
Started by Clam, May 07, 2011, 10:48:19 AM

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Welcome to Clam's level pack for Lix!

A full-game-sized pack of 100(ish) levels.

Current work-in-progress version (Zip)
View on GitHub

Feedback, records and backroutes welcome (the latter not so much! :lix-tongue:)

I'm regularly on the Lix IRC chat (largely timezone/weekend dependent):

See TameLix for even more levels!


Humane: Simple warm-up levels with abundant skills, and medium-difficulty puzzles.

Humane 1: All Filler, No Killer

Arcane: Hard puzzles, on par with the hardest from the original Lemmings games.

Arcane 1: Lord of the Rungs (also has 10 imploders - not pictured)

Insane: Super-hard puzzles to make you rip your hair out!

Insane 1: Made to (mis)measure (also has 3 imploders - not pictured)

Flingsane: Levels that use the flinging aspect of exploders, with a separate difficulty curve. (Levels in other ratings may allow flinging, but only these levels require it.)

Flingsane 1: BEHIND YOU

(original Flingsanity attached for posterity)


General Lix/L++ posts have been split into a separate thread.

Continuing the huge wave of Lix activity (what with the rabble topic and more late-night network games), I've been making levels too. :)  The attached .zip contains eight new SP levels. The first three use fling bombers again, and the other five levels use the new batter and cuber skills.

(edit: modified levels 3 and 8 )

(edit2: levels 2 and 4 are currently affected by glitches, hopefully these will be fixed soon. In the meantime, try to solve these without using glitches :))


Another 4 levels here. Three are remakes of my early Lemmix/Custlemm works, and one is completely new. Also, they are difficult: one level has been praised as "possibly the greatest level ever made", and another as "harder than writing the game itself". These statements may or may not be exaggerated somewhat (they're from Simon, I never can quite tell" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />)

EDIT: no downloads?" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" /> Anyway, added another set of 5 levels: 4 remakes and one new.


Well, I'm finally back.  If someone can point me to the latest Lix that I can download and install (email or PM me if needed), I'm happy to give your reputedly awesome levels a try." alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />

Simon" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">

There might be the occasional level that is currently unsolvable due to recent physics changes (fire and water trigger not only when they touch it with the foot, but right now also with the eye), but the vast majority of levels should do.

We are happily waiting for you in IRC. :)

-- Simon


The following are unsolvable due to the change Simon mentioned above:
- Redlined
- Turning the Screws
- From the Brink (not included in the above packs, but I shared it over the IRC).

I won't try to fix these until we reach a decision on whether the change is good or not, and thus choose to keep it or change it back. Though I like the change myself, it doesn't make sense for the lix to survive a laser beam through the head" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />


Fun levels!" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" /> I still have plenty yet to finish, attached are solutions/backroutes so far.

I have 2 quick rages so far wrt the current version of Lix for SP mode (it's possible they only reflect my ignorance of certain aspects of the program):

1) inability to find out how many lixes have already come out is annoying.  It's often useful to have the last lemming out of a crowd to do something, and if that something involves assigning a skill soon after it lands (eg. bomber timing), it's highly preferable to know w/o manual counting how many lixes are already out (and therefore how many more will enter, to better anticipate the entrance of that final lemming).

2) probably more the fault of the framework/libraries you're using, but in windowed mode under Windows, if I alt+tab to switch to some other program and then alt+tab back, keyboard input usually stops working (mouse input still fine though), requiring quiting the program and restart to fix.  And of course, w/o keyboard input, I'm not sure how to quit besides killing the program in Task Manager (the close button on the upper-right of the windows frame is disabled).


1) was casually suggested by geoo or Clam, but now I'll definitely put it in soon.

2) is very annoying, yeah, I'd love to remedy this sometime. In some cases, hitting Enter, Alt, or Tab again may work around the problem.

The exit button might actually start to work after the next few updates, we'll test when geoo compiles on Windows. Shift+ESC will always terminate from anywhere, bypassing also the data loss question of the editor.

-- Simon

Clam">Quote from: ccexplore on 2011-09-24 09:35:59
attached are solutions/backroutes so far.

Ahhhh" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" /> A couple of those are terrible, possibly fatal backroutes. Somehow or other these weren't picked up on by my beta testers (aka. IRC folk, who get sneak previews of my new levels" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />). But still, I'm glad you like them, and I'm impressed at how quickly you've worked out the new skills - are you sure you haven't played this before?" alt=";P" title="Wink-Tongue" class="smiley" />

Once the current wave of mechanics changes is over, I'll fix up my levels (as much as I can at least" alt=":-\" title="Undecided" class="smiley" />) and upload them all in one pack.

ccexplore">Quote from: Clam Spammer on 2011-09-25 00:16:37
Ahhhh" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" /> A couple of those are terrible, possibly fatal backroutes.

Sorry." alt=":evil:" title="Evil" class="smiley" /> Did that by chance include either the "possibly greatest level ever made" or the "harder than writing the game itself" level?" alt=":-\" title="Undecided" class="smiley" />">Quote from: Clam Spammer on 2011-09-25 00:16:37
and I'm impressed at how quickly you've worked out the new skills - are you sure you haven't played this before?" alt=";P" title="Wink-Tongue" class="smiley" />

Well, there's this game called "Lemmings 2", you might have heard of it?" alt=";P" title="Wink-Tongue" class="smiley" />

There was much talk of clubbers already even on the rabblebox here, so I have a pretty good guess what that's like even before ever seeing it.  The cuber is probably the most unique skills in Lix so far.

Anyway, 4 more solved.  Hopefully this time none are backroutes......

Clam">Quote from: ccexplore on 2011-09-25 04:35:58
Sorry." alt=":evil:" title="Evil" class="smiley" /> Did that by chance include either the "possibly greatest level ever made" or the "harder than writing the game itself" level?" alt=":-\" title="Undecided" class="smiley" />

Nope, those two are included in the last 4 you just posted" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />

Your replay for 'FALL AND DIE' fails for me, the lix digs into the rock creating an overhang so the climbers fall down. But anyway, it's clear you've found the trick to that level, and not backrouted it. 'Lix recycling plant' needs a little more tweaking, but otherwise those solutions are fine" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

Well, there's this game called "Lemmings 2", you might have heard of it?

Well I was mostly talking about the cuber, and how the lixes climb up through a cube as it's being made. This is a good mechanic for MP (otherwise you'd end up with lixes stuck in terrain all the time), but in SP it makes it very hard to make cuber-stacking puzzles without forcing the player to use this 'trick' (which looks glitchy in a way, and IMHO shouldn't be the main use for cubers). Hence, 'possibly fatal backroute'." alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />


I got busy and distracted from your Lix levels much of the past week, but I found some time to solve two more tonight (attached).  Pretty confident neither are backroutes.

This leaves "Run around the block" and "Called in the Wrong Squad" as the only two solvable levels left, unsurprisingly both are cuber levels. I think I have a pretty good sense on the former (well after all, the skills given really don't give you much options to consider); less sure about the latter at this point.

Mod Edit: Restored attachments.


If I have the time and desire, I might try and remake some of my really old Cheapo sets for this pack, perhaps re-writing some of them to make use of the new tasks and physics available in the game.

I'll also try and come up with some unique levels for this game, also -- the more levels that come with the game at release, the better.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


I've gathered up all my levels so far (minus the fatally-backrouted ones), fixed the ones that needed fixing since the physics changes, and built some new ones too. Here they are, 33 levels in all.

The following levels are new to the forum:
- A step two far?
- Builders without borders
- Builders without borders - insane
- Compression method infinity
- CubeOut
- From the Brink
- House of Horrors
- The turnaround compendium
Also renamed 'Freefall' to 'Skyline skydiving'.

Please put the levels in /levels/Clam; the filepath is stored in replays so this saves me having to fix all the replay files I get" alt=":XD:" title="XD" class="smiley" />

Simon">Quote from: Clam Spammer on 2011-10-20 02:44:22
Please put the levels in /levels/Clam; the filepath is stored in replays so this saves me having to fix all the replay files I get" alt=":XD:" title="XD" class="smiley" />

Hmm, I need a hash-based system. Any cheap programmers around which I can hire for 1 lunch? >_>

-- Simon