Author Topic: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition  (Read 17834 times)

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Offline NaOH

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Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« on: April 03, 2014, 07:18:02 AM »
Some folks on IRC expressed interest in a long-term-ish forum game, so here I present to you: Lemmings Mafia.

The place is Lemmingville, which is probably somewhere near Lemming Island and definitely nowhere you'd like to live for very long. It's not a pleasant home; things here have a habit of blowing up in your face.

The majority of the grief is caused by your neighbours. Lemmings in general are uncouth, uncivilized, bungling drones. But these Lemmings in particular are a...



...downright discourteous bunch of rodents.

To make matters worse for you, the denizens of Lemmingville have been especially tense recently. Lemmings have been disappearing en masse, and there are rumours that there's a group of rogue lemmings out there who prey on those out late at night. Maybe it's actually weasels. Or maybe it's just your imagination (lemmings have a habit of getting themselves into trouble, after all). But you have a sneaking suspicion it's your next-door-neighbour who never seems to be at home. Regardless, whoever it is, they're gonna get their comeuppance. You'll make sure of it.

How to Play:
Welcome, resident lemming (or possibly lix or clam)! Some of you -- you're not sure who -- are members of a mischievous gang of rogue lemmings (and lixes and clams) who -- for ill-explained reasons -- are bent on ruining the lives of all the other inhabitants of Lemmingville.

Each night, the rogue lemmings arrange for the unfortunate demise of one poor lemming (or lix or clam). They do this by furtively discussing amongst each other (via PM) and then messaging me.

Then, In the morning, the residents awake to the tragic news and noisily argue (write posts) about who they think is responsible. Of course, the actual miscreants are in the crowd and surreptitiously voicing their opinions, too.

Each lemming (/lix/clam) can accuse up to one other resident of murder most foul. After somebody has been accused, anybody can support that accusation. (One can even support multiple accusations! One can support accusations and make their own accusations! Posting multiple times is allowed.)

After everyone has been heard from (clarification: made an accusation and/or supported accusations), or fails to post within the span of, say, a 48-hour grace period, the lemming (/etc.) voted the least popular is kicked off the island (or dropped in a bottomless pit or something) and night falls once more. Rinse and repeat until either all rogue lemmings (&co) are eliminated, or vice versa. In the event of a tie, depending on the number of players, there will either be a follow-up tiebreaker, or both of them are offed. Once somebody is voted off, I will reveal their role. (Edit: when somebody is slain by the rogue lemmings, their role is not revealed, but is assumed probably not to be rogue.)

How to Join:
Leave a post here and I will PM you with your role (determined randomly) when the game starts proper. Possible roles are:
Innocent Resident: The majority of residents are innocent to some degree; you'll want to avoid losing your head.
Rogue Lemming (or lix or clam): each night, you privately discuss amongst yourselves who's gonna get it, and PM me with your final decision.

--possible other roles, depending on how big this party gets--
Blocker: There is only one blocker. When night falls, the blocker may choose to save somebody. The blocker PMs me with their choice (edit: they can not protect themself, sorry for the confusion), and if they picked the same person the rogue lemmings (/etc.) picked, nobody dies tonight. The Blocker is also an innocent resident.
Miner: The miner always seems to be under your feet or behind that wall, listening in. Each night, the Miner chooses somebody to spy on (and PMs me with their choice), and they find out what role they have -- e.g. innocent or rogue or Blocker. The Miner is also an innocent resident. There might be more than one Miner.

You are definitely allowed to lie about what role you have. In fact, it's encouraged. You just can't support your claim with evidence. (Clarification: publicizing PMs is frowned upon.)

If you made it through this post alive and you'd like to play, please introduce yourself by leaving a post below!

It's too late to join this game, but there might be more later if this is popular. In the mean time, have some quick links:

Dawn of the First Day.
-->Summary of Accusations, preliminary.
-->Summary of Accusations, draft.
Clam's follow-up game.

Offline Simon

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2014, 07:33:43 AM »
Play! 8()

-- Simon

Offline RubiX

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2014, 04:18:06 PM »
Nice pics to go with the storyline.
Count Rub in  :thumbsup:

Offline geoo

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2014, 07:43:23 PM »
I'm in. Hope I'll get the occasional internet access during the next month so I won't delay the game (and if I do, you can just kill me :P).

Offline mobius

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2014, 08:17:01 PM »
I'll play.

I shoot Rubix.
Rubix dies.
I win  :thumbsup:

jk  :P
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
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"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Offline RubiX

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2014, 03:57:15 AM »
What a bloody bastard!   I dig, then throw the dirt at mobius

Offline Clam

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2014, 07:30:13 AM »

Offline Ramon

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2014, 11:53:22 PM »
Well well! I guess I'll be joining as well. Have played a few different renditions of this game a lot on other forums.  :scared:

Offline NaOH

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2014, 07:43:35 AM »
Night falls. Anxious about the recent disappearances, you lock your doors and turn off the lights. Tonight is going to be a long night.

It's a quiet darkness and, as you lay in bed idly contemplating your mortality, you hear only the calming wind, the distant
munching of clams, and the occasional "let's go" and "nan nan nan" as the night shift goes about their business. Before you know it, you're sound asleep.


You bolt awake, gasping. The wind has picked up and there's a shadow at your window.


On any other night you'd dismiss it as a tree hitting the glass. But you're not thinking rationally tonight; no, you have a strong survival instinct not becoming of a lemming.


Your mind and your heart race as you imagine what could be behind that sound. Is it a builder making surprise renovations to the exterior of your house, building a staircase up to your room? Will a lemming with a "5" hovering over his head throw up the sash and jump in through the window? Or perhaps it's a weasel clicking his jaws, or a lix practicing her with her bat.

You frantically hit the lights and rush to look outside. Your eyes adjust to the light to see... nothing. No bomber, no weasel, no batter. There's nothing out there. Just the cool night and her apathetic sky and his circling vulture clouds.

Turning off the lights again, you Climb back into bed and snuggle under the covers. It's not like there's
actually anything out to get you. Your last thought before you Float off to sleep is not about what's causing that breeze, nor even if you remembered to close the window. It's...

...Are you feeling lucky?

Hello again, innocent lemmings*! Welcome to Lemmingville. You're in for a delightfully short stay.

As of 0630 hours UTC today (i.e. 12:30 AM forum time, or 2 hours from now) right now, the game is considered officially begun. Please check your P.M. inboxes at your convenience to discover your randomly-assigned roles.

The Rogue Lemmings* will now have 48 hours to come to an agreement on who to, let's say, "make into clam chowder" overnight. In the same time period, the Blocker may PM me to pick somebody (other than themself) to protect, and the Miner may PM me with their request for somebody to scope out. If you're just an Innocent Lemming, well... sweet dreams. ;)

Morning will come either when the 48-hour period has elapsed or when all relevant players have PMed me. I will make a post announcing dawn. Good luck and good night. Most likely see you in the morning.

Evil laughter ensues.

*Read: lemmings, lixes, and/or clams

List of Players as of 2014-04-10

- Simon
- RubiX
- geoo
- möbius
- Clam
- Ramon

Offline NaOH

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Mafia -- Dawn #1
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2014, 04:51:17 AM »
Dawn arrives and with it the hope that you might just survive your stay in this creepy town.

It turns out, that eerie "tick tick tick" you heard last night was RubiX building a million-step staircase off the edge of a cliff. It seems he brought gear enough to do a lot of construction work, but completely forgot how to turn around. Maybe he forgot to pack some extra Walker skills?

It sure isn't like RubiX to forget something like that. Normally you'd ask him what was up but...

...Let's just say he's at a loss for words.

List of Players as of 2014-04-11

Still Kicking:

- Simon
- geoo
- möbius
- Clam
- Ramon


- RubiX


You may now discuss publicly (i.e. feel free to leave a post below). Once you feel like it, you may accuse up to one (living) player. You may support as many other accusations as you like.

Offline mobius

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2014, 04:59:04 PM »
well I guess I know who's going to get accused because of my earlier post.

I accuse OJ Simpson  Clam.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Offline Ramon

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2014, 06:03:42 PM »
Well well well! Looks like möbius is quick to point his finger, a little too quick for my tastes!

Offline geoo

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2014, 07:53:16 PM »
Ok, as I'm not sure how all of you guys are playing, I'm going to play conventional and not present myself as a miner and retreat that statement later, as I'm afraid that might just get me killed.

Instead, I'll just state who I really am and let's go from there. I'm an innocent lemming. The only objective evidence I have for that is that the description of rogue lemming states "lemmings, lixes, and/or clams", which does not include capybaras, so I can't be evil.

I presume the situation is that we have two rogue lemmings, two innocent lemmings, a blocker and a miner. So we have to make the correct choice every single time, otherwise the following day the rogue lemmings will have the majority and win (unless the blocker is lucky somehow, and then we might have a tie in votes -- how's that resolved btw?).

So if the miner has found out about a rogue lemming, I strongly advise to say so right now. Even if not, it might be worth doing so. As we have no exploders with spontaneous combustion, the miner is guaranteed to survive until the second day where he can provide more information as in the second night he can be saved by the blocker (unless that was RubiX, but he really seemed more of a builder to me).

Offline RubiX

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2014, 08:26:07 PM »
can the ghost of Rubix have any say

Offline mobius

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Re: Mafia -- Lemmings Edition
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2014, 10:06:12 PM »
so this is a game where nobody trusts what anybody says....  :evil:
my earlier accusation was stupid because I just randomly picked someone really. To be honest I have no idea how to play this game, but I would like to retract that accusation and make a different one.

First of all, I'm betting somebody decided to off Rubix, because of my earlier statement hoping I would take blame. I'm not going to pick Ramon, just because he said something, though I am suspicious of him..... I'm also not divulging who I am right away either, cause' it's seems rather pointless.

Now wait till I get going......
geoo's post seems sincere, and he's known to be a sincere, honest man so I can clearly not choose him. Yet, at the same time that makes the perfect facade for him to be a member of the rouge lemmings so I should clearly blame him.
On the other hand Ramon admitted playing this game on other forums, giving him more experience so I should clearly be wary of him, although it could've been a lie, to protect himself, therefore he deserves no suspicion what-so-ever.
So far, Clam and Simon have not said anything. Clam is from New Zealand, and I made a power point presentation on that country in the ninth grade, so I should clearly place the blame as far from him as possible.
Simon is the one who designed lix and is most-likely the one who had ability to take Rubix's walkers away/enabled him to build off into oblivion. He's also been studying in college for a while and in studying must have discovered that man is mortal and therefore I can clearly be suspicious of him in taking someone else's life before someone takes his own.

It's all clear to me now, you've given everything away! I know who the culprit is! It's.....
why, what in the world could that be!? *points finger in random direction*

but seriously, I think Simon had something to do with it.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain