NeoLemmix > NeoLemmix Styles

So, i made a festive version of the rock tileset......


There was a level in Holiday lemmings that used the rock tile set, so i decided to give that tileset, a festive touch
I changed and added
-Winter palettes to the rock, grass and wood pieces
-The snow pieces from the Christmas tileset
-Made Red Gem pieces
-Made a new trap door and Festive rock exit
-and last put in the Christmas objects
Download in the attachment below
please enjoy :thumbsup:

In Xmas 91-92, There four levels from Oh no more lemmings
they were brick levels
i want to make a Festive version of the Brick set but i dont what to change the pallet of the bricks to give a winter feel, (Aside from making Green brick witch i will do)
and of course add snow pieces
(Edit) But i did make an example look below, how does it look


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