Author Topic: Members  (Read 12233 times)

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« on: February 13, 2005, 11:30:28 PM »
Im starting a new project using RealmCrafter. And calling it "Retraxian". Now Im looking for a team and I need to find as amny people as possible. So heres a run-down on the project.

(Frequently asked questions)

Q: What is Retraxian?

A: Retraxian is a RPG that is being planned right now, it will feature many things and well..... it will be a lot of fun!

Q: Is this 2-D or 3-D?

A: It is 3-D

Q:So whats it being coded in?

A: It will be coded in BASIC/sorta like Blitz3D.

Q: Awsome! Hey I was just thinking, will this be like Runescape?

A: Sorry but this and Runescape are differant things. Becasue this game will feature more!

Q: Then what will it feature?

A: Well since this game is in early development I won't say alot. Other than a few things. Well one thing, is that it will have better Graphics (thank god!). Another, you will not control the game with a stupid mouse, say hello to my little control pad . And the last thing I am going to say, is that you might be able to see the sky, this way you don't just look down on your character the whole time.

Q: Sounds awsome!!! But.... will it cost money?

A: And the answer to that is..... NO!!! But if you would like to become a member (they get a WHOLE lot more then a free person) you can pay for $7.00 a month.

Q: Thats 2 dollars more than Runescape is! How come!?

A: lol, this game is going to be better in alot of things then Runescape will be. Its only simple logic it would cost more.

Q: Ok this game keeps getting better and better sounding! So when is this project going to be starting?!

A: And the magical answer to that is....... I have no clue! It could be in a few months from now. Or maybe sometime near the end of the year.
Retraxian Studios is always looking for a helping hand. Here are the current open positions. If you are interested in a position, please give me an email at

Fullname: (Your full name *First and Last*)
Country: (USA, Canada, ect...)
Examples: (Some of your work)
Position: (What you want to do, Music Composer ect..)
Side notes: (Anything you'd like to say)

Music Composers - We are gonna need alot of these, You can ether make them in the "Midi" format or "ogg" format.

Texture Artist - Important in alot of ways, Objects dont look normal without texture!

3-D Character Modeler - Going to need alot of these people, this is the main key to the game!

Animators - Where would a game be without animation? Well were going to need people with that experiance here!

Terrian Modeler - Well Terrian is used to walk on, so its important!

Sky Modeler - Now, the sky is very important. Becasue where we look up at the sky, we want to see something nice and relaxing.

3-D Object Modeler - We need houses and alot more, well then this is for that kind of stuff.

Now as for pay, no one will begin getting there pay untill 1 month after the game starts. And depending on how much and hard you work will decide your first months pay.

More Jobs opening soon

So if your interested please check out our fourms:

But before that.

Current Team List

1 President
1 Vice Predident
1 3D Landscape and Object Modeler
1 Composer

Now as for the to the fourms:

Please join and have a great time!


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Re: Members
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2005, 03:37:30 PM »
1) What will Retraxian be about?
2) Your signature is way too big. Please size it.


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Re: Members
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2005, 07:49:33 PM »
Retraxian will be.... lets say set in the future! The game is going to be very very big but it shouldnt cause lag. But depending on the game size will determine have long it takes to fully load it.

Well we are still in the planning stage for Retraxian but there is a small bit of info I guess I could add too.

And that info is..... check my fourms. The link is included in the 1st post and they will tell you everything you wish to know.

*I got rid of my sig  ;)*

Offline Timballisto

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Re: Members
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2005, 11:32:58 PM »
I think maybe we should have it set in different places-there would be different worlds.  Each world would be different, thusly suiting everyone's tastes.

I also think that people in this game should be able to somehow obtain a position in which they can craft an empire.  This, I suspect, will be very hard.

I can design maps.  I can also make graphics (non 3-D).


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Re: Members
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2005, 11:38:03 AM »
Future, hm? I played Anarchie Online and I don't really like the future-theme.


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Re: Members
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2005, 11:20:59 PM »
Well right now me and my team our doing alot of idea delveloping... so It is in the stage where we are not 100% sure what the game will be themed to start at.

But were starting to get a pretty interesting idea  ;)


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Re: Members
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2005, 02:56:09 PM »
I very liked the idea of Lemmings-World. Different tribes (nah! Not the ones of Lemmings 2!) such as vikings or knights (okay, that would be medievial) and that stuff. And Lemmings! Okay Sony will PWN us because of possible copyrights, but if we give it away for free and hope for donations we might be able to call it a fan-game. ^^
Why lemmings you ask? Well, *blame on me* I wouldn't say lemmings is my favourite game, *ah! please don't hit me!* but I LOVE them as characters! :D


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Re: Members
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2005, 05:20:46 PM »
Well, King of all Games, you came to a Lemmings Board asking for support with your new game, so you can know what to expect!

Offline Timballisto

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Re: Members
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2005, 08:10:28 PM »
I just now realized that.


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Re: Members
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2005, 01:27:18 AM »

Anyone that wants to support Realm Crafter is welcome to stop by.

Offline Timballisto

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Re: Members
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2005, 02:49:54 AM »
I think King of all games unofficially left the forums a while ago.  Welcome to the board anyhow!