Lemmings Forums

NeoLemmix => Bugs & Suggestions => Closed => Topic started by: namida on June 04, 2019, 12:10:28 AM

Title: [SUG][CONTENT] Treat sound files as part of styles download.
Post by: namida on June 04, 2019, 12:10:28 AM
Currently, sound files are included with the main NeoLemmix download.

I'd like to propose they instead be included alongside the styles. The reasoning - the vast majority of times a new sound is introduced, it's to go with a custom style. Currently, the sound would have to be distributed separately, or else the style would have to wait for a NeoLemmix update to include the sound - and with the slow release schedule these days, this is very limiting.

Unless used-by-engine sounds are excluded from this, this does mean that the styles download would become necessary for NeoLemmix to work - but I believe that's already true due to the "default" style also being only in the styles download.

Perhaps longer-term, sound files associated with a specific style should be included in the style's folder rather than the general "sound" folder, but this would need modifications to NeoLemmix (or some very kludgy abuse of NeoLemmix's exact workigns) to acheive.
Title: Re: [SUG][CONTENT] Treat sound files as part of styles download.
Post by: Flopsy on June 06, 2019, 09:58:44 AM
I would be in support of this, I think custom sounds should be assigned to the style rather than the general NeoLemmix download.

Especially with the work I'm doing on my styles at the moment, there are a lot more new sound files being introduced.

It would probably require some sounds to be renamed too since they either have the pack name or the author name in the title of the sound file. It would probably be better suited with the name of the style tagged in the file name