Author Topic: Graphic set not found/All folders are empty  (Read 12825 times)

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Offline Tsyu

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Re: Error: Graphic set .dat could not be found
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2017, 05:47:55 PM »
It sounds like either the copy that you made of root.lzp got corrupted, or whatever program you're using is corrupting the files during extraction. I suggest deleting that copy, making a new one, and then extracting the levels from that new copy. If that doesn't work, PM me one of the corrupted levels and the levelpack.ini from that level's folder.

Are you working on flash media by any chance? If so, and if it's a super-high-capacity device that you obtained for an excellent deal from eBay or a similar site, it might not have as much storage as it claims. (And I don't mean it's just labeled as having a higher capacity than it really does; I mean the drive or card thinks it has a very high capacity when it really doesn't.) If this is the case, then anything that gets written beyond the device's actual storage will get corrupted. You can find more information here:

Offline Tsyu

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Re: Error: Graphic set .dat could not be found
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2017, 08:11:28 PM »
I managed to reproduce your problem on my end. Once I figure out what's wrong, I will release an update.

Offline Tsyu

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Re: Error: Graphic set .dat could not be found
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2017, 12:53:06 AM »
SuperLemmini 0.103b has been released to fix the problem that Tor was experiencing, as well as to update a few things:
  • Fixed the way that sibling files are loaded. Previously, SuperLemmini would incorrectly try to load such files from its root folder unless they were external levels or were in an LZP file; now, they're loaded from the correct folder.
  • Updated the IBXM and Apache Commons Lang libraries.
  • On macOS, the property "apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar" is now set instead of "". (I think this is supposed to prevent a warning from being triggered. In any case, Lemmini 0.87 did it, so I'm doing it too.)

(For those of you wondering: The levels that Tor was having problems loading were "oddtable" levels, which use terrain, object, and other data from another level file. For these levels, SuperLemmini was trying to load that other file from the game's root folder instead of where the "oddtable" level's file was located, but only for levels not loaded from LZP files or as external levels.)

Offline tor

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Re: Graphic set not found/All folders are empty
« Reply #33 on: September 28, 2017, 08:55:26 AM »
All of the folders inside my SuperLemmini folder are empty (No files). The folders are "gfx" and its sub folders, "levels", "music", "sound" and "style". There are no files inside them, in contrast to the equivalent folders of Lemmini.
This prevents me to apply mods such as Green Lemmings add-on in SuperLemmini.
How to solve this?
The files that you need to modify are in root.lzp, which is just an ordinary ZIP file. You want to open it and copy the contents of its "levels" folder to the empty "levels" folder. (If you must, you can make a copy of root.lzp and rename the "lzp" part of the copy to "zip".) Then you can edit the files as you please, and SuperLemmini will use those instead of the ones inside root.lzp.
Update: I discovered that after I did this, most of the levels has been corrupted, resulting in SuperLemmini crashing with the error that it can't find the .ini file of the level I enters into, and requires re extracting:

SuperLemmini 0.103b has been released to fix the problem that Tor was experiencing, as well as to update a few things:
  • Fixed the way that sibling files are loaded. Previously, SuperLemmini would incorrectly try to load such files from its root folder unless they were external levels or were in an LZP file; now, they're loaded from the correct folder.
  • Updated the IBXM and Apache Commons Lang libraries.
  • On macOS, the property "apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar" is now set instead of "". (I think this is supposed to prevent a warning from being triggered. In any case, Lemmini 0.87 did it, so I'm doing it too.)
(For those of you wondering: The levels that Tor was having problems loading were "oddtable" levels, which use terrain, object, and other data from another level file. For these levels, SuperLemmini was trying to load that other file from the game's root folder instead of where the "oddtable" level's file was located, but only for levels not loaded from LZP files or as external levels.)
Problem solved in the new version. I deleted the root.lzp, to force SuperLemmini, to re-extract the folders and root.lzp file, and all of the levels working correctly after extracting the levels files from the new root.lzp to the Levels directory.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 09:09:40 AM by Simon »
Windows 10 Enterprise 1909 (64-bit)
Java version 8 update 251 (64-bit)
SuperLemmini 0.104a
NeoLemmix Player V12.8.2