Other Lemmings Projects > Levels for other engines

Good luck - You'll need it! :) - VERSION 4.


The Mole UK:
See attached!
- Two levels, Level 1 and Level 4.   Play Level 1 first.
- When I first designed Level 4, I was not aware that steel only has 32 pieces, so some parts can be dug through, but hopefully nothing that will help with playing the level in a way not designed.   I realised tonight there is a slightly easier way to play the level.  It is still rather tough though till you work it out...
- Think Level 2 and Level 3 will be new designs.
- LEVEL000.DAT in zip.  Works with CustLems for Windows or DOS.   It's in progress...  So, only has four level slots.  Will give an error after 4.   Sort that out later on....
- Have completed both, so they are doable!  Think will leave them like this...

The Mole UK:

--- Quote from: Proxima on July 12, 2023, 07:28:22 AM ---Did you upload the wrong file? This seems to be a zip containing a Lemmix player for the original Lemmings.

--- End quote ---


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