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Off-Topic Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Prob Lem on April 26, 2014, 11:29:18 PM

Title: Atari landfill site excavated
Post by: Prob Lem on April 26, 2014, 11:29:18 PM
An achaeological dig of a distinctly modern sort took place today in Alamogordo, New Mexico, at the site where Atari buried a large amount of unsold inventory, including both hardware and software, on September 22nd 1983. For some reason, the story has come to be regarded as a bit of an urban myth over time, even though multiple newspapers covered the events as they happened, at the time (at the time of writing, this story is on AtariAge's front page, and they have links to a few of those old reports; Snopes.com also has a long-standing article on the subject).

Remarkably, cartridges, boxes, and other bits and pieces (apparently including the top of a joystick) have already been uncovered, with some, such as in the picture below (borrowed from IGN.com's Instagram account) looking to be in remarkable condition considering the fact that they were crushed with a steamroller and covered in concrete thirty years ago!

The irony is that these were all worthless due to Atari's troubles at the time they were buried, but are probably worth considerably more now due to the fame of the landfill story.

Myself, I'm kind of hoping that they sell off some of the finds from the site - I'd love to buy an authentic Alamogordo landfill E.T. cartridge, and get it nicely framed as a display piece! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Atari landfill site excavated
Post by: mobius on April 27, 2014, 01:45:18 AM
I never heard about this urban myth. Why in the....  ???  :XD:

I'll never understand Atari...
Title: Re: Atari landfill site excavated
Post by: Prob Lem on April 27, 2014, 11:08:31 AM
It was often cheaper to write off and dispose of dud inventory than to continue to pay to store it. ;) They were in major trouble at the time, and it was (as far as I can tell) a sensible decision so that they could make way for products with a better chance of selling.