@Simon - It's definitely a fun research project with many interesting aspects
Blockers work on any level in L2Player currently. So I can tick that one off the list.
@Ste Woz Ere - It's a good one to maintain when it's relied on for timing. I've not fully investigated ice physics yet. But I will add it to my list.
I temporarily paused development on skills to implement state rewinding. I'm getting to a point where it would be very beneficial for debugging new skills as I add them. Anything to speed up the iteration loop.
It's looking promising so far. Binary serialisation is working as expected, with the state snapshots stored in a queue structure. Well, three queues. Seconds, tens of seconds and minutes. New snapshots are pushed into the seconds queue every second, then the snapshots are then popped/pushed automatically into the tens/minutes queues to consolidate and discard snapshots as necessary. This should hopefully simplify rewinding by either 1 second, 10 seconds or 1 minute at a time.