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Messages - -H0ru5-

#16">Quote from: Dullstar on 2009-06-02 17:06:34
I still can't figure out how the Tame 01 challenge is possible.  Anyone know how to do it?  I'd at least like proof that it can be done.

It's possible..." alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />
It's the easiest from that 20..." alt=";P" title="Wink-Tongue" class="smiley" />

@Clam Spammer
Actually I did 8 of them: 1, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18 and 19. I didn't want to send them yet because I'm on hot trail to solve more and having archievements like getting out in "Now you're stuck", 49 lems in "Finger? What the hell!" 46 lemmings in "Put it all on the line"... "The squares fight back!" seems to be solvable with time too... I'll continue it in the proper topic when I can say more" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />
I sent them, check your mails.
I'm not sure if there are no more leftover utilities or backroutes - that was just a skimming.
I liked the 5th level but don't know how could I save an extra lemming." alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />
4th was a pain because of the enlargemented steel areas but the main idea is interesting and hard to find despite its simple look.
EDIT: only 1 pixel above the steel piece? Nothing then, it's completely ethic..." alt=":-[" title="Embarrassed" class="smiley" />
#18">Quote from: Luis on 2009-06-01 13:49:24
Fleech what's those circles that is covering a small part of the level?

They are terrain pieces, and their function is to fill gaps, usually. Not the most decorative..." alt=":-\" title="Undecided" class="smiley" /> But maybe it's an autograph" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

Fleech: sorry, I feel I backrouted... some of them" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />
I'll send you some fresh replays when I can." alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" /> Would you give me your e-adress?
The name of the topic works for me. It wasn't easy but I get used to it - Custlemm was WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) and liked it for this feature very much. Of course I see now it's far better.

I'll have a try with the new packs, but currently making my pack (95% completed)... and playing Clam's tame challenges..." alt=":scared:" title="Scared" class="smiley" />
Reviews / Re: Lemmix Level Reviews
June 01, 2009, 05:31:41 PM
Unfortunately, I can't help writing critiques for obvious reasons" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />

But before you dig deeper into my levelpack (or to speed up events - question of point of view) you might check this attachment which contains reedited levels including:

Miniature part I-II-III
Gyps Isles
House Of The Lost Staircase
The Specialists

and review these instead the old ones.

I don't want to publish it on camanis, because "Fortress 13" is hopeless and removed until I rebuild it - instead there is a teaser from my incoming new pack called "Morning Coffee". Enjoy" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />
University ended for a while...
Checked this new levelpak and it's contains some suprisingly difficult puzzles despite the tons of backroutes on other levels. What remained are:
To Each His Own
The Brick
Two Sisters - however seemed to be easy
A Timeless Mastrpiece
Another Timeless Mastrpiece - saw it and skipped it :sick:
Three Good Reasons

It is possible the spelling is not intentional... the levelpacks are a bit messed up to look as if the author had to do it very quickly - I mean the obvious backroutes or the "0% to be saved" on level 9, but it's still worthy for download. The Journey Of Lem was the most interesting from those I solved because I felt I had followed the the authors imagination.
For a little challenge: try to solve "With A Little Help From" by letting go the lemming from left to the exit instantly. To be honest I couldn't figure out how he should help XD
General Discussion / Re: What are you listening to?
April 27, 2009, 11:56:25 AM
The Sisters Of Mercy - First And Last And Always - On The Wire cool

They are in Hungary today, and I'm going to see them live soon... can't wait :) thumpsup
Quote from: Clam Spammer on April 20, 2009, 12:22:50 AM

The Greek Fire trick does require perfect timing. Unfortunately, though, I haven't yet found another way to solve this one. (Although I think I might have just found something...)

(EDIT) OK, you're gonna love this. I just solved this in a completely different way and saved 10/15 - one more than required. Check your email :)

I sent you a reply mail. It contains my original solution for Greek fire, too... if it counts after a 66% :)

Edit: had some great effort today and 7/10 level is finished in my new pack. If I can keep this pace it will be published in days. :)
I just found your lost replays, Clam Spammer... congratulations, you backrouted 9/10 of the levels! XD

Some of them were already suspected, but in most cases it was shocking ;)


Give a helping brick! - this digger was rather a challenge than a backroute, but nice one if you ask me.

Miniature (part I) - i had no idea how to modify the map to have the bomber a good usage, but after this replay it is obvious.

Gyps Isles - This level is hopeless and the replay was fun to watch. Already noticed the right wall is not climbable... the concept would be setting a blocker to prevent the another climber to climb the steel wall five times... I linearized the side of the wall and then realized 3 minutes is too much (no need for the blocker) and 2 will be enough. However your technique for bashing upward was far better than mine and I see now how to do geoo's outdoor-style level...

