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Messages - The Lemmings Encyclopedia

Level Design / Re: new levelpack database
May 30, 2008, 06:35:32 AM
That's too bad.. do you think it comes back?
Level Design / Re: new levelpack database
May 29, 2008, 10:57:51 AM
@Mindless: What happened to, it gives an error now for a few days.
Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings Revolution
April 11, 2008, 08:12:17 AM
out-of-the-box: install the game and do not apply the patch just yet. Now go to the installationfolder (probably C:\Program files\Take2Games\Lemmings Revolution) and copy the "Lemmings revolution.exe" file.
Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings Revolution
April 10, 2008, 06:51:33 PM
PS I checked my version of Lemmings Revolution, it turns out my CD has v1.01 out of the box. So only thing we need to find out, is the version you have. Could you upload your "out-of-the-box" Lemmings Revolution.exe  and the 2004-dated-patch?
Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings Revolution
April 10, 2008, 01:00:00 PM
Np. I have lot's of time.
Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings Revolution
April 10, 2008, 12:36:22 PM
Quote from: BBP on April 10, 2008, 11:51:50 AM
That one dates back to 2000... it may not work. If you'd like me to mail you the 2004 patch or upload it, let me know.

That would be cool. Btw, could you try if my given patch works and also keeps those other levels playable?
Help & Guides / Re: Lemmings Revolution
April 10, 2008, 06:24:43 AM
And this new bug the patch introduces, lower falheight, is that confirmed? Since I haven't started the game yet and intend to do it with the patch installed at the beginning.
Site Discussion / Re: Forum Banner
April 09, 2008, 06:06:53 PM
You should make the color for "Lemmings Forums" stand out more, it's hard to see when it's over the grass.
Something you might like to hear: the downloads of levelpacks will be integrated in my new lemmings site. Mindless has given me permission and options to do this.

O, and I might even make solutionscreenshots for the levelpacks that are uploaded ;).
Well, I watched the replay and tried your solution siergiej, both are very nice. I think I'm gonna include the one from siergiej in my website. Thanx!
How do I watch that?
Does someone know how to finish the level "Oh No! Squish." from The Official Lemmings Companion?

What I've tried:

- Dig and bash just before every squisher, no luck you can't bash away enough.
- Dig down and bash to the right, stop the basher with a builder and let the first lemming that walks out, dig after the large gap in the stone. You have to do this twice but I can't get the timing correct the second time.
- Like the second one, but try to delay the lemmings by making a lemming a digger and rightbasher near the entrance when you are starting with the second corridor.
Yeah, I noticed, this is what I'm gonna do:

Make the solutions with the PrtScn and take the bars from CTRL+F5 (The levelcolors are wrong with CTRL+F5).
Well. I played with the high performance setting and now I understand what you are saying, every level has it's own color palette for the skill bar.

I'm gonna take these bars, might give the site something funny. If it looks really weird, I only have to replay the covox levels :).

Edit: I tried making a CTRL+F5 screenshot, wow those bars now look completely different. Is this a bug in DOSBox?