Lemmings Boards > Tech & Research

Lemmings 2 graphics as PNG


Given some recent (and not so recent) requests for various L2 graphics, I thought it'd be good to have all of them in one place, and hopefully easy to find.
All of this is more than a decade old, but I'm not sure I've ever posted an archive of all the L2 graphics that I managed to extract, so here we go.

Tribe specific graphics:

* l2gfx: 16x8 pixel pieces that level maps are composed of (including palette in top row)
* l2tiles: Arrangements of the above into sensible terrain pieces
* l2obj: Object graphics and animation
* l2ss: Special tribe specific animations
Other graphics:

* vlemms: all lemmings graphics (using cavelem palette -- in the game, these are recolored according to tribe palette)
* intern: additional universal animations
* cutscenes: Graphics from various cutscenes
If there's interest, I can dig around some more and try to find some relevant code pieces that we used for extraction.


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