Miniature (part II) - disgusting steel glitches... '^^ at least easy to fix.

Greek fire - I tried many times but a falling bomber which blasts a hole on the bottom seemed impossible to set. I can do nothing to prevent this backroute so I leave it for those who don't bother to solve it agressively and retry it many times. Same for level 8.

Miniature (part III) - ehhhh "^^

BLaCK  FRaME - It is working as it's intended. Some success at last.

The house of the lost staircase - The backroute is not incidental. I made a part II where only that solution works which is suggested in the title (to mine a zig-zag tunnel inside the bricks). It's just about fooling players to make them do the harder solution. I might rename it to something less enigmatic to make it more misleading.

The specialist - Did I mention how much I adore steel glitches? : D

Fortress 13 - If I publish the repaired version of it, I'm sure I'll find a new backroute in 10 minutes, although the core idea is pretty hard.

Here is the solution for "Edge of madness". Unfortunately the forum don't allow .lrb extensions to submit so I changed it to .gif :P
I'll check them when I have more time... I'm courious what the mean twist can be on such a simple-looking level like the 6th ^^

Are they very strict on timing? I'm sure time limit can make them difficult but it's not obvious from the screenshots...
Quote from: Clam Spammer on April 18, 2009, 10:39:59 PM
Which version of Custlemm are you using? From memory (and just confirmed by looking back through the posts on this forum) the two different versions of CustLemm (CustLemm/nocdlem and CustLem2/nocdlem2) have different splat heights. According to an old post I just read, the correct version for custom levels is CustLemm and not CustLem2.

Re. Edge of Madness: I just found a backroute on this level - which could be fixed by removing two pixels of terrain :sad:. It doesn't look too bad as a solution, I guess, so instead of changing the level, I might just leave it as is and upload a fixed version also. Could you explain to me how you solved it (by PM), or send me a replay?

That's the case, thank you. I thought if it is "2" then it's much better :)
Unfortunately this means I have to redesign the new Miniature-collection...

I'll send you a description soon. Afterall it seems this level is not so hard, so I suspect this was the backroute.
Can you tell me which Lemmings-games are capable of making replays? The Lemmix wrote about some kind of replays but I can't find such an option... sorry I know I asked it before but I didn't get a clear answer.
Progressing slowly with my new levelpack... unfortunately, I was testing them in Lemmix until I encountered a surprising problem. As far as I know, the maxfall should be 66 pixel, however when I tested it in Custlemm they died above 63... I didn't spot it before.
I tried the same on another level but that time both version had a maxfall-66. Maybe because that was an original level, and the first one was oh-no? Please tell me, which is the authoritative for level building?

For the sake of testing, I also retried Clam's Edge of madness and made the 100% :)
Challenges / Re: Oh No! More Challenges!
March 27, 2009, 04:59:28 PM
Quote from: Clam Spammer on March 25, 2009, 11:05:53 PM
QuoteI checked some of the levels above... but how Living on the edge could be done with 2 builders if there are 5 pits, far from each other?

I did say some of my challenges use glitches...

You'd have to ask someone who actually used it for details. All I know is that it changes the levels a bit to make them more like the Amiga version, which includes adding back the water objects that were removed for the DOS version.

Well, no serious level modifications, then... or not in this case with the taxing 12. But then how??? (Takes another glance on the level, the 2 builder, then hides under the bed)

Quote from: Clam Spammer on March 25, 2009, 11:05:53 PM
QuoteDragonslover: Tame levels don't have the possibility to modify them for challenges. They are way too simple.

I guess you haven't seen Mikepak13/14 then? Or did you mean to direct that comment at me? (In which case I still disagree ;))

I already knew them... but I wrote about challenges and in the case you defined above, Mikepak 13/14 are modifications XD

Quote from: Clam Spammer on March 25, 2009, 11:05:53 PM
100% ;) (well, presumably 100%. DragonsLover didn't specify, but it's certainly possible to save everyone)

I was sure in it ;)
Non-Lemmings Gaming / Re: Worms
March 27, 2009, 04:39:57 PM
I have an original boxed Worms Reinforcements which was never been opened... it requires original Worms to play :sick:

Worms is a good old game and it's a pity there aren't many normal games on net; only exhibitionist, dumb rope races... I'll never understand why these players defining classic matches boring and "just about plop". And why they converted a strategy into a skill-demanding game where every weapon is just the same instead of playing something "manufacturally" skill-demanding? Dunno... :Undecided:

But I challenge anyone in Worms who feels his need for a tournament :)