Author Topic: L2 Loader Freebie  (Read 1970 times)

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Offline GuyPerfect

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L2 Loader Freebie
« on: April 25, 2010, 06:19:33 AM »
I found a file I completely forgot about while I was tinkering with this here miniature laptop computer...

The Lemmings 2 distribution is unable to play any level other than the first in each Tribe for whatever boneheaded reason, so a trainer hack was written up by someone somewhere at sometime to get around this. The file is known as L2-FIX.COM.

Now, L2-FIX.COM has a stupid little message in it saying something to the effect of "Hi, I'm the hacker. Enjoy playing this game thanks to my efforts!" I might be paraphrasing, but I'm pretty sure that's what it said...

Since I needed to load, load, reload, load and run the game while I was hacking it back in the day, seeing that message every single time became tiresome, so I did something about it. I hacked L2-FIX.COM itself and removed the notice. The resulting file, which I called L2-GP.COM, immediately loads up Lemmings 2 when you run it.

It's really not much of a gem of any sort, but if you're like me and have DosBox set up to launch Lemmings 2 when it starts, having it go straight to the L2 title screen without any user interaction is very much along the lines of things I like to see.

L2-GP.COM is attached to this post. Free distribution, use at own risk, etc. etc.