Cheapo Level competition

Started by Adam, March 11, 2005, 10:14:35 PM

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I'm extending it to this SUNDAY at 12:00 midnight GMT


Adding on to that please could people say now if they are definately entering the competition


I'm definitely entering. I've already submitted a level, but would it be OK for me to submit a revised version instead, or maybe even a completely different level? I'm not sure which of those I want to do if it's allowed, but I thought I'd ask.


I can't say for certain, but I should have time.


Michael, please feel free to re-submit a level.


OK, I'll think a bit more about which one I want to submit. If I do stick with the same one it will be in a revised version though.


If I have the time, I'll throw in a level. Have a link to the contest site?

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Quote from: Insane Steve  link=1110579275/15#21 date=1111191710If I have the time, I'll throw in a level. Have a link to the contest site?
Lemming Crazy.


Ok, my level is submitted. Enjoy.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Quote from: Insane Steve  link=1110579275/15#23 date=1111290942Ok, my level is submitted. Enjoy.
I'm sorry Steve but your entry has not arrived. So I cannot judge it. PM me the email address you sent it to.


I have the results for the first competition.

It is a tie between Ahribar and Shvegait.
Insane Steve came third.

Well done you two, a nice wollen tea-cosy will be winging it's way to you :P

The next competition is open. Please note thet Timed bombers are restricted to 3.
Levels must all be suitable for the rating "Tricky"
The following style files are allowed.

All the orig-xxxxx ones, the lemmus ones and any Sega one nothing else.

Cheers, Adam