each state of the Dual Monarchy, there is a general debt, which is borne jointly by Austria and Hungary. The following table gives in millions sterling the amount of the general debt for the years 1875-1905: -
1875.    1885.    1895.    1900.    1905.
232.41    231.02    229.67    226.81    224.31

The foreign trade of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy is shown in the following table: -
Year.      Imports.              Exports.
1900    ÷0,666,000    ø0,916,000
1901    68,833,000    78,841,000
1902    71,666,000    79,708,000
1903    78,200,000    88,600,000
1904    85,200,000    86,200,000
1905    89,430,000    93,500,000


The strength of the Austro-Hungarian army on a peace footing was as follows in 1905: -
                         Officers.    Men.      Horses. Guns.
Infantry -                
Common Army       10,801    187,604    1,152       ..
Austrian Landwehr    1,883    23,905      174          ..
Hungarian Honveds    2,258     21,149       262         ..
Cavalry -                
Common Army        1,890     45,486      40,740     ..
Austrian Landwehr  170        1,861       1,282       ..
Hungarian Honveds 390        4,170       3,510       ..
Field Artillery         1,630      27,612     14,520     1,048
Fortress Artillery     408        7,722       131         ..
Technical troops (Pioneers, and
Railway and Telegraph Regiment)
                     ^~588        9,935        19           ..
Transport Service  461        4,312       3,097        ..
Sanitary Service    85          3,062        ..           ..
            Total       20,564    336,818   64,887      1,048
Belonging to the         
Common Army       15,863    285,733   59,659      1,048
Austrian Landwehr 2,053      25,766   1,456         ..
Hungarian Honveds 2,648     25,319    3,772        ..


According to the agricultural census of 1895, the main varieties of land are distributed as follows:
   Hungary Proper.    Croatia-Slavonia.
By area in acres -        
Arable land           29,714,382           13,370,540
Gardens                 928,053                 136,354
Meadows             7,075,888             1,099,451
Vineyards            482,801                 65,475
Pastures                 9,042,267            1,465,930
Forests                 18,464,396           3,734,094
Marshes                 199,685                 7,921
By percentage of the total area -        
Arable land           42.81%   32.26%
Gardens                 1.34%    1.31%
Meadows             10.19%   10.52%
Vineyards             0.69%    0.63%
Pastures              13.03%   14.03%
Forests                 26.60%   35.74%
Marshes                 0.28%     0.08%


Iron-  Iron ore, 1,876,000 tons; pig iron, 463,000 tons~Hungary; this next statistic is from 1903, Austria: iron ore, 2,586,000 tons; pig iron, 1,482,000 tons
   ~In all about 1,945,000 tons produced.
Coal - in 1900 it was 32,500,000 tons out of Austria; 6,600,000 tons out of Hungary
   ~In all about 39,100,000 tons produced.
Petroleum is found in Galicia
copper is extracted in Tirol
Zinc is only to be mined in Bohemia
Important Manufactured Products: Fire arms, files, wire, nails, tin plate scythes, sickles, steel pens, needles, rails, iron furniture, drains, and kitchen utensils.
   -These are made primarily in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Upper and Lower Austria, Styria and Carinthia- these places all contain ҥxtensive iron-worksҬ

The most important place of derivation and of destination for the Austro-Hungarian trade is the German empire with about 40% of the imports, and about 60% of the exports. Next in importance comes Great Britain, afterwards India, Italy, the United States of America, Russia, France, Switzerland, Rumania, the Balkan states and South America in about the order named. The principal articles of import are cotton and cotton goods, wool and woollen goods, silk and silk goods, coffee, tobacco and metals. The principal articles of export are wood, sugar, cattle, glass and glassware, iron and ironware, eggs, cereals, millinery, fancy goods, earthenware and pottery, and leather goods.

The following tables give the foreign trade of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy as regards raw material and manufactured goods: -
Articles.    Value in Millions Sterling.
                                     1900.     1901.       1902.     1903.      1904.
Raw material (including
articles of food; raw
material for agriculture
and industry; and mining
and smelting products.        41.5       40.5        41.8       45.9       51.9
Semi-manufactured goods    9.6        9.6         10.3       10.6       10.8
Manufactured goods           19.5      18.7         19.5       21.6       22.5
Articles.                           Value in Millions Sterling.
                                      1900.      1901.     1902.     1903.      1904
Raw material (as above)      34.1       34.1       35.9       39          35.3
Semi-manufactured goods    12.6       11.1       11.1      12.4        12.6
Manufactured goods.           34.2       33.3       32.8      37.2        38.3


Total Population ~ 45.2 Million

0.2% of the population was employed in metalworking, while 2.6% of the total population was in the army.

The following table gives the numbers of different nationalities, as determined by the languages spoken by them in 1900: -

Germans                           9,171,614

Czechs and Slovaks         5,955,397

Poles                            4,252,483

Ruthenians                     3,381,570

Slovenes                        1,192,780

Italians and Ladini            727,102

Servians and Croats         711,380

Rumanians                      230,963

Magyars                            9,516


A yoctosecond is the smallest unit of time. Know anything that can measure in THAT